Smart Forms
0.3.0 - ci-build

Smart Forms, published by AEHRC CSIRO. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.3.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Behavior: Capability Statements

The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.

Smart Forms Application

This CapabilityStatement describes the capabilities of the Smart Forms Application. These capabilities include supported FHIR profiles, RESTful operations, and search parameters. It covers supported tasks such as SMART App launch context, prepopulation and completion of forms.

Smart Forms Launcher Server for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check

This CapabilityStatement describes the expected capabilities for systems to launch and exchange data with the Smart Forms client application to support the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check. It lists the server's conformance expectations for the resource types required as a launch context, resource types required to support prepopulation of the form, and QuestionnaireResponse requirements for managing form responses. These expectations include supported FHIR profiles, RESTful operations, and search parameters.

Smart Forms Server

This CapabilityStatement describes the capabilities of the Smart Forms Server. The Smart Forms Server provides a definitional repository of resources that a client application can retrieve for use in a Smart Forms context. The capabilities listed include supported FHIR profiles, RESTful operations, and search parameters.

Structures: Questionnaires

These define forms used by systems conforming to this implementation guide to capture or expose data to end users.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check assessment form.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check assessment form.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - About The Health Check

About The Health Check sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Absolute Cardiovascular Disease Risk Calculation

Absolute Cardiovascular Disease Risk Calculation sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Allergies/Adverse Reactions

Allergies/Adverse Reactions sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Chronic Disease Ageing

Chronic Disease Ageing sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Consent

Consent sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Current Priorities

Current Priorities sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Ear Health And Hearing

Ear Health And Hearing sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Examination

Examination sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Eye Health

Eye Health sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Family History

Family History sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Finalising the Health Check

Finalising the Health Check sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Gambling

Gambling sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Health Priorities, Actions And Follow-Up Summary

Health Priorities, Actions And Follow-Up Summary sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Home And Family

Home And Family sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Immunisation

Immunisation sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Investigations

Investigations sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Learning And Development

Learning And Development sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Learning And Work

Learning And Work sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Medical History

Medical History sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Memory And Thinking

Memory And Thinking sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Mood

Mood sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Oral And Dental Health

Oral And Dental Health sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Patient Details

Patient Details sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Red Flags Early Identification Guide For Children

Red Flags Early Identification Guide For Children sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Regular Medications

Regular Medications sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Screening Programs

Screening Programs sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Sexual Health

Sexual Health sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Skin

Skin sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Social And Emotional Wellbeing

Social And Emotional Wellbeing sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Social History Child

Social History Child sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Substance Use

Substance Use sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Physical Activity And Screen Time

Physical Activity And Screen Time sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Contained Resource Reference

This extension is intended to be used as a work around to a known bug whereby contained resources that are not referenced with the type, 'Reference' are removed before a resource is created in a HAPI FHIR server. This is problematic when referencing with the type, 'canonical'. The extension can be used to reference contained resources so they are retained when added to a HAPI FHIR server.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander

The Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander value set includes the Australian Indigenous statuses for Indigenous people.


The gender of a person used for administrative purposes.

Australian Pronouns

The Australian Pronouns value set includes values that indicate the pronouns to be used when communicating with or about an individual.

Australian States and Territories

The Australian States and Territories value set includes values that represent the Australian states and territories.

Biological Sex

The Biological Sex value set includes values that represent the biological sex of an individual.

Cervical Screening Status

The Cervical Screening Status value set includes values that can be used to represent the status of an individual's participation in a cervical screening program.

Clinical Condition

The Clinical Condition value set includes values that cover a broad range of clinical concepts to support the representation of conditions, including problems, diagnoses and disorders.

Condition Clinical Status Codes

Preferred value set for Condition Clinical Status.

Gender Identity Response

The Gender Identity Response value set includes values that may be used to represent a response for an individual's gender. A person's gender is a social and cultural identity, expression and experience.

Primary Carer Of Parent Or Grandparent

The Primary Carer Of Parent Or Grandparent value set includes values that can indicate whether a primary carer is one of the parents or a grandparent.

Questionnaire Item UI Control Codes

Starter set of user interface control/display mechanisms that might be used when rendering an item in a questionnaire.

Smoking Quit Status

The Smoking Quit Status value set includes values that can indicate how long ago an individual quit smoking.

Tobacco Use Status

The Tobacco Use Status value set includes values that may be used to represent an individual's current tobacco use and exposure status.


Concepts for Yes and No


Concepts for Yes, No and Not applicable

Yes/No/Not Asked/Asked But Declined

Concepts for Yes, No, Not Asked and Asked But Declined

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Questionnaire Item Control Extension

The Questionnaire Item Control Extension code system defines concepts that extend the HL7 questionnaire item control concepts in They represent interface control/display mechanisms interface control/display mechanisms that might be used when rendering an item in a questionnaire.

Questionnaire Item UI Control Codes

Starter set of user interface control/display mechanisms that might be used when rendering an item in a questionnaire.

SNOMED CT Supplement for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check

The SNOMED CT Supplement for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check code system supplement defines consumer friendly terms for use in the health check Questionnaire.