library GoalAttainmentLogic version '0.1.0'
using FHIR version '4.0.1'
include FHIRHelpers version '4.4.000' called FHIRHelpers
include PCOCommon version '0.1.0' called PC
codesystem "LOINC": ''
// codesystem "PCO GAS Codes": ''
valueset "PCO Categories": ''
valueset "Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) Score": ''
valueset "Follow-Up GAS Score Answers": ''
valueset "PROM Target Measures": ''
code "Goal attainment scale": '68489' from "LOINC" display 'Goal attainment scale'
code "Practitioner follow-up goal attainment scaling score": '68490' from "LOINC" display 'Practitioner follow-up goal attainment scaling score'
code "Patient follow-up goal attainment scaling score": '68491' from "LOINC" display 'Patient follow-up goal attainment scaling score'
code "Caregiver follow-up goal attainment scaling score": '68492' from "LOINC" display 'Caregiver follow-up goal attainment scaling score'
parameter "Measurement Period" Interval<DateTime>
default Interval[@2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z, @2024-12-31T23:59:59.999Z]
parameter "Follow-Up Interval" Interval<System.Quantity>
default Interval[2 weeks, 26 weeks]
context Patient
// For debugging
define GoalSummary:
[Goal] goal
return {
dueDate: goal.dueDate(),
pcoCategories: goal.category in "PCO Categories",
hasGAS: goal.hasGAS(),
hasPROM: goal.hasPROM(),
carePlans: goal.carePlans()
// For debugging
define CarPlanSummary:
[CarePlan] carePlan
return {
pcoGoals: carePlan.pcoGoals()
// All FHIR Goals for this patient. Useful while debugging to verify subset matched by "PCO Goals".
define "All Goals":
[Goal] goal
A "PCO Goal" is any FHIR Goal that has a category in "PCO Categories"
and has a start date.
TODO: or a Goal that addresses a What Matters observation.
define "PCO Goals":
[Goal] goal
where goal.category in "PCO Categories"
and (goal.start as is not null
// A "GAS Goal" is any PCO Goal that includes GAS extensions
define "GAS Goals":
"PCO Goals" goal
where goal.hasGAS()
// All FHIR CarePlan resources for this patient. Useful for verifying subset matched by "PCO Care Plans".
define "All Care Plans":
[CarePlan] carePlan
// A "PCO CarePlan" is any FHIR CarePlan that includes a PCO Goal
define "PCO Care Plans":
[CarePlan] carePlan
where exists carePlan.pcoGoals()
@description: Returns a list of Goals with goal attainment scaling (GAS) extensions and an associated CarePlan.
define "PCO Goals with GAS and Action Plan":
"GAS Goals" goal
where exists goal.carePlans()
// Observations containing a PROM score.
define "PROM Scores":
[Observation: "PROM Target Measures"]
// Observations containing a GAS score.
define "GAS Scores":
[Observation: "Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) Score"]
// Returns a collection of Observations with a patient's GAS scores.
define "GAS Patient Scores":
"GAS Scores" obs
where obs.code = "Patient follow-up goal attainment scaling score"
// where exists obs.performer.resolvePatients()
// Returns a collection of Observations with a practitioner's GAS scores.
define "GAS Practitioner Scores":
"GAS Scores" obs
where obs.code = "Practitioner follow-up goal attainment scaling score"
// where exists obs.performer.resolvePractitioners()
// Returns a collection of Observations with a caregiver's GAS scores.
define "GAS Caregiver Scores":
"GAS Scores" obs
where obs.code = "Caregiver follow-up goal attainment scaling score"
// where exists obs.performer.resolveRelatedPersons()
define fluent function hasGAS(goal Goal):
exists goal.extensions('')
or exists ( target
where target.measure = "Goal attainment scale"
or exists goal.gasScores()
/// Returns true if this Goal has a PROM code in its target.measure
define fluent function hasPROM(goal Goal):
exists ( target
where target.measure in "PROM Target Measures"
// Returns a list of Observation including both GAS and PROM scores
define fluent function pcoScores(goal Goal):
union goal.promScores()
// Returns a list of Observation including only GAS scores
define fluent function gasScores(goal Goal):
"GAS Scores" score
where score.focusGoals() contains goal
// Returns a list of Observation including only PROM scores
define fluent function promScores(goal Goal):
"PROM Scores" score
where score.focusGoals() contains goal
// Returns a list of PCO Goals that are included in this CarePlan.
define fluent function pcoGoals(carePlan CarePlan):
flatten( carePlan.goal goalRef
return [Goal] goal
where = goalRef.reference.getId()
and "PCO Goals" contains goal
// Returns a list of Goal where focus includes the given Observation.
define fluent function focusGoals(obs Observation):
// PCO Goals whose startDate falls within the Measurement Period
define "PCO Goals During Measurement Period":
"PCO Goals" goal
where (ToDateTime(goal.start as during "Measurement Period")
and (goal.hasGAS() or goal.hasPROM())
and exists goal.carePlans()
Baseline Scares are PCO score observations taken during the Measurement Period,
but before the follow-up period for its Goal. Default follow-up period is
2 weeks to 6 months following the goal startDate.
define "Baseline Scores Before Follow-Up Period":
flatten( "PCO Goals During Measurement Period" goal
let pcoScores: goal.pcoScores()
return pcoScores score
let scoreDate: score.effective as FHIR.dateTime
where (scoreDate during "Measurement Period")
and (scoreDate before start of "Follow-Up Interval For"(goal))
Follow-Up Scares are PCO score observations taken during the Measurement Period,
and during the follow-up period for its Goal. Default follow-up period is
2 weeks to 6 months following the goal startDate.
define "Follow-Up Scores During Measurement Period":
flatten( "PCO Goals During Measurement Period" goal
let pcoScores: goal.pcoScores()
return pcoScores score
let scoreDate: score.effective as FHIR.dateTime
where scoreDate during "Measurement Period"
and scoreDate during "Follow-Up Interval For"(goal)
Computes the follow-up interval for a Goal based on this measure's "Follow-Up Interval" parameter.
@return Interval<DateTime>
define function "Follow-Up Interval For" (goal Goal):
goal goal
let startDate: ToDateTime(goal.start as
return Interval(startDate + start of "Follow-Up Interval", startDate + end of "Follow-Up Interval")