0.3.9-current - ci-build United States of America flag

MyHealtheVet PHR FHIR API, published by VA Digital Services. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.3.9-current built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Id vs Identifier

Page standards status: Informative

Our FHIR database will track linkages to source objects using the FHIR resource .identifier element, and the Vista .id element.

  1. As far as I can tell the .id values coming from Vista (Fileman) are given to us as strings. They are unique strings at the source for that given context of that data. (for a given Vista instance the is unique, but that id value might be a different ImmunizationTO object at a different Vista site, and that id value on a different object like NoteTO at the original Vista site)
  2. The .id values sometimes have a two or three part to them separated by ;. I don't know if there is something we can interpret, or if I am just looking at non-real examples.
  3. In FHIR Identifier datatype tend to be made up of two parts. The identifier value, and the system value within which that identifier value is known to be unique.
  4. Thus when we know the data received is from VIA we can look up the given id as identifier of system+id.
  5. The VA CDA generation does a similar transform of the .id values into CDA .id values. We should use the same algorithm so that the same data is easily recognized regardless of if the data was received via CDA or our FHIR api. They do not transform all id values. Thus we should follow their lead where they have taken a lead so as to not create a de-duplication problem.
  6. The Lighthouse does not keep the id values in their FHIR output. So there is no precedent to follow.
  7. There is an OID directory for all facility OIDs. So there is a unique OID that can be used for each Vista instance.
  8. OID assigned to VA urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.349
  9. OID pattern for facilities is at .4.{station number}. There is a spreadsheet tracking all of the facility OIDs.

Concerns from Jay Lyle discussion 7/18/2023

  • Concern with pattern in 9 above using .4..
  • currently am slicing on .use; but might be better to slice on .type and define types.
  • If slicing on .type; then it might not be necessary to prefix the .id with a data object string.
  • Note the benefit of the prefix is global uniqueness and quicker comparison as the identifier value is either a match or not, where as using .type requires identifier match and type match; and type is not part of a token search parameter.


  • The use value will always be usual
  • The system value is a fixed OID assigned to THAT Vista facility
  • the value is then composed of the id from the data plus (prefixed) identifier of the context datatype.
{context} . {id}

Given that there is no need for a value to be numeric, we can just use the Vista datatype.


Vista Datatype context prefix to use UserTO PatientTO AuthorTO HospitalLocationTO AllergyTO ClinicalProcedureTO VitalSignTO ImmunizationTO NoteTO LabReportTO
LabReportTO.caseNumber LabReportTO.caseNumber LabSpecimen
LabResultTO.labSiteId labSiteId LabTestTO ImagingExamTO

Thus for a value of 1234 from site 989. (I assume 989 is a test site that shows up in the test data often)

example in json

"identifier" : {
  "use" : "usual",
  "system" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.349.4.989",
  "value" : "ClinicalProcedureTO.1234"

profile in sushi

* identifier[TOid].use = #usual
* identifier[TOid].system obeys TOid-startswithoid
* identifier[TOid].system ^short = "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.349.4.{stationNbr}"
* identifier[TOid].value ^short = "`ClinicalProcedureTO` | `.` | {}"

Encounter id

Note that Encounter is more complex, and the VA CDA team have set a precedent. This because there are often multiple encounters that are spawned off of one parent, and they are all given the same id. The VA CDA team has come up with the pattern using the LOINC code in that Encounter:

Note that they are not using the above OID pattern for station number, they put the station number into the value. So they use the root OID urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.349 for system

{SectionLOINC} . {stationNbr} . {id}

Note that the VA CDA does not include the id on Immunizations. From what I can tell the VA CDA does not expose any other id values.

Accession id

Accession ID will be use of formal, and identify the type as ACSN, and the value will use the prefix Accession

* identifier[accessionNumber].use = #official
* identifier[accessionNumber].type =
* identifier[accessionNumber].system ^short = "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.349.4.{stationNbr}"
* identifier[accessionNumber].system obeys TOid-startswithoid
* identifier[accessionNumber].value ^short = "`Accession` | `.` | {ImagingExamTO.accessionNum}"

Case Number

Case Number will be use of secondary, and use the prefix CaseNum

* identifier[casenum].use = #secondary
* identifier[casenum].system ^short = "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.349.4.{stationNbr}"
* identifier[casenum].system obeys TOid-startswithoid
* identifier[casenum].value ^short = "`CaseNum` | `.` | {ImagingExam.casenum}"


Organization resources are different in that they are defining a facility. So, we use the identifier.system value of the fixed OID, and the value of the station

* identifier[TOid].system 1..1
* identifier[TOid] ^patternIdentifier.system = "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.349"
* identifier[TOid].value ^short = "{stationNumber} or `LabSiteTO.` + {}"
* identifier[TOid].use = #usual


HospitalLocationTO will be a use of usual, and use the prefix HospitalLocationTO, but will use the root OID without the station number

* identifier[TOid].use = #usual
* identifier[TOid].system = "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.349.4.{stationNbr}"
* identifier[TOid].value = "`HospitalLocationTO` | `.` | {}"

see mapping VIA labSiteID

HDR orderingFacilityIdentifier

orderingFacilityIdentifier will be a .use of usual, and use the fixed OID for .system. The orderingFacilityIdentifier has a .stationNumber element that we will use for the .value. Since we know this is the station number, we will not add a prefix.

* identifier[TOid].use = #usual
* identifier[TOid].system = "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.349.4"
* identifier[TOid].value ^short = "{orderingFacilityIdentifier.identity}"

see mapping HDR PerformingOrganization


TODO: Need a better system value for the MHV patient id: See discussion in patient.fsh

  • MHV-54036
  • TODO: client will need to change to be specific to the new system value -

MyHealtheVet has a patient id that it manages, and a 'profile' that is details about the patient including demographics, contact information, etc. This information is managed in the MHV eVault. The MHV Patient id is communicated in existing as assigning facility 200MH at assigning authority USVHA. I believe that this id is known to the MPI service.

The FHIR interface does populate a Patient resource in the FHIR Server given this 'profile' and to provide a mapping to the MyHealtheVet patient id. Thus we need a system value for this id, and today the root VA OID is used.

Oracle Health for the Patient ICN uses the root OID as the system URI. Otherwise known as the "Veteran ID". Given that this also uses the root VA OID, we have a problem as we both can't use that same system. This will especially be problematic when we integrate OH data into the MHV FHIR Server.

"system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.349",
"value": "1013781790V126649",

and for DOD ID, using an OID assigned to Military Health Service (MHS):

"system": "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.3.42.10001.100001.12",
"value": "2114389261",

Could just add that assigning authority and facility to the URL pattern I have started

or could build a canonical off of this IG

It would work, but I just hope that there is something better to use.