臺灣核心實作指引(TW Core IG)
0.3.2 - Ci-Build Trial Use

臺灣核心實作指引(TW Core IG), published by 衛生福利部. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.3.2 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/cctwFHIRterm/MOHW_TWCoreIG_Build/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ConceptMap: 臺灣健保署診療科別代碼對應SNOMED CT

Official URL: https://twcore.mohw.gov.tw/ig/twcore/ConceptMap/medical-treatment-department-nhi-tw Version: 0.3.0
Active as of 2024-01-05 Computable Name: TWHealthDepartmentNHI

此對應表為臺灣健保署診療科別代碼對應至國際標準碼SNOMED CT,供實作者於撰寫程式以自動化對應或轉代碼時使用。

Generated Narrative: ConceptMap medical-treatment-department-nhi-tw

Mapping from 臺灣健保署診療科別值集 to 對應至 SNOMED CT之就醫科別 + 診療科別值集

Group 1 Mapping from 臺灣健保署診療科別 to SNOMED CT (all versions)

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
01 (家醫科)is equal to419772000 (Family practice)
02 (內科)is equal to419192003 (Internal medicine)
03 (外科)is equal to394609007 (Surgery-general)
04 (兒科)is equal to24251000087109 (General pediatric specialty)
05 (婦產科)is equal to394585009 (Obstetrics and gynecology)
06 (骨科)is equal to24241000087106 (General orthopedic specialty)
07 (神經外科)is equal to394610002 (Surgery-Neurosurgery)
08 (泌尿科)is equal to394612005 (Urology)
09 (耳鼻喉科)is equal to418960008 (Otolaryngology)
10 (眼科)is equal to394594003 (Ophthalmology)
11 (皮膚科)is equal to394582007 (Dermatology)
12 (神經科)is equal to394591006 (Neurology)
13 (精神科)is equal to394587001 (Psychiatry)
14 (復健科)is equal to394602003 (Rehabilitation)
15 (整形外科)is equal to394611003 (Surgery-Plastic surgery)
16 (職業醫學科)is equal to394821009 (Occupational medicine)
22 (急診醫學科)is equal to773568002 (Emergency medicine)
40 (牙科)is equal to722163006 (Dentistry)
42 (牙髓病科)is equal to408441001 (Endodontics - specialty)
43 (牙周病科)is equal to408461007 (Periodontics)
45 (齒顎矯正科)is equal to394608004 (Orthodontics)
46 (兒童牙科)is equal to394607009 (Pediatric dentistry)
47 (口腔顎面外科)is equal to408465003 (Oral and maxillofacial surgery)
81 (麻醉科)is equal to394577000 (Anesthetics)
82 (放射線科)is equal to394914008 (Radiology)
83 (病理科)is equal to394915009 (General pathology)
84 (核子醫學科)is equal to394649004 (Nuclear medicine)
85 (放射腫瘤科)is equal to419815003 (Radiation oncology)
87 (解剖病理科)is equal to1255732006 (Anatomic pathology)
88 (臨床病理科)is equal to1255736009 (Clinical pathology)