HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: Transversal Clinical Core
1.2.0 - STU1 Belgium flag

HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: Transversal Clinical Core, published by eHealth Platform. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.2.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/hl7-be/core-clinical/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Logical Model: BeModelDiagnosticReportDiabetes

Official URL: https://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/fhir/core-clinical/StructureDefinition/BeModelDiagnosticReportDiabetes Version: 1.2.0
Draft as of 2024-08-02 Computable Name: BeModelDiagnosticReportDiabetes


  • This Logical Model Profile is not used by any profiles in this Implementation Guide

Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from Base

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. BeModelDiagnosticReportDiabetes 0..* Base BeModelDiagnosticReportDiabetes
Instances of this logical model are not marked to be the target of a Reference
... UniqueIdentifierNational 1..1 Identifier Unique business identifier of the report.(https://docs.google.com/document/d/13qamEPfdQ2HgUiXmjwHQNchpEU3LsQHF5MN9jKufX2g/edit?usp=sharing).
... BusinessIdentifier 0..1 Identifier Report identifier for the internal supplier's business.
... RecordedDate 1..1 dateTime Date the report was produced.
... Patient 1..1 Identifier We refer to the patient, subject of the report, by his unique identifier.This identifier is preferably the patient's national register number (NISS). In some cases, another unique identifier may be allowed.
... Recorder 1..1 Identifier This refers to the service provider or organization that encodes the information.[1] The unique identifier for each natural person is the NISS, while for each organization the business number serves as the unique identifier.
... Performer 1..1 Identifier We refer to the service provider or organization that collects the observations and produces the report. [2]The unique identifier of each natural person is the NISS, while for each organization the company number serves as the unique identifier.For the Diabetes Diagnostic Report, it is: “performer = recorder.»
... Interpreter 0..1 Identifier Care provider identified by their NISS (endocrinologist* , general practitioner, etc.) interprets the observations in the report. ResultsInterpreter This element will not be provided by the producer of the report, but will include the reference of the healthcare provider who does the interpretation.
... Category 1..1 CodeableConcept Category of the report. For the purposes of the diabetes report, the only accepted category is “Endocrinology”.SNOMED CT code 394483002 invariant, see VS_DiagRep_Category.
... Qualification 1..1 CodeableConcept Is the category of diabetic patient (CAT 1, CAT 2, CAT 3). (See glossary for details).By default, the qualification is “CAT 3”.The category is calculated by an algorithm from the diagnosis provided by the doctor — interpreter.
... Device 0..1 Identifier Identification number assigned by INAMI to the sensor type.See VS_Diab_Device
... Code 1..1 CodeableConcept Report code. As part of the diabetes project, the only accepted code is “Diabetic Monitoring Status”SNOMED CT code 243860001 invariant, see VS_DiagRep_Code.
... DerivedObservations 0..* Observation List of references to “derived values” type observations (a dozen derived observations) mentioned in the report.[3]His observations are part of the diagnostic report.
... MeasurementObservations 0..* Observation List of references to “blood glucose measurement” type observations used to produce the analysis (a few thousand measurements) [4] type (“SCI”)[5]
... Diagnosis 0..* Condition Problem reference related to this diagnostic report.This element will not be provided by the producer of the report but will be provided by the healthcare provider who does the interpretation.
... Note 0..* Annotation Report comments in free text format. This element will not be provided by the producer of the report, but will be provided by the healthcare provider doing the interpretation.
... Link 0..1 uri URL to the reference software.
... Document 0..1 Binary PDF document containing the complete report (text, graphics, deduced observations, conclusions, etc.)
... Status 0..1 code Report status. By default it is “Final”. Value according to the business rule on “% Data Captured” see VS_DiagRep_Status

