Opioid Prescribing Support Implementation Guide
2016.4.0 - CI Build

Opioid Prescribing Support Implementation Guide, published by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2016.4.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/cqframework/opioid-cds-r4/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Library: OpioidCDSRoutines (Experimental)

Official URL: http://fhir.org/guides/cdc/opioid-cds/Library/OpioidCDSRoutines Version: 2016.4.0
Active as of 2024-08-29 Computable Name: OpioidCDSRoutines
Id: library-OpioidCDSRoutines
Type: logic-library
Version: 0.1.1
Status: active

type: depends-on


type: depends-on


type: depends-on


Data Requirements:

type: Condition

code filter:
path: category
valueset: http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/ValueSet/us-core-condition-category

type: ServiceRequest

code filter:
path: code
valueset: http://fhir.org/guides/cdc/opioid-cds/ValueSet/therapies-indicating-end-of-life-care

type: Encounter

code filter:
path: type
valueset: http://fhir.org/guides/cdc/opioid-cds/ValueSet/office-visit

type: Condition

code filter:
path: category
valueset: http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/ValueSet/us-core-condition-category

type: PractitionerRole

type: Condition

code filter:
path: category
valueset: http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/ValueSet/us-core-condition-category

type: MedicationDispense

code filter:
path: medication
valueset: http://fhir.org/guides/cdc/opioid-cds/ValueSet/opioid-analgesics-with-ambulatory-misuse-potential

Content: type: text/cql
library OpioidCDSRoutines version '0.1.1'

using FHIR version '4.0.1'

include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.1' called FHIRHelpers
include OpioidCDSCommon version '0.1.1' called Common
include OpioidCDSCommonConfig version '0.1.1' called Config

context Patient

**  Routine #1
**  Opioid Review Useful Routine
**  Definition              | Answer to Proceed   | Details                                      | Data (Terminology) Requirement
**  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Age < 18 years?         | No                  | Calculate age from date of birth; exclude    | Date of birth
**                          |                     | patients with age less than 18 years at the  |
**                          |                     | time of the prescription                     |
**  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Limited life            | No                  | Look for documented findings consistent      | Limited life expectancy conditions
**  expectancy conditions   |                     | with those listed in the limited life        |
**  present?                |                     | expectancy value set (terminal illness, bad  |
**                          |                     | prognosis, pre-terminal)                     |
**  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Order for therapies     | No                  | Look for patients with an existing order for | Therapies indicating end of life care
**  indicating end of life  |                     | therapies indicating end of life care        |
**  care in past 90 days?   |                     | written within past 90 days                  |
**  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Active cancer           | No                  | See sub-routine 3                            | See sub-routine 3
**  treatment?              |                     |                                              |
**  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Conditions Likely       | No                  | Look for patients with active conditions in  | Conditions likely terminal for opioid
**  Terminal for opioid     |                     | the value set end-of-life-conditions         | prescribing
**  prescribing present?    |                     |                                              |
**  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

define "Palliative Care Lookback Period":
  Interval[Today() - 90 days, Today()]

define "Is Opioid Review Useful?":
  not "Patient Age Less Than 18"
    and not "Conditions Indicating End Of Life Present"
    and not "Order For Palliative Care In Past 90 Days"
    and not "Is Active Cancer Treatment?"
    and not "Conditions Including Cancer To Exclude Opioid Management Indicating End-Stage Disease Present"

define "Patient Age Less Than 18":
  Config."Age Less than 18 Years Is Enabled"
    and AgeInYearsAt(Today()) < 18

define "Conditions Indicating End Of Life Present":
  exists (
    [Condition: category in Common."US Core Condition Category Codes"] LLEC
      where LLEC.code in Common."Limited life expectancy conditions"
        and exists (
          LLEC.clinicalStatus.coding Coding
            where FHIRHelpers.ToCode(Coding) ~ Common."Active Condition"

define "Order For Palliative Care In Past 90 Days":
  exists (
    [ServiceRequest: Common."Therapies indicating end of life care"] SR
      where SR.status in { 'active', 'completed'}
        and SR.intent != null
        and FHIRHelpers.ToDateTime(SR.authoredOn) during day of "Palliative Care Lookback Period"

define "Conditions Including Cancer To Exclude Opioid Management Indicating End-Stage Disease Present":
  Config."End-Stage Disease Criteria Enabled"
    and exists (
      [Condition: category in Common."US Core Condition Category Codes"] EOLC
        where EOLC.code in Common."Conditions likely terminal for opioid prescribing"
          and exists (
            EOLC.clinicalStatus.coding Coding
              where FHIRHelpers.ToCode(Coding) ~ Common."Active Condition"

