0 Table of Contents |
1 Home |
2 Changes |
3 Artifacts Summary |
3.1 Search by RelatedPerson Active Status |
3.2 Search by RelatedPerson Address |
3.3 Search by RelatedPerson Address City |
3.4 Search by RelatedPerson Address Country |
3.5 Search by RelatedPerson Address Postal Code |
3.6 Search by RelatedPerson Address State |
3.7 Search by RelatedPerson Birthdate |
3.8 Search by RelatedPerson Family Name |
3.9 Search by RelatedPerson Gender |
3.10 Search by RelatedPerson Given Name |
3.11 Search by RelatedPerson Identifier |
3.12 Search by RelatedPerson Name |
3.13 Search by RelatedPerson Patient Reference |
3.14 Search condition endpoint by patient identifier id |
3.15 Search in AllergyIntolerance endpoint basing on AllergyIntolerance lastUpdated attribute |
3.16 Search in AllergyIntolerance endpoint basing on AllergyIntolerance uuid attribute |
3.17 Search in Encounter endpoint basing on Encounter location address-country attribute |
3.18 Search in Encounter endpoint basing on Encounter lastUpdated attribute |
3.19 Search in Encounter endpoint basing on Encounter location address-city attribute |
3.20 Search in Encounter endpoint basing on Encounter location address-postalcode attribute |
3.21 Search in Encounter endpoint basing on Encounter location address-state attribute |
3.22 Search in Encounter endpoint basing on Encounter uuid attribute |
3.23 Search in group endpoint using Managing entity Reference |
3.24 Search in Location endpoint basing on location address-city attribute |
3.25 Search in Location endpoint basing on location address-country attribute |
3.26 Search in Location endpoint basing on location address-postalcode attribute |
3.27 Search in Location endpoint basing on location address-state attribute |
3.28 Search in Location endpoint basing on location lastUpdated attribute |
3.29 Search in Location endpoint basing on location name attribute |
3.30 Search in Location endpoint basing on location partof attribute |
3.31 Search in Location endpoint basing on location partof reference location name attribute |
3.32 Search in Location endpoint basing on location tag attribute |
3.33 Search in Location endpoint basing on location uuid attribute |
3.34 Search in MedicationRequest endpoint basing on MedicationRequest lastUpdated attribute |
3.35 Search in MedicationRequest endpoint basing on MedicationRequest uuid attribute |
3.36 Search in Practitioner endpoint basing on Practitioner lastUpdated attribute |
3.37 Search in Practitioner endpoint basing on Practitioner uuid attribute |
3.38 Search in Practitioner endpoint basing on Practitioner's address-city attribute |
3.39 Search in Practitioner endpoint basing on Practitioner's address-country attribute |
3.40 Search in Practitioner endpoint basing on Practitioner's address-postalcode attribute |
3.41 Search in Practitioner endpoint basing on Practitioner's address-state attribute |
3.42 Search in Task endpoint basing on Task lastUpdated attribute |
3.43 Search in Task endpoint basing on Task uuid attribute |
3.44 Search serviceRequest endpoint by patient identifier id |
3.45 Search through AllergyIntolerance endpoint by a given patient |
3.46 Search through AllergyIntolerance endpoint by a given patient |
3.47 Search through AllergyIntolerance endpoint by subject family |
3.48 Search through AllergyIntolerance endpoint by subject given |
3.49 Search through AllergyIntolerance endpoint by subject identifier |
3.50 Search through AllergyIntolerance endpoint by subject name |
3.51 Search through AllergyIntolerance endpoint by subject uuid |
3.52 Search through AllergyIntolerance endpoint by the category |
3.53 Search through AllergyIntolerance endpoint by the clinical-status |
3.54 Search through AllergyIntolerance endpoint by the manifestation |
3.55 Search through AllergyIntolerance endpoint by the patient's family name |
3.56 Search through AllergyIntolerance endpoint by the patient's full or partial name |
3.57 Search through AllergyIntolerance endpoint by the patient's given name |
3.58 Search through AllergyIntolerance endpoint by the severity |
3.59 Search through an observation group in the Obervation EndPoint that contains a given observation |
3.60 Search through condition endpoint by concept code |
3.61 Search through condition endpoint by Condition clinical onset age |
3.62 Search through condition endpoint by Condition clinical onset date |
3.63 Search through condition endpoint by Condition clinical status |
3.64 Search through condition endpoint by date when the record was created |
3.65 Search through condition endpoint by encounter uuid |
3.66 Search through condition endpoint by Occurrence when service should occurance |
3.67 Search through condition endpoint by patient uuid |
3.68 Search through condition endpoint by Practitioner family |
