2.1.0 - Release
KLGatewayRehab, published by Kommunernes Landsforening. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/hl7dk/kl-gateway-rehab/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.
These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.
KLGateway140Citizen |
Administrative information about a citizen receiving care or care related services. |
KLGateway140Condition |
Detailed information about condition relating to §140 care pathways |
KLGateway140DeliveryReport |
Delivery report to deliver data for each citizen. |
KLGateway140Encounter |
Encounter for first planned visits and all executed activities in a §140 care pathway |
KLGateway140FocusCondition |
Conditions which may be used to express the problem of a citizen in Danish municipalities. Mostly used for cross sector use cases. |
KLGateway140Organization |
Organization as expressed in KLGateway for rehabilitation. |
KLGateway140PlannedIntervention |
Planned interventions for §140 rehabilitation in Danish Municipalities. |
KLGateway140ServiceRequest |
Referal used to represent information about the training-referal (GGOP) from a hospital to a Danish municipalities |
KLGateway140care-plan |
Care plans for §140 rehabilitation in Danish Municipalities. |
These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.
DeliveryType |
Extension for a code that specifies some context of how a treatment-activity is delivered to a patient |
PreconditionDate |
Extension for a date that needs to occur before the service requested can be performed |
basedOnCarePlanExtension |
Extension for pointing to the careplan describing why this encounter is taking place, will be part of R5 without needing the extension |
basedOnServiceRequestExtension |
Extension for pointing to the servicerequest, that started an intervention |
These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.
CancellationTypes |
Cancellation valueset, to be implemented in KL-term or MedCom-term |
CarePlanCategories |
The care plan categories usefull for §140 |
DeliveryTypes |
The delivery context types allowed in §140 rehabilitation |
KontaktKlasseKoder |
Codes to describe the mode of delivery of an encounter |
ServiceRequestStatusReasons |
Status Reason codes as used in §140 rehabilitation |
ServiceRequestTypes |
The type of ServicRequest (GGOP), as defined by MedCom, supplemented by the two municipality specific types |
ServiceTypes |
The service types allowed in §140 |
§140 tilstande |
Danish municipality theraphy condition codes |
These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.
4a391f69-a909-4a79-92bd-1b0f812dc52a |
DeliveryReport-Ruddi-6 |
4b9443a2-7231-4387-8e3d-614bf193df49 |
DeliveryReport-Ruddi-2 |
9960b8dc-5ebf-4166-83d7-b042bcc6aca5 |
DeliveryReport-Ruddi-7 |
AfsenderAfRuddisGGOP |
Ortopædkirurgisk afdeling Holbæk sygehus, der er afsender af Ruddis GGOP |
RuddiAktionsdiagnoseGGOP |
Ruddis aktionsdiagnose fra GGOP, hvor man kan se, at han har haft en pertrokantær femurfraktur |
RuddiFundktionsTræning |
Ruddi’s funktions-træningsindsats |
RuddiGGOPInformation |
Information fra Ruddis GGOP, der er baggrunden for at igangsætte indsatsen i kommunen |
RuddiIndberetningsrapport |
Indberetning for Ruddi |
RuddiKontakt1Traening |
Ruddis kontakt, hvor han har første træningsgang, leveret som skærmbesøg |
RuddiKontaktUndersøgelse |
Ruddis kontakt, hvor der er udført en terapeutfaglig undersøgelse |
RuddiTerapeutfagligUndersøgelse |
Ruddi’s terapeutfaglige undersøgelse |
RuddiTestBerggren |
Test personen Ruddi, fra MedCom test-cprnumre. Holbæk kommune er journalførende organisation. |
RuddiTilstand |
Ruddis Tilstand vedrørende mobilitet og bevægelse |
RuddiTræning |
Ruddi’s træningsindsats |
RuddiTræningsforløb |
Ruddi’s træningsforløb |
UdførerAfRuddisGenoptræning |
Genoptræningscenteret Holbæk kommune, der er udfører af Ruddis genoptræning |
UdførerAfRuddisGenoptræning |
Genoptræningscenteret Holbæk kommune, der er udfører af Ruddis genoptræning |
c2f75bbf-2027-41bf-b597-de5e242f2b3d |
DeliveryReport-Ruddi-8 |
e87d5e68-e5f3-476f-988f-4efda86b0645 |
DeliveryReport-Ruddi-1 |