DK MedCom Terminology
1.7.0 - release
DK MedCom Terminology, published by MedCom. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.7.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.
These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.
MedCom Observation ValueSet |
Valuesets for Observation defined by MedCom |
MedComAcknowledgementIssueDetailValues |
ValueSet including detailed issues describtions. |
MedComCareCommunicationCategoryCodes |
ValueSet containing category codes for care communication messages |
MedComCareCommunicationMessageActivityCodes |
ValueSet containg activity codes for care communication messages |
MedComCareCommunicationRequestPriorityCodes |
ValueSet containg priority codes for care communication messages |
MedComCoreAttachmentMimeTypes |
ValueSet containing allowed mime types for MedCom messages |
MedComCoreDiagnosticReportStatus |
ValueSet containing status codes for MedCom DiagnosticReport |
MedComCoreEncounterClassCodes |
ValueSet containing classification codes for MedComCoreEncounter. |
MedComCoreInterpretationValueset |
Valueset with code for interpretation of an observation |
MedComCoreObservationStatus |
ValueSet containing status codes for MedCom Core Observation |
MedComCorePractitionerRoles |
ValueSet containing codes for practionerroles (Danish: Stillingsbetegnelser) from MedCom |
MedComDiagnosticReportCodesValueset |
ValueSet with codes that represents the name of the diagnostic report. |
MedComHomeCareObservationMessageActivityCodes |
ValueSet containg activity codes for HomeCareObservation messages |
MedComHospitalNotificationEncounterClassCodes |
ValueSet containg class codes for hospital notification encounter |
MedComHospitalNotificationEncounterStatusCodes |
ValueSet containing status codes for hospital notification encounter |
MedComHospitalNotificationMessageActivityCodes |
ValueSet containg activity codes for hospital notification messages |
MedComMessageDefinitionTypeValueset |
MedComMessageDefinitionTypeVS for the messaging infrastructure |
MedComMessagingActivityCodes |
ValueSet containing codes for activities occuring in MedCom messages |
MedComMessagingMessageTypes |
All message types of MedCom messages |
MedComMessagingSorEdiValues |
Values for SOREDI message types |
MedComObservationResultGroupValueSet |
National response groups for observation results. |
MedComProducentIDValueSet |
ProducentID |
MessageDefinitionIdentifierSystemValueset |
MessageDefinitionIdentifierSystemVS for the messaging infrastructure |
NPUObservationCodesValueSet |
ValuseSet with NPU observations Codes |
UseContextCodeSystemValueset |
UseContextCodeSystemVS for the messaging infrastructure |
These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.
MedCom Observation Result Group |
The observation result group are intende to be used to sort the individual analyzes. |
MedComAcknowledgementErrorCodes |
CodeSystem including detailed error codes describtions. |
MedComCareCommunicationCategories |
Category codes for care communication messages |
MedComCoreEncounterActCodes |
CodeSystem with code for classification of an encounter. |
MedComCoreInterpretationCodes |
CodeSystem with code for interpretation of an observation |
MedComCorePractitionerRolesAutorisationsregistret |
CodeSystem containing codes for practionerroles (Danish:Stillingsbetegnelser) from autorisationsregistret |
MedComCorePractitionerRolesSKSadministrativ |
CodeSystem containing codes for practionerroles (Danish:Stillingsbetegnelser) from SKS Administrativt-Personaleklassifikation |
MedComDiagnosticReportCodes |
Codes that represents the name of the diagnostic report |
MedComMessageDefinitionTypeCodeSystem |
MedComMessageDefinitionTypeCS for the messaging infrastructure |
MedComMessagingActivityCodes |
CodeSystem containing codes for activities occuring in MedCom messages |
MedComMessagingCancellationReason |
CodeSystem including text that describes the reason for cancelling a message. |
MedComMessagingDestinationUse |
Codes indicatin whether the use of a destination in a MedCom message header is as a primary or a carbon copy recipient of the message |
MedComMessagingEventCodes |
CodeSystem including all types of MedCom messages |
MedComMessagingSorEdiCodeSystem |
Codes for SOREDI message types |
MedComMessagingStatisticalCodes |
Statistical Codes for MedCom VANS messages |
MedComProducentID |
ProducentD that describes who performed the observation |
MessageDefinitionIdentifierSystemCodeSystem |
MessageDefinitionIdentifierSystemCS for the messaging infrastructure |
These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.
MedComMessagingMapFhirToSorEdi |
ConceptMap between MedComs FHIR message names and SOREDI message names |