doco Documentation for this format
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. BeModelDiagnosticReportDiabetes 0..* Base BeModelDiagnosticReportDiabetes
Instances of this logical model are not marked to be the target of a Reference
... UniqueIdentifierNational 1..1 Identifier Unique business identifier of the report.(https://docs.google.com/document/d/13qamEPfdQ2HgUiXmjwHQNchpEU3LsQHF5MN9jKufX2g/edit?usp=sharing).
... BusinessIdentifier 0..1 Identifier Report identifier for the internal supplier's business.
... RecordedDate 1..1 dateTime Date the report was produced.
... Patient 1..1 Identifier We refer to the patient, subject of the report, by his unique identifier.This identifier is preferably the patient's national register number (NISS). In some cases, another unique identifier may be allowed.
... Recorder 1..1 Identifier This refers to the service provider or organization that encodes the information.[1] The unique identifier for each natural person is the NISS, while for each organization the business number serves as the unique identifier.
... Performer 1..1 Identifier We refer to the service provider or organization that collects the observations and produces the report. [2]The unique identifier of each natural person is the NISS, while for each organization the company number serves as the unique identifier.For the Diabetes Diagnostic Report, it is: “performer = recorder.»
... Interpreter 0..1 Identifier Care provider identified by their NISS (endocrinologist* , general practitioner, etc.) interprets the observations in the report. ResultsInterpreter This element will not be provided by the producer of the report, but will include the reference of the healthcare provider who does the interpretation.
... Category 1..1 CodeableConcept Category of the report. For the purposes of the diabetes report, the only accepted category is “Endocrinology”.SNOMED CT code 394483002 invariant, see VS_DiagRep_Category.
... Qualification 1..1 CodeableConcept Is the category of diabetic patient (CAT 1, CAT 2, CAT 3). (See glossary for details).By default, the qualification is “CAT 3”.The category is calculated by an algorithm from the diagnosis provided by the doctor — interpreter.
... Device 0..1 Identifier Identification number assigned by INAMI to the sensor type.See VS_Diab_Device
... Code 1..1 CodeableConcept Report code. As part of the diabetes project, the only accepted code is “Diabetic Monitoring Status”SNOMED CT code 243860001 invariant, see VS_DiagRep_Code.
... DerivedObservations 0..* Observation List of references to “derived values” type observations (a dozen derived observations) mentioned in the report.[3]His observations are part of the diagnostic report.
... MeasurementObservations 0..* Observation List of references to “blood glucose measurement” type observations used to produce the analysis (a few thousand measurements) [4] type (“SCI”)[5]
... Diagnosis 0..* Condition Problem reference related to this diagnostic report.This element will not be provided by the producer of the report but will be provided by the healthcare provider who does the interpretation.
... Note 0..* Annotation Report comments in free text format. This element will not be provided by the producer of the report, but will be provided by the healthcare provider doing the interpretation.
... Link 0..1 uri URL to the reference software.
... Document 0..1 Binary PDF document containing the complete report (text, graphics, deduced observations, conclusions, etc.)
... Status 0..1 code Report status. By default it is “Final”. Value according to the business rule on “% Data Captured” see VS_DiagRep_Status

