DK MedCom Condition List
1.0.0 - release

DK MedCom Condition List, published by MedCom. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 3 Examples
... 4 Extensions
... 5 Profiles
... 6 Artifacts Summary
.... 6.1 MedComConditionListBundle
.... 6.2 MedComConditionListComposition
.... 6.3 MedComConditionListCondition
.... 6.4 MedComConditionListDocumentReference
.... 6.5 MedComConditionListOrganization
.... 6.6 Bundle instance - 1st ConditionList
.... 6.7 Bundle instance - 2nd ConditionList
.... 6.8 Bundle instance - 3rd ConditionList
.... 6.9 Bundle instance - 4th ConditionList
.... 6.10 Bundle instance - 5th ConditionList
.... 6.11 Bundle instance - 6th ConditionList
.... 6.12 Bundle instance - 7th ConditionList
.... 6.13 Composition instance - 1st ConditionList
.... 6.14 Composition instance - 2nd ConditionList
.... 6.15 Composition instance - 3rd ConditionList
.... 6.16 Composition instance - 4th ConditionList
.... 6.17 Composition instance - 5th ConditionList
.... 6.18 Composition instance - 6th ConditionList
.... 6.19 Composition instance - 7th ConditionList
.... 6.20 Condition instance - 1st ConditionList
.... 6.21 Condition instance - 1st ConditionList
.... 6.22 Condition instance - 1st ConditionList
.... 6.23 Condition instance - 2nd ConditionList
.... 6.24 Condition instance - 3rd ConditionList
.... 6.25 Condition instance - 4th ConditionList
.... 6.26 Condition instance - 5th ConditionList
.... 6.27 Condition instance - 6th ConditionList
.... 6.28 Condition instance - 7th ConditionList
.... 6.29 DocumentReference instance
.... 6.30 Organization instance - 1st ConditionList
.... 6.31 Organization instance - 2nd ConditionList
.... 6.32 Organization instance - 3rd ConditionList
.... 6.33 Organization instance - 4th ConditionList
.... 6.34 Organization instance - 5th ConditionList
.... 6.35 Organization instance - 6th ConditionList
.... 6.36 Organization instance - 7th ConditionList
.... 6.37 Patient instance - 1st ConditionList
.... 6.38 Patient instance - 2nd ConditionList
.... 6.39 Patient instance - 3rd ConditionList
.... 6.40 Patient instance - 4th ConditionList
.... 6.41 Patient instance - 5th ConditionList
.... 6.42 Patient instance - 6th ConditionList
.... 6.43 Patient instance - 7th ConditionList
.... 6.44 Practitioner instance - 1st ConditionList