// End of Opioid Review Useful Routine

**  Routine #2
**  Opioid Naive Routine
**  Definition                    | Answer to Proceed   | Details                                           | Data (Terminology) Requirement
**  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Opioid analgesics with        | No                  | Look for an existing prescription (order) for     | Opioid analgesics with
**  ambulatory misuse potential   |                     | opioid that is in the value set for opioid with   | ambulatory misuse potential
**  prescription in past 90 days  |                     | ambulatory abuse potential authored               |
**  including today               |                     | within the past 90 days (including today)         |
**  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Opioid analgesics with        | No                  | Look for evidence of active medication on         | Opioid analgesics with
**  ambulatory misuse potential   |                     | the medication list that is in the value set      | ambulatory misuse potential
**  reported in past 90 days      |                     | for opioid with ambulatory care abuse             |
**  including today*              |                     | potential                                         |
**  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Opioid analgesics with        | No                  | Look for evidence of a dispensing event for       | Opioid analgesics with
**  ambulatory misuse potential   |                     | medication that is in the value set for opioid    | ambulatory misuse potential
**  dispensing event in past 90   |                     | with ambulatory use potential occurring           |
**  days including today*         |                     | within the past 90 days (including today)         |
**  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  *Future consideration: Current algorithm addresses only orders (prescriptions).
**  Note – orders use RxNorm, but medication lists and dispensed medication will
**  require an NDC value set and/or local mapping of NDC to RxNorm to enable this element

define "Prescription/Dispense Inclusion Period":
    Interval[Now() - 89 days, Now()]

define "Report Inclusion Period":
    Interval[Now() - 90 days, Now())

// NOTE: MedicationStatement-dependent logic comment out due to bug in Publisher not supporting MedicationStatement in AllTypes.
define "Is Opioid Naive?":
    not ("Has Opioid RX with Ambulatory Abuse Potential In Past 90 Days")
    /* and not ("Has Report of Opioid with Ambulatory Care Abuse Potential Reported in Past 90 Days") */
    and not ("Has Opioid Dispense with Ambulatory Abuse Potential In Past 90 Days")

define "Opioid RX with Ambulatory Abuse Potential In Past 90 Days":
  Common."Active Ambulatory Opioid Rx" Rx
      where Rx.authoredOn during day of "Prescription/Dispense Inclusion Period"

define "Has Opioid RX with Ambulatory Abuse Potential In Past 90 Days":
    Config."Opioid Naive Prescription Condition Is Enabled"
        and exists ("Opioid RX with Ambulatory Abuse Potential In Past 90 Days")

// NOTE: 2020-02-05: Review direction of MedicationStatement resource (US-Core focusing on MedicationRequest i/o Statement)
// NOTE: 2020-04-21: MedicationStatement a) Shouldn't be use since guidance/direction from USCore is targeting MedicationUse in R5, and b) Breaks in the publisher
/* define "Reports of Opioid with Ambulatory Care Abuse Potential Reported in Past 90 Days":
    [MedicationStatement: Common."Opioid analgesics with ambulatory misuse potential"] Statement
        where Statement.status in {'active', 'completed'}
            and Statement.effective during day of "Report Inclusion Period" */

/* define "Has Report of Opioid with Ambulatory Care Abuse Potential Reported in Past 90 Days":
    Config."Opioid Naive Report Condition Is Enabled"
        and exists ("Reports of Opioid with Ambulatory Care Abuse Potential Reported in Past 90 Days") */

define "Opioid Dispense with Ambulatory Abuse Potential In Past 90 Days":
    [MedicationDispense: Common."Opioid analgesics with ambulatory misuse potential"] OpioidDispense
        where OpioidDispense.whenHandedOver during day of "Prescription/Dispense Inclusion Period"
            and OpioidDispense.status = 'completed'

define "Has Opioid Dispense with Ambulatory Abuse Potential In Past 90 Days":
    Config."Opioid Naive Dispense Condition Is Enabled"
        and exists ("Opioid Dispense with Ambulatory Abuse Potential In Past 90 Days")