doco Documentation for this format
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. BeModelDiagnosticReportDiabetes 0..* Base BeModelDiagnosticReportDiabetes
Instances of this logical model are not marked to be the target of a Reference
... UniqueIdentifierNational 1..1 Identifier Unique business identifier of the report.(https://docs.google.com/document/d/13qamEPfdQ2HgUiXmjwHQNchpEU3LsQHF5MN9jKufX2g/edit?usp=sharing).
... BusinessIdentifier 0..1 Identifier Report identifier for the internal supplier's business.
... RecordedDate 1..1 dateTime Date the report was produced.
... Patient 1..1 Identifier We refer to the patient, subject of the report, by his unique identifier.This identifier is preferably the patient's national register number (NISS). In some cases, another unique identifier may be allowed.
... Recorder 1..1 Identifier This refers to the service provider or organization that encodes the information.[1] The unique identifier for each natural person is the NISS, while for each organization the business number serves as the unique identifier.
... Performer 1..1 Identifier We refer to the service provider or organization that collects the observations and produces the report. [2]The unique identifier of each natural person is the NISS, while for each organization the company number serves as the unique identifier.For the Diabetes Diagnostic Report, it is: “performer = recorder.»
... Interpreter 0..1 Identifier Care provider identified by their NISS (endocrinologist* , general practitioner, etc.) interprets the observations in the report. ResultsInterpreter This element will not be provided by the producer of the report, but will include the reference of the healthcare provider who does the interpretation.
... Category 1..1 CodeableConcept Category of the report. For the purposes of the diabetes report, the only accepted category is “Endocrinology”.SNOMED CT code 394483002 invariant, see VS_DiagRep_Category.
... Qualification 1..1 CodeableConcept Is the category of diabetic patient (CAT 1, CAT 2, CAT 3). (See glossary for details).By default, the qualification is “CAT 3”.The category is calculated by an algorithm from the diagnosis provided by the doctor — interpreter.
... Device 0..1 Identifier Identification number assigned by INAMI to the sensor type.See VS_Diab_Device
... Code 1..1 CodeableConcept Report code. As part of the diabetes project, the only accepted code is “Diabetic Monitoring Status”SNOMED CT code 243860001 invariant, see VS_DiagRep_Code.
... DerivedObservations 0..* Observation List of references to “derived values” type observations (a dozen derived observations) mentioned in the report.[3]His observations are part of the diagnostic report.
... MeasurementObservations 0..* Observation List of references to “blood glucose measurement” type observations used to produce the analysis (a few thousand measurements) [4] type (“SCI”)[5]
... Diagnosis 0..* Condition Problem reference related to this diagnostic report.This element will not be provided by the producer of the report but will be provided by the healthcare provider who does the interpretation.
... Note 0..* Annotation Report comments in free text format. This element will not be provided by the producer of the report, but will be provided by the healthcare provider doing the interpretation.
... Link 0..1 uri URL to the reference software.
... Document 0..1 Binary PDF document containing the complete report (text, graphics, deduced observations, conclusions, etc.)
... Status 0..1 code Report status. By default it is “Final”. Value according to the business rule on “% Data Captured” see VS_DiagRep_Status

doco Documentation for this format

This structure is derived from Base


Mandatory: 0 element(9 nested mandatory elements)

Differential View

This structure is derived from Base

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. BeModelDiagnosticReportDiabetes 0..* Base BeModelDiagnosticReportDiabetes
Instances of this logical model are not marked to be the target of a Reference
... UniqueIdentifierNational 1..1 Identifier Unique business identifier of the report.(https://docs.google.com/document/d/13qamEPfdQ2HgUiXmjwHQNchpEU3LsQHF5MN9jKufX2g/edit?usp=sharing).
... BusinessIdentifier 0..1 Identifier Report identifier for the internal supplier's business.
... RecordedDate 1..1 dateTime Date the report was produced.
... Patient 1..1 Identifier We refer to the patient, subject of the report, by his unique identifier.This identifier is preferably the patient's national register number (NISS). In some cases, another unique identifier may be allowed.
... Recorder 1..1 Identifier This refers to the service provider or organization that encodes the information.[1] The unique identifier for each natural person is the NISS, while for each organization the business number serves as the unique identifier.
... Performer 1..1 Identifier We refer to the service provider or organization that collects the observations and produces the report. [2]The unique identifier of each natural person is the NISS, while for each organization the company number serves as the unique identifier.For the Diabetes Diagnostic Report, it is: “performer = recorder.»
... Interpreter 0..1 Identifier Care provider identified by their NISS (endocrinologist* , general practitioner, etc.) interprets the observations in the report. ResultsInterpreter This element will not be provided by the producer of the report, but will include the reference of the healthcare provider who does the interpretation.
... Category 1..1 CodeableConcept Category of the report. For the purposes of the diabetes report, the only accepted category is “Endocrinology”.SNOMED CT code 394483002 invariant, see VS_DiagRep_Category.
... Qualification 1..1 CodeableConcept Is the category of diabetic patient (CAT 1, CAT 2, CAT 3). (See glossary for details).By default, the qualification is “CAT 3”.The category is calculated by an algorithm from the diagnosis provided by the doctor — interpreter.
... Device 0..1 Identifier Identification number assigned by INAMI to the sensor type.See VS_Diab_Device
... Code 1..1 CodeableConcept Report code. As part of the diabetes project, the only accepted code is “Diabetic Monitoring Status”SNOMED CT code 243860001 invariant, see VS_DiagRep_Code.
... DerivedObservations 0..* Observation List of references to “derived values” type observations (a dozen derived observations) mentioned in the report.[3]His observations are part of the diagnostic report.
... MeasurementObservations 0..* Observation List of references to “blood glucose measurement” type observations used to produce the analysis (a few thousand measurements) [4] type (“SCI”)[5]
... Diagnosis 0..* Condition Problem reference related to this diagnostic report.This element will not be provided by the producer of the report but will be provided by the healthcare provider who does the interpretation.
... Note 0..* Annotation Report comments in free text format. This element will not be provided by the producer of the report, but will be provided by the healthcare provider doing the interpretation.
... Link 0..1 uri URL to the reference software.
... Document 0..1 Binary PDF document containing the complete report (text, graphics, deduced observations, conclusions, etc.)
... Status 0..1 code Report status. By default it is “Final”. Value according to the business rule on “% Data Captured” see VS_DiagRep_Status

