0.1.0 - CI Build

WADA List, published by adamzk. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/adamzkover/wada-list-fhir/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Library: WADA List S3 (Experimental)

Official URL: https://folk.ntnu.no/adamzk/it6103/Library/WADAListS3 Version: 0.1.0
Active as of 2024-12-30 Computable Name: WADAListS3

Library for group S3 of the List

Generated Narrative: Library WADAListS3

Related Artifacts

Depends OnLibrary WADAListCommonWADA List Commonversion: null0.1.0)
Depends OnValue Set S3VsS3 FEST
Depends OnValue Set S3AVsS3A FEST
Depends OnValue Set S3BVsS3B FEST
Depends OnValue Set S3CVsS3C FEST
Depends OnValue Set S3DVsS3D FEST



library WADAListS3 version '0.1.0'
using FHIR version '4.0.1'
include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.1' called FHIRHelpers

include WADAListCommon version '0.1.0' called WADAListCommon

valueset S3Vs: 'https://folk.ntnu.no/adamzk/it6103/ValueSet/S3-FEST'
valueset S3AVs: 'https://folk.ntnu.no/adamzk/it6103/ValueSet/S3A-FEST'
valueset S3BVs: 'https://folk.ntnu.no/adamzk/it6103/ValueSet/S3B-FEST'
valueset S3CVs: 'https://folk.ntnu.no/adamzk/it6103/ValueSet/S3C-FEST'
valueset S3DVs: 'https://folk.ntnu.no/adamzk/it6103/ValueSet/S3D-FEST'

define function GetIssues(Meds List<FHIR.Medication>, MedKnowledges List<FHIR.MedicationKnowledge>):
    WADAListCommon.GetIssues(Meds, MedKnowledges, S3Vs,
      'S3', 'red', null,
    WADAListCommon.GetIssues(Meds, MedKnowledges, S3AVs,
      'S3', 'yellow', 'Inhalert formoterol - maksimalt 54 mikrogram per 24 timer',
    WADAListCommon.GetIssues(Meds, MedKnowledges, S3BVs,
      'S3', 'yellow', 'Inhalert salbutamol - maksimalt 1600 mikrogram per 24 timer fordelt på doser som til sammen ikke skal overskride 600 mikrogram i løpet av noen åttetimersperioder',
    WADAListCommon.GetIssues(Meds, MedKnowledges, S3CVs,
      'S3', 'yellow', 'Inhalert salmeterol - maksimalt 200 mikrogram per 24 timer',
    WADAListCommon.GetIssues(Meds, MedKnowledges, S3DVs,
      'S3', 'yellow', 'Inahlert vilanterol - maksimalt 25 mikrogram per 24 timer',

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