// End of Opioid Naive Routine

**  Routine #3
**  Active Cancer Treatment Routine
**  Definition                    | Answer to Proceed   | Details                                    | Data (Terminology) Requirement
**  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Two office visits within the  | No                  | Look for a minimum of two distinct         | Office Visit
**  past 12 months                |                     | encounters within 12 months of the date    |
**                                |                     | of the current visit for which each of the |
**                                |                     | following is true:                         |
**                                |                     |   - the encounter diagnosis (primary or    |
**                                |                     |     secondary or co-morbidity diagnosis)   |
**                                |                     |     is listed in the CDC Malignant Cancer  |
**                                |                     |     Conditions value set                   |
**  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Office visits with an         | No                  | The encounter is performed by an           | Oncology specialty
**  oncology specialist           |                     | oncologist as defined in the oncology      | designations (NUCC)
**  present                       |                     | specialty designations using the           |
**                                |                     | National Uniform Claim Committee           |
**                                |                     | (NUCC) classifications                     |
**  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Office visits including CDC   | No                  | The encounter diagnosis (primary or        | CDC malignant cancer
**  malignant cancer              |                     | secondary or co-morbidity diagnosis)       | conditions
**  condition                     |                     | is listed in the CDC Malignant Cancer      |
**                                |                     | Conditions value set                       |
**  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

define "Encounter Period":
  Interval[Now() - 12 months, Now())

define "Is Active Cancer Treatment?":
  Config."Active Cancer Treatment Encounters Condition Is Enabled"
    and "Has Two or More Encounters with Cancer Diagnosis During Encounter Period"

define "Active Cancer Diagnoses":
  [Condition: category in Common."US Core Condition Category Codes"] C
    where C.code in Common."CDC malignant cancer conditions"

define "Oncologist Practitioner Roles":
  [PractitionerRole] PractitionerRole
    where exists (
      PractitionerRole.specialty Specialty
        where Specialty in Common."Oncology specialty designations (NUCC)"

define "Encounters with Cancer Diagnosis During Encounter Period":
  [Encounter: Common."Office Visit"] Encounter
    where date from Encounter.period."start".value in day of "Encounter Period"
      and exists (
        Encounter.diagnosis EncounterDiagnosis
          with "Active Cancer Diagnoses" CancerDiagnosis
          such that EndsWith(EncounterDiagnosis.condition.reference, CancerDiagnosis.id)
      and exists (
        Encounter.participant EncounterParticipant
          where EncounterParticipant.type in Common."Oncology specialty designations (NUCC)"
            or exists (
              "Oncologist Practitioner Roles" PractitionerRole
                where EndsWith(EncounterParticipant.individual.reference, PractitionerRole.id)

define "Number of Enounters with Cancer Diagnosis During Encounter Period":
  Count ("Encounters with Cancer Diagnosis During Encounter Period")

define "Has Two or More Encounters with Cancer Diagnosis During Encounter Period":
  "Number of Enounters with Cancer Diagnosis During Encounter Period" >= 2

// End of Active Cancer Treatment Routine

**  Routine #4
**  For Chronic Pain Routine
**  Definition                  | Answer to Proceed   | Details                                        | Data (Terminology) Requirement
**  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Order for opioid analgesic  | Yes                 | Order for opioid analgesics with ambulatory    | Opioid analgesics with
**  with expected supply        |                     | misuse potential with a supply duration of >=  | ambulatory misuse potential
**  duration >= 28 days         |                     | 28 days                                        |
**  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

define function "Is Chronic Pain Prescription?"(prescription FHIR.MedicationRequest):
    prescription.dispenseRequest is not null
      and prescription.dispenseRequest.expectedSupplyDuration is not null
      and Common.GetDurationInDays(prescription.dispenseRequest.expectedSupplyDuration) >= 28

// End of For Chronic Pain Routine

**  Routine #5
**  For Acute Pain Routine
**  Definition                  | Answer to Proceed   | Details                                        | Data (Terminology) Requirement
**  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  Order for opioid analgesics | Yes                 | Look for an existing prescription (order) for  | Opioid analgesics with
**  with ambulatory misuse      |                     | opioid analgesics with ambulatory abuse        | ambulatory misuse potential
**  potential of duration < 28  |                     | potential of duration < 28 days                |
**  days                        |                     |                                                |
**  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

define function "Is Acute Pain Prescription?"(prescription FHIR.MedicationRequest):
  prescription.dispenseRequest is not null
    and prescription.dispenseRequest.expectedSupplyDuration is not null
    and Common.GetDurationInDays( prescription.dispenseRequest.expectedSupplyDuration ) < 28

// End of For Acute Pain Routine

// TODO: Include logic for dispensing and patient-reported events