LabOrderSpecimen |
Specimen | Entity. Role, or Act, Role[classCode=SPEC] |
text | Act.text? |
contained | N/A |
extension | N/A |
modifierExtension | N/A |
identifier | .id |
identifier (USID) | .id |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
use | Role.code or implied by context |
type | Role.code or implied by context |
system | II.root or |
value | II.extension or II.root if system indicates OID or GUID (Or or root) |
period | Role.effectiveTime or implied by context |
assigner | II.assigningAuthorityName but note that this is an improper use by the definition of the field. Also Role.scoper |
accessionIdentifier | .participation[typeCode=SBJ].act[classCode=ACSN, moodCode=EVN].id |
status | status |
type | .code |
subject | .scoper or .scoper.playsRole |
receivedTime | .participation[typeCode=SBJ].act[code=SPCREC, moodCode=EVN].effectiveTime |
parent | .scoper (if parent) .player.scopesRole[classCode=SPEC].player (if child) |
request | outboundRelationship[typeCode=FLFS].target |
collection | .participation[typeCode=SBJ].act[classCode=SPECCOLLECT, moodCode=EVN] |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
collector | .participation[typeCode=PFM].role |
collected[x] | .effectiveTime |
quantity | .participation[typeCode=SBJ].role[classCode=SPEC].player.quantity |
method | .methodCode |
bodySite | .targetSiteCode |
processing | .participation[typeCode=SBJ].act[code=SPCTRT, moodCode=EVN] |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
description | .text |
procedure | .code |
additive | .participation[typeCode=CSM].role[classCode=ADTV].code |
time[x] | .effectiveTime |
container | .player.scopingRole[classCode=CONT].scoper |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
identifier | .id |
description | .desc |
type | .code |
capacity | .quantity |
specimenQuantity | .playedRole[classCode=CONT].quantity |
additive[x] | .scopesRole[classCode=ADTV].player |
additive[x] (additiveCodeableConcept) | .scopesRole[classCode=ADTV].player |
note | .inboundRelationship[typeCode=SUBJ].source[classCode=OBS, moodCode=EVN, code="annotation"].value |