0.1.0 - ci-build

CH EPL (R5), published by Federal Office of Public Health FOPH. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example RegulatedAuthorization: 52042011

Generated Narrative: RegulatedAuthorization MA-52042011


subject: MedicinalProductDefinition: extension = Tablet and solvent for rectal suspension,Distale Form der Colitis ulcerosa bei ungenügendem Ansprechen auf oder Kontraindikation für Mesalazin.; identifier =; domain = Human; combinedPharmaceuticalDoseForm = Tablet and solvent for rectal suspension; indication = Leichte bis mittelschwere Colitis ulcerosa des Rectums sowie des Colon sigmoideum.; legalStatusOfSupply = Dispensation on medical or veterinary prescription (B); classification = budesonide,Synthetika

type: Marketing Authorisation

region: Switzerland

status: zugelassen

statusDate: 1993-06-18

holder: Organization Tillotts Pharma AG

regulator: Organization SMC

Generated Narrative: Organization #holder-Tillotts-Pharma-AG

identifier: urn:oid:, GLN/7601001346451

name: Tillotts Pharma AG

Generated Narrative: Organization #regulator-SMC

identifier: urn:oid:, GLN/7601001398511

name: SMC