doco Documentation for this format

Key Elements View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. BeModelDiagnosticReportDiabetes 0..* Base BeModelDiagnosticReportDiabetes
Instances of this logical model are not marked to be the target of a Reference
... UniqueIdentifierNational 1..1 Identifier Unique business identifier of the report.(https://docs.google.com/document/d/13qamEPfdQ2HgUiXmjwHQNchpEU3LsQHF5MN9jKufX2g/edit?usp=sharing).
... BusinessIdentifier 0..1 Identifier Report identifier for the internal supplier's business.
... RecordedDate 1..1 dateTime Date the report was produced.
... Patient 1..1 Identifier We refer to the patient, subject of the report, by his unique identifier.This identifier is preferably the patient's national register number (NISS). In some cases, another unique identifier may be allowed.
... Recorder 1..1 Identifier This refers to the service provider or organization that encodes the information.[1] The unique identifier for each natural person is the NISS, while for each organization the business number serves as the unique identifier.
... Performer 1..1 Identifier We refer to the service provider or organization that collects the observations and produces the report. [2]The unique identifier of each natural person is the NISS, while for each organization the company number serves as the unique identifier.For the Diabetes Diagnostic Report, it is: “performer = recorder.»
... Interpreter 0..1 Identifier Care provider identified by their NISS (endocrinologist* , general practitioner, etc.) interprets the observations in the report. ResultsInterpreter This element will not be provided by the producer of the report, but will include the reference of the healthcare provider who does the interpretation.
... Category 1..1 CodeableConcept Category of the report. For the purposes of the diabetes report, the only accepted category is “Endocrinology”.SNOMED CT code 394483002 invariant, see VS_DiagRep_Category.
... Qualification 1..1 CodeableConcept Is the category of diabetic patient (CAT 1, CAT 2, CAT 3). (See glossary for details).By default, the qualification is “CAT 3”.The category is calculated by an algorithm from the diagnosis provided by the doctor — interpreter.
... Device 0..1 Identifier Identification number assigned by INAMI to the sensor type.See VS_Diab_Device
... Code 1..1 CodeableConcept Report code. As part of the diabetes project, the only accepted code is “Diabetic Monitoring Status”SNOMED CT code 243860001 invariant, see VS_DiagRep_Code.
... DerivedObservations 0..* Observation List of references to “derived values” type observations (a dozen derived observations) mentioned in the report.[3]His observations are part of the diagnostic report.
... MeasurementObservations 0..* Observation List of references to “blood glucose measurement” type observations used to produce the analysis (a few thousand measurements) [4] type (“SCI”)[5]
... Diagnosis 0..* Condition Problem reference related to this diagnostic report.This element will not be provided by the producer of the report but will be provided by the healthcare provider who does the interpretation.
... Note 0..* Annotation Report comments in free text format. This element will not be provided by the producer of the report, but will be provided by the healthcare provider doing the interpretation.
... Link 0..1 uri URL to the reference software.
... Document 0..1 Binary PDF document containing the complete report (text, graphics, deduced observations, conclusions, etc.)
... Status 0..1 code Report status. By default it is “Final”. Value according to the business rule on “% Data Captured” see VS_DiagRep_Status

