5.0.0-ci-build - ci-build Switzerland flag

CH EMED (R4), published by HL7 Switzerland. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 5.0.0-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions


Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide:

  • CH EMED Medication

    Definition of the medication

  • CH EMED Medication (MedicationDispense)

    Definition of the medication for the medication dispense

  • CH EMED Medication Card Composition

    Definition of the composition for the medication card document

  • CH EMED Medication Card Document

    Definition of the bundle for the medication card document

  • CH EMED Medication Dispense Composition

    Definition of the composition for the medication dispense document

  • CH EMED Medication Dispense Document

    Definition of the bundle for the medication dispense document

  • CH EMED Medication List Composition

    Definition of the composition for the medication list document

  • CH EMED Medication List Document

    Definition of the bundle for the medication list document

  • CH EMED Medication Prescription Composition

    Definition of the composition for the medication prescription document

  • CH EMED Medication Prescription Document

    Definition of the bundle for the medication prescription document

  • CH EMED Medication Treatment Plan Composition

    Definition of the composition for the medication treatment plan document

  • CH EMED Medication Treatment Plan Document

    Definition of the bundle for the medication treatment plan document

  • CH EMED MedicationAdministration (DIS)

    Definition of the medication administration for the medication dispense document

  • CH EMED MedicationAdministration (LIST)

    Definition of the medication administration for the medication list document

  • CH EMED MedicationDispense (DIS)

    Definition of the medication dispense for the medication dispense document

  • CH EMED MedicationDispense (LIST)

    Definition of the medication dispense for the medication list document

  • CH EMED MedicationRequest (LIST)

    Definition of the medication request for the medication list document

  • CH EMED MedicationRequest (PRE)

    Definition of the medication request for the medication prescription document

  • CH EMED MedicationRequest Changed

    Definition of the changed medication request for the pharmaceutical advice document

  • CH EMED MedicationStatement

    Definition of the medication statement for the medication treatment plan document (and as basis medication statement)

  • CH EMED MedicationStatement (CARD)

    Definition of the medication statement for the medication card document

  • CH EMED MedicationStatement (LIST)

    Definition of the medication statement for the medication list document

  • CH EMED MedicationStatement Changed

    Definition of the changed medication statement for the pharmaceutical advice document

  • CH EMED Observation (LIST)

    Definition of the observation for the medication list document

  • CH EMED Observation (PADV)

    Definition of the observation for the pharmaceutical advice document

  • CH EMED Organization

    Definition of the organization for the eMedication context

  • CH EMED Pharmaceutical Advice Composition

    Definition of the composition for the pharmaceutical advice document

  • CH EMED Pharmaceutical Advice Document

    Definition of the bundle for the pharmaceutical advice document

  • CH EMED Practitioner

    Definition of the practitioner for the eMedication context

  • CH EMED PractitionerRole

    Definition of the practitioner role for the eMedication context

  • Data Type Profiles

    These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide: