AU Base Implementation Guide
4.2.2-ci-build - CI Build Australia flag

AU Base Implementation Guide, published by HL7 Australia. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 4.2.2-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Change Log

Page standards status: Informative

Release TBD

  • Expected Publication date: December 2023
  • Expected Publication status: Trial Use
  • Based on FHIR version: 4.0.1

The changes in this update are in progress and yet to be balloted.

To help implementers, only the more significant changes are listed here.

Changes in this version

Release 4.1.0

  • Publication date: 2023-02-22
  • Publication status: Trial Use
  • Based on FHIR version: 4.0.1

To help implementers, only the more significant changes are listed here.

Changes in this version

Release 4.0.0

  • Publication date: 2022-05-30
  • Publication status: Trial Use
  • Based on FHIR version: 4.0.1

To help implementers, only the more significant changes are listed here.

Changes in this version

  • Changed the canonical URL to and applied new OIDs to HL7 AU CodeSystems and ValueSets.
  • Technical correction to extensions to remove slicing (refactoring).
  • Changed identifier slices to Identifier profiles in resource profiles.
  • New extensions:
    • Address Identifier
    • AHPRA Profession Details
    • AHPRA Registration Details
    • Contact Purpose
    • Date of Arrival in Australia
    • Ethnicity
    • IHI Verified Date
    • Vaccine Vial Serial Number
    • Medication Strength
    • Australian Time Zone
  • New profiles:
    • New resource profiles:
      • AU Diagnostic Imaging Report
      • AU Diagnostic Imaging Result
      • AU Diagnostic Request
      • AU Pathology Report
      • AU Pathology Result
      • AU Base Procedure
      • AU Biological Sex Assigned at Birth
      • AU Blood Pressure
      • AU Body Mass Index
      • AU Body Temperature
      • AU Heart Rate
      • AU Oxygen Saturation
      • AU Respiration Rate
      • AU Vital Signs Panel
      • AU Smoking Status
      • AU Estimated Date of Delivery
      • AU Gestational Age
      • AU Gravidity
      • AU Last Menstrual Period
      • AU Parity
    • Identifier type profiles:
      • AU Accession Number
      • AU Australian Business Number
      • AU Australian Company Number
      • AU Australian Registered Body Number
      • AU AHPRA Registration Number
      • AU Care Agency Employee Identifier
      • AU Commonwealth Seniors Health Card Number
      • AU CSP Registration Number
      • AU Delivery Point Identifier
      • AU DVA Number
      • AU Employee Number
      • AU ETP Prescription Identifier
      • AU G-NAF Identifier
      • AU Health Care Card Number
      • AU HPI-I
      • AU HPI-O
      • AU IHI
      • AU Insurance Member Number
      • AU Local Dispense Identifier
      • AU Local Order Identifier
      • AU Local Prescription Identifier
      • AU Local Report Identifier
      • AU Location Specific Practice Number
      • AU Medical Record Number
      • AU Medicare Card Number
      • AU Medicare Provider Number
      • AU NATA Accreditation Number
      • AU NATA Site Number
      • AU National Provider Identifier At Organisation
      • AU PAI-D Identifier
      • AU PAI-O Identifier
      • AU PBS Prescriber Number
      • AU Pensioner Concession Card Number
      • AU Pharmacy Approval Number
  • New code systems:
    • Contact Purpose
    • ActCode AU
    • DegreeLicenseCertificate AU
    • Location Type (Physical) AU
    • Location Type AU
  • New value sets:
    • Contact Purpose
    • ActEncounterCode - AU Extended
    • hl7VS-degreeLicenseCertificate - AU Extended
    • DVA Entitlement
    • Accession Number Type
    • Order Identifier Type
    • Location Type (Physical) - AU Extended
    • ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType - AU Extended
  • Removed profiles:
    • AU Base Device
    • AU Base Immunisation Recommendation
    • AU PBS Sponsor
    • AU Base Observation Age
  • Removed value sets:
    • Healthcare Service Types SNOMED)
    • Healthcare Service Roles (SNOMED)
    • AMT Trade Product
    • AMT Trade Product Pack
    • AMT Containered Trade Product Pack
    • AMT Medicinal Product Unit of Use
    • AMT Trade Product Unit of Use
    • AMT Medicinal Product Pack
  • Changed definition of IHI (AU IHI) to add extension IHI Verified Date.
  • Changed definition of DVA number (AU DVA Number) to convert invariants to a required binding on Identifier.type of DVA Entitlement (refactoring).
  • Changed IdentifierTypeAU, added codes "CAEI", "CSPRN", "DVAU", "LRI", "LSPN", "NATAA", "NATAS", "RACSI", "PAN", "GNAF", and "DPID".
  • Changed RelatedPerson.communication.language binding in AU Base Related Person to Common Languages in Australia (extensible).
  • Changed Encounter.class binding in AU Base Encounter to ActEncounterCode - AU Extended (extensible).
  • Changed Location.type binding in AU Base Location to ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType - AU Extended (extensible).
  • Changed Location.physicalType in AU Base Location to Location Type (Physical) - AU Extended (preferred).
  • Changed Location.identifier type in AU Base Location to add AU Location Specific Practice Number.