doco Documentation for this format

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. BeModelDiagnosticReportDiabetes 0..* Base BeModelDiagnosticReportDiabetes
Instances of this logical model are not marked to be the target of a Reference
... UniqueIdentifierNational 1..1 Identifier Unique business identifier of the report.(https://docs.google.com/document/d/13qamEPfdQ2HgUiXmjwHQNchpEU3LsQHF5MN9jKufX2g/edit?usp=sharing).
... BusinessIdentifier 0..1 Identifier Report identifier for the internal supplier's business.
... RecordedDate 1..1 dateTime Date the report was produced.
... Patient 1..1 Identifier We refer to the patient, subject of the report, by his unique identifier.This identifier is preferably the patient's national register number (NISS). In some cases, another unique identifier may be allowed.
... Recorder 1..1 Identifier This refers to the service provider or organization that encodes the information.[1] The unique identifier for each natural person is the NISS, while for each organization the business number serves as the unique identifier.
... Performer 1..1 Identifier We refer to the service provider or organization that collects the observations and produces the report. [2]The unique identifier of each natural person is the NISS, while for each organization the company number serves as the unique identifier.For the Diabetes Diagnostic Report, it is: “performer = recorder.»
... Interpreter 0..1 Identifier Care provider identified by their NISS (endocrinologist* , general practitioner, etc.) interprets the observations in the report. ResultsInterpreter This element will not be provided by the producer of the report, but will include the reference of the healthcare provider who does the interpretation.
... Category 1..1 CodeableConcept Category of the report. For the purposes of the diabetes report, the only accepted category is “Endocrinology”.SNOMED CT code 394483002 invariant, see VS_DiagRep_Category.
... Qualification 1..1 CodeableConcept Is the category of diabetic patient (CAT 1, CAT 2, CAT 3). (See glossary for details).By default, the qualification is “CAT 3”.The category is calculated by an algorithm from the diagnosis provided by the doctor — interpreter.
... Device 0..1 Identifier Identification number assigned by INAMI to the sensor type.See VS_Diab_Device
... Code 1..1 CodeableConcept Report code. As part of the diabetes project, the only accepted code is “Diabetic Monitoring Status”SNOMED CT code 243860001 invariant, see VS_DiagRep_Code.
... DerivedObservations 0..* Observation List of references to “derived values” type observations (a dozen derived observations) mentioned in the report.[3]His observations are part of the diagnostic report.
... MeasurementObservations 0..* Observation List of references to “blood glucose measurement” type observations used to produce the analysis (a few thousand measurements) [4] type (“SCI”)[5]
... Diagnosis 0..* Condition Problem reference related to this diagnostic report.This element will not be provided by the producer of the report but will be provided by the healthcare provider who does the interpretation.
... Note 0..* Annotation Report comments in free text format. This element will not be provided by the producer of the report, but will be provided by the healthcare provider doing the interpretation.
... Link 0..1 uri URL to the reference software.
... Document 0..1 Binary PDF document containing the complete report (text, graphics, deduced observations, conclusions, etc.)
... Status 0..1 code Report status. By default it is “Final”. Value according to the business rule on “% Data Captured” see VS_DiagRep_Status

doco Documentation for this format

This structure is derived from Base


Mandatory: 0 element(9 nested mandatory elements)


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel