WHO Antenatal Care Guideline Implementation Guide
0.3.0 - CI Build International flag

WHO Antenatal Care Guideline Implementation Guide, published by World Health Organization (WHO). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.3.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/smart-anc/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

PlanDefinition: ANC.DT.35 Family planning counselling

Official URL: http://fhir.org/guides/who/anc-cds/PlanDefinition/ANCDT35 Version: 0.3.0
Active as of 2021-04-19 Computable Name: ANCDT35
Other Identifiers: ANC.DT.35 (use: official)

Usage:Workflow Task: Counselling, in-facility management & treatment

General counselling to be provided/reviewed at every contact

Url: ANC.DT.35 Family planning counselling
Version: 0.3.0

value: ANC.DT.35

Name: ANCDT35
Title: ANC.DT.35 Family planning counselling
Status: active
Experimental: false

system: PlanDefinitionType

code: eca-rule

Date: 2021-04-19 22:35:06-0600
Publisher: World Health Organization (WHO)
Description: General counselling to be provided/reviewed at every contact
Use Context:
task ANC.B10. Counselling, in-facility management & treatment
Jurisdiction: 001
ANC.DT.35 Family planning counselling
ANC.DT.35 Family planning counselling:
When: named-event: ANC.B10. Counselling, in-facility management & treatment
Possible methods include: Levonorgestrel IUD, copper IUD, implants, LAM, oral contraceptive pills, sterilization, tubal ligation Note: LAM is an effective method for breastfeeding women who are amenorrhoeic and their infant < 6 months of age; Breastfeeding women < 6 weeks postpartum are generally advised not to use injectables and should not use combined hormonal contraceptive (CHC); Breastfeeding women ≥ 6 weeks can use injectables without restriction; Breastfeeding women ≥ 6 weeks to < 6 months postpartum (primarily breastfeeding) generally should not use CHCs unless other more appropriate methods are not available or acceptable (16).
If: applicability: "Pregnancy confirmed" = "TRUE" (Should Conduct COUNSELLING ON postpartum family planning )