  • Changed HealthcareService.identifier type in AU Base Healthcare Service to add AU Residential Aged Care Service Identifier.
  • Changed HealthcareService.type binding in AU Base Healthcare Service to Service Type (preferred).
  • Changed HealthcareService.specialty binding in AU Base Healthcare Service to Clinical Specialty (preferred).
  • Changed HealthcareService.availableTime.availableStartTime and HealthcareService.availableTime.availableEndTime in AU Base Healthcare Service to add the extension Australian Time Zone.
  • Changed PractitionerRole.availableTime.availableStartTime and PractitionerRole.availableTime.availableEndTime in AU Base Practitioner Role to add the extension Australian Time Zone.
  • Changed PractitionerRole.code binding in AU Base Practitioner Role to Practitioner Role (preferred).
  • Changed PractitionerRole.specialty binding in AU Base Practitioner Role to Clinical Specialty (preferred).
  • Changed Organization.identifier type in AU Base Organization to add AU Pharmacy Approval Number.
  • Changed Organization.type binding in AU Base Organization to Healthcare Organisation Role Type (preferred).
  • Changed binding in AU Base Organization to Contact Purpose (extensible).
  • Changed Practitioner.identifier type in AU Base Practitioner to add AU Ahpra Registration Number.
  • Changed Practitioner.qualification.extension in AU Base Practitioner to add extensions Ahpra Profession Details and Ahpra Registration Details.
  • Changed Practitioner.qualification.identifier type in AU Base Practitioner to add AU Ahpra Registration Number.
  • Changed Practitioner.qualification.code binding in AU Base Practitioner to hl7VS-degreeLicenseCertificate - AU Extended (preferred).
  • Changed Patient.extension in AU Base Patient to add extensions Date of Arrival in Australia and interpreterRequired.
  • Changed binding in AU Base Patient to Contact Relationship Type (extensible).
  • Changed Address.extension in Australian Address to add the extension Address Identifier.
  • Changed Substance.substanceReference to remove type restriction to AU Base Substance.
  • Changed AllergyIntolerance.code binding in AU Base Allergy Intolerance to version 2 of Indicator of Hypersensitivity or Intolerance to Substance (preferred).
  • Changed AllergyIntolerance.reaction.exposureRoute binding in AU Base Allergy Intolerance to Route of Administration (preferred).
  • Changed Condition.bodySite binding strength in AU Base Condition to preferred.
  • Changed Observation.code in AU Body Height to add a slice for the SNOMED CT concept.
  • Changed Observation.effective[x] in AU Body Height to restrict the type to dateTime.
  • Changed Observation.valueQuantity.code binding in AU Body Height to Metric Body Length Units.
  • Changed Observation.code in AU Body Weight to add a slice for the SNOMED CT concept.
  • Changed Observation.effective[x] in AU Body Weight to restrict the type to dateTime.
  • Changed Observation.valueQuantity.code binding in AU Body Weight to Metric Body Weight Units.
  • Changed Observation.code in AU Head Circumference to add a slice for the SNOMED CT concept.
  • Changed Observation.effective[x] in AU Head Circumference to restrict the type to dateTime.
  • Changed Observation.valueQuantity.code binding in AU Head Circumference to Metric Body Length Units.
  • Changed Observation.bodySite binding in AU Head Circumference to Body Site (preferred).
  • Retitled AU Base Diagnostic Observation to AU Base Diagnostic Result.
  • Changed Observation.category cardinality in AU Base Diagnostic Result to 1..*.
  • Changed Observation.subject cardinality in AU Base Diagnostic Result to 1..1.
  • Changed Observation.specimen type in AU Base Diagnostic Result to remove AU Base Specimen.
  • Changed Observation.effective[x] cardinality in AU Base Diagnostic Result to 1..1.
  • Changed Observation.hasMember in AU Base Diagnostic Result to allow only AU Diagnostic Result, AU Diagnostic Imaging Result, or AU Pathology Result.
  • Changed Observation.code constraint in AU Assertion of No Relevant Finding from fixed value to required pattern.
  • Changed Observation.dataAbsentReason cardinality in AU Assertion of No Relevant Finding to remove cardinality constraint.
  • Changed ServiceRequest.identifier type in AU Base Diagnostic Request from Placer Identifier to AU Local Order Identifier.
  • Changed ServiceRequest.code binding in AU Base Diagnostic Request to Evaluation Procedure (example).
  • Changed ServiceRequest.performerType binding in AU Base Diagnostic Request to replace multiple terminology binding slices with a binding to Practitioner Role (preferred).
  • Changed ServiceRequest.reasonCode binding in AU Base Diagnostic Request to Reason for Request (preferred).
  • Changed ServiceRequest.bodySite binding in AU Base Diagnostic Request to Body Site (preferred).
  • Changed DiagnosticReport.identifier type in AU Base Diagnostic Report from Filler Identifier to AU Local Report, AU Local Order Identifier, and AU Accession Number Identifier.
  • Changed DiagnosticReport.basedOn type in AU Base Diagnostic Report to add AU Diagnostic Request.
  • Changed DiagnosticReport.code binding in AU Base Diagnostic Report to Evaluation Procedure (example).
  • Changed DiagnosticReport.result type in AU Base Diagnostic Report to add AU Diagnostic Result, AU Diagnostic Imaging Result, AU Pathology Result.
  • Changed Specimen.type, Specimen.collection.method, Specimen.collection.bodySite, and Specimen.container.type terminology constraint to replace the slice with a preferred binding.
  • Changed BodyStructure.morphology binding strength in AU Base BodyStructure to preferred.
  • Changed BodyStructure.locationQualifier binding in AU Base BodyStructure to Body Site Relative Site Qualifier (preferred).
  • Changed binding in AU Base Immunisation, moved the binding from to and changed the strength to preferred.
  • Changed Immunization.route binding in AU Base Immunisation, moved the binding from Immunization.route.coding to Immunization.route and changed the strength to preferred.
  • Changed Immunization.performer slicing in AU Base Immunisation to remove the slice Immunisation Witnessed By and changed the discriminator to pattern:function.
  • Changed Immunization.vaccinationProtocol.targetDisease in AU Base Immunisation to remove the slice No Information for Target Disease.
  • Changed Medication.extension in AU Base Medication to remove extensions Medication Brand Name and Medication Generic Name.
  • Changed Medication.ingredient.itemReference type in AU Base Medication to remove AU Base Medication and AU Base Substance.
  • Changed MedicationRequest.extension in AU Base Medication Request to remove extensions Medication Brand Name and Medication Generic Name.
  • Changed MedicationRequest.medicationReference type in AU Base Medication Request to remove AU Base Medication.
  • Changed MedicationRequest.reasonCode binding in AU Base Medication Request to Reason for Request (preferred).
  • Changed MedicationDispense.extension in AU Base Medication Dispense to remove extensions Medication Brand Name and Medication Generic Name.
  • Changed MedicationDispense.medicationReference type in AU Base Medication Dispense to remove AU Base Medication.
  • Technical correction to MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.method in AU Base Medication Dispense to remove partial slice definition.
  • Changed MedicationDispense.substitution.reason cardinality in AU Base Medication Dispense to 0..1.
  • Changed MedicationStatement.extension in AU Base Medication Statement to remove extensions Medication Brand Name and Medication Generic Name.
  • Changed MedicationStatement.medicationReference type in AU Base Medication Statement to remove AU Base Medication.
  • Changed MedicationStatement.status binding in AU Base Medication Statement to remove Medication Reason Not Taken (preferred).
  • Changed MedicationAdministration.medicationReference type in AU Base Medication Administration to remove AU Base Medication.
  • Changed binding in AU Base Medication Administration to Body Site (preferred).
  • Changed MedicationAdministration.dosage.route binding in AU Base Medication Administration to Route of Administration (preferred).
  • Changed MedicationAdministration.dosage.method binding strength in AU Base Medication Administration to preferred.
  • Changes specific to moving from STU3 to R4
    • Removed extensions:
      • Performer Party
      • Administration Witness
      • Associated Practitioner Role
      • Section Author
      • Related Person Attester Party
      • Composition Author Role
      • Condition Recorder
      • Additional Category
      • Metadata Source
      • Encounter Origin Organisation
      • Encounter Destination Organisation
      • Healthcare Service Eligibility Detail
      • Healthcare Service Communication
    • Changed AU Base Diagnostic Procedure Request to AU Base Diagnostic Request.
    • Changed AU Base Body Site to AU Base Body Structure.
    • Changed Encounter.hospitalization.extension in AU Base Encounter to remove Encounter Origin Organisation and Encounter Destination Organisation.
    • Changed HealthcareService.extension in AU Base Healthcare Service to remove Healthcare Service Eligibility Detail and Healthcare Service Communication.
    • Changed Composition.extension in AU Base Composition to remove Composition Author Role.
    • Changed Composition.attester.extension in AU Base Composition to remove Related Person Attester Party.
    • Changed Composition.section.extension in AU Base Composition to remove Section Author.
    • Changed AllergyIntolerance.extension in AU Base Allergy Intolerance to remove Author as a RelatedPerson.
    • Changed Condition.extension in AU Base Condition to remove Condition Recorder.
    • Changed Observation.extension in AU Base Diagnostic Result to remove Performer Party.
    • Changed DiagnosticReport.extension in AU Base Diagnostic Report to review Performer Party and Additional Category.
    • Changed Immunization.vaccinationProtocol.doseStatus in AU Base Immunisation to remove the slice Dose Status Not Available.
    • Changed MedicationAdministration.performer.extension in AU Base Medication Administration to remove the extension Administration Witness.
    • Changed MedicationList.extension in AU Base Medication List to remove the extension Authoring Practitioner Role.

Release 1.1.1

  • Publication date: 2020-01-21
  • Publication status: Trial Use
  • Based on FHIR version: 3.0.2

Rebuild of this guide to publish based on FHIR 3.0.2. To help implementers, only the more significant changes are listed here.

Changes in this version

  • Added Maturity level (FMM) to profile and extension pages.
  • New extensions
    • Encounter Description
    • Authoring Practitioner Role
    • Encounter Origin Organisation
    • Encounter Destination Organisation
    • Associated Practitioner Role
    • Associated Healthcare Service
    • Performer Party
    • Administration Witness
    • Change Description
    • Author as a RelatedPerson
    • Condition Recorder
    • Additional Category
  • New profiles:
    • AU Base Encounter
    • AU Base Immunisation Recommendation
    • AU Medicine List
    • AU Base Specimen
    • AU Assertion of No Relevant Finding
    • AU Base Diagnostic Procedure Request
    • AU Base Diagnostic Report
    • AU Base Diagnostic Observation
    • AU Base Substance
  • New code systems:
    • HL7 V2 Table 0443 - Provider Role (AU Extended).
  • New value sets:
    • Healthcare Service Types (SNOMED)
    • v2 Provider Role - AU Extended
  • Changed HealthcareService.type binding in AU Base Healthcare Service to Healthcare Service Types (SNOMED) (preferred).
  • Technical correction to fix slicing of elements of type coding or codeable concept by fixing system value.
  • Changed Immunization.practitioner in AU Base Immunisation to add slices for Immunisation Administered By, Immunisation Approved By, Immunisation Witnessed By.
  • Changed Immunization.explanation.reason and reasonNotGiven in AU Base Immunisation from slicing to preferred binding (refactoring).
  • Changed Medication.extension in AU Base Medication to remove extension AU PBS Sponsor.
  • Changed Medication.form binding in AU Base Medication to Medication Form.
  • Changed Medication.ingredient.itemReference type in AU Base Medication to allow only AU Base Medication or AU Base Substance.
  • Changed MedicationRequest.medicationReference type in AU Base MedicationRequest to allow only AU Base Medication.
  • Changed MedicationDispense.substitution.reason binding in AU Base Medication Dispense to Medicine Substitution Reason.
  • Changed MedicationStatement.reasonNotTaken binding in AU Base Medication Statement to Medication Reason Not Taken.
  • Changed MedicationStatement.reasonCode binding in AU Base Medication Statement to Medication Reason Taken.
  • Changed Observation.code constraint in AU Base Observation Age from required pattern to fixed value.
  • Changed Condition.code and Condition.evidence.code in AU Base Condition from slicing to preferred binding (refactoring).
  • Changed Condition.bodySite binding in AU Base Condition to Body Site.
  • Changed AllergyIntolerance.extension in AU Base Allergy Intolerance to replace Recorder as a RelatedPerson with Author as a RelatedPerson.
  • Changed AllergyIntolerance.reaction.substance and AllergyIntolerance.reaction.manifestation in AU Base Allergy Intolerance from slicing to preferred binding (refactoring).
  • Changed Dosage.method binding strength in AU Base Dosage to preferred.
  • Changed Dosage.additionalInstruction, Dosage.asNeeded[x],, and Dosage.route in AU Base Dosage from slicing to preferred binding (refactoring).

Release 1.0.2

  • Publication date: 2019-05-06
  • Publication status: Trial Use
  • Based on FHIR version: 3.0.1

First official published version of this implementation guide.