WHO Antenatal Care Guideline Implementation Guide
0.3.0 - CI Build International flag

WHO Antenatal Care Guideline Implementation Guide, published by World Health Organization (WHO). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.3.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/smart-anc/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Library: ANC.DT.07 Ultrasound recommendation

Official URL: http://fhir.org/guides/who/anc-cds/Library/ANCDT07 Version: 0.3.0
Active as of 2024-04-09 Computable Name: ANCDT07
Other Identifiers: ANC.DT.07 (use: official)

An ultrasound is recommended for all pregnant women before 24 weeks of gestation (early ultrasound). If there’s no ultrasound available at that health-carte facility, the woman should be referred to another facility in which she can receive an ultrasound.

Url: ANC.DT.07 Ultrasound recommendation
Version: 0.3.0

value: ANC.DT.07

Name: ANCDT07
Title: ANC.DT.07 Ultrasound recommendation
Status: active
Experimental: false

system: LibraryType

code: logic-library

Date: 2024-04-09 18:08:09+0000
Publisher: World Health Organization (WHO)
Description: An ultrasound is recommended for all pregnant women before 24 weeks of gestation (