3.69 Search through condition endpoint by Practitioner given |
3.70 Search through condition endpoint by Practitioner identifier |
3.71 Search through condition endpoint by Practitioner name |
3.72 Search through condition endpoint by Practitioner uuid |
3.73 Search through condition endpoint by service lastUpdated field |
3.74 Search through condition endpoint by service Uuid |
3.75 Search through condition endpoint by subject given |
3.76 Search through condition endpoint by subject identifier |
3.77 Search through condition endpoint by subject name |
3.78 Search through condition endpoint by subject uuid |
3.79 Search through condition endpoint by the patient's family name |
3.80 Search through condition endpoint by the patient's full or partial name |
3.81 Search through condtion endpoint by subject family |
3.82 Search through condtion endpoint by the patient's given name |
3.83 Search through Encounter endpoint based on location reference |
3.84 Search through Encounter endpoint by a given patient |
3.85 Search through Encounter endpoint by a given patient |
3.86 Search through Encounter endpoint by a given Practitioner |
3.87 Search through Encounter endpoint by a given Practitioner |
3.88 Search through Encounter endpoint by encounter type |
3.89 Search through Encounter endpoint by subject family |
3.90 Search through Encounter endpoint by subject given |
3.91 Search through Encounter endpoint by subject identifier |
3.92 Search through Encounter endpoint by subject name |
3.93 Search through Encounter endpoint by subject uuid |
3.94 Search through Encounter endpoint by the date when the encounter was created |
3.95 Search through Encounter endpoint by the patient's family name |
3.96 Search through Encounter endpoint by the patient's full or partial name |
3.97 Search through Encounter endpoint by the patient's given name |
3.98 Search through Encounter endpoint by the Practitioner's family name |
3.99 Search through Encounter endpoint by the Practitioner's full or partial name |
3.100 Search through Encounter endpoint by the Practitioner's given name |
3.101 Search through FhirTask endpoint by FhirTask status in the current state |
3.102 Search through FhirTask endpoint by the Organization Reference uuid |
3.103 Search through FhirTask endpoint by the ServiceRequest Reference uuid |
3.104 Search through MedicationRequest endpoint based on medication reference |
3.105 Search through MedicationRequest endpoint by a given patient |
3.106 Search through MedicationRequest endpoint by a given patient |
3.107 Search through MedicationRequest endpoint by a given Practitioner |
3.108 Search through MedicationRequest endpoint by a given Practitioner |
3.109 Search through MedicationRequest endpoint by subject family |
3.110 Search through MedicationRequest endpoint by subject given |
3.111 Search through MedicationRequest endpoint by subject identifier |
3.112 Search through MedicationRequest endpoint by subject name |
3.113 Search through MedicationRequest endpoint by subject uuid |
3.114 Search through MedicationRequest endpoint by the patient's family name |
3.115 Search through MedicationRequest endpoint by the patient's full or partial name |
3.116 Search through MedicationRequest endpoint by the patient's given name |
3.117 Search through MedicationRequest endpoint by the Practitioner's family name |
3.118 Search through MedicationRequest endpoint by the Practitioner's full or partial name |
3.119 Search through MedicationRequest endpoint by the Practitioner's given name |
3.120 Search through observation endpoint by a given patient |
3.121 Search through observation endpoint by a given patient |
3.122 Search through observation endpoint by category |
3.123 Search through observation endpoint by concept code |
3.124 Search through observation endpoint by date |
3.125 Search through observation endpoint by encounter |
3.126 Search through observation endpoint by subject family |
3.127 Search through observation endpoint by subject given |
3.128 Search through observation endpoint by subject identifier |
3.129 Search through observation endpoint by subject name |
3.130 Search through observation endpoint by subject uuid |
3.131 Search through observation endpoint by the patient's family name |
3.132 Search through observation endpoint by the patient's full or partial name |
3.133 Search through observation endpoint by the patient's given name |
3.134 Search through patient endpoint basing on dateCreated or dateUpdated field of the patient record |
3.135 Search through patient endpoint by the patient's birthdate attribute |
3.136 Search through patient endpoint by the patient's death-date attribute |
3.137 Search through patient endpoint by the patient's full or partial name |
3.138 Search through patient endpoint by the patient's gender attribute |
3.139 Search through patient endpoint by the patient's location city |
3.140 Search through patient endpoint by the patient's location country |
3.141 Search through patient endpoint by the patient's location postal code |
3.142 Search through patient endpoint by the patient's location state |
3.143 Search through patient endpoint by the patient's uuid |
3.144 Search through patient endpoint checking for those that passed on or still alive |
3.145 Search through person endpoint basing on dateCreated or dateUpdated field of the person record |
3.146 Search through person endpoint by the person's birthdate attribute |
3.147 Search through person endpoint by the person's full or partial name |
3.148 Search through person endpoint by the person's gender attribute |
3.149 Search through person endpoint by the person's location city |
3.150 Search through person endpoint by the person's location country |
3.151 Search through person endpoint by the person's location postal code |
3.152 Search through person endpoint by the person's location state |
3.153 Search through person endpoint by the person's uuid |
3.154 Search through Practitioner endpoint by a given Practitioner |
3.155 Search through Practitioner endpoint by the Practitioner's family name |
3.156 Search through Practitioner endpoint by the Practitioner's full or partial name |
3.157 Search through Practitioner endpoint by the Practitioner's given name |
3.158 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by concept code |
3.159 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by encounter uuid |
3.160 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by Occurrence when service should occurance |
3.161 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by patient uuid |
3.162 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by Practitioner family |
3.163 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by Practitioner given |
3.164 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by Practitioner identifier |
3.165 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by Practitioner name |
3.166 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by Practitioner uuid |
3.167 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by service lastUpdated field |
3.168 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by service Uuid |
3.169 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by subject family |
3.170 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by subject given |
3.171 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by subject identifier |
3.172 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by subject name |
3.173 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by subject uuid |
3.174 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by the patient's family name |
3.175 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by the patient's full or partial name |
3.176 Search through serviceRequest endpoint by the patient's given name |
3.177 Searches based on the exact UUID of the person record |
3.178 Searches based on the the dateCreated field for the observation record |
3.179 Searches for an observation group that contains an observation with the provided code |
3.180 Searches for an observation whose value is a concept that matches the provided concept code |
3.181 Searches for an observation whose value is a date by the specified date range. |
3.182 OMRS Group |
3.183 OMRS Medication |
3.184 OMRS Medication Dispense |
3.185 OpenMRS AllergyIntolerance |
3.186 OpenMRS condition |
3.187 OpenMRS Diagnostic Report |
3.188 Openmrs Encounter |
3.189 OpenMRS Immunization |
3.190 OpenMRS Location |
3.191 OpenMRS Medication Request |
3.192 OpenMRS Observation |
3.193 OpenMRS Patient |
3.194 OpenMRS Person |
3.195 Openmrs Practitioner |
3.196 OpenMRS Related Person |
3.197 OpenMRS Service Request |
3.198 OpenMRS Task |
3.199 OMRS Address |
3.200 OpenMRS Location Contact Point |
3.201 OpenMRS Patient Identifier |
3.202 Group descriptive extension |
3.203 OpenMRS Patient Identifier Location |
3.204 OpenMRS Order Code |
3.205 Encounter Type Code System |
3.206 Example of RelatedPerson |
3.207 Location Example |
3.208 OpenMRS Allergy Intolerance Example |
3.209 OpenMRS Condition Resource Example |
3.210 Openmrs DiagnosticReport |
3.211 OpenMRS Encounter Resource Example |
3.212 OpenMRS Group Example |
3.213 OpenMRS Immunization Example |
3.214 OpenMRS Medication Dispense Example |
3.215 OpenMRS Medication Example |
3.216 OpenMRS Medication Request Example |
3.217 OpenMRS Observation Example |
3.218 OpenMRS Patient Example |
3.219 OpenMRS Person Example |
3.220 OpenMRS Practitioner Example |
3.221 OpenMRS ServiceRequest Example |
3.222 OpenMRS Task |
3.223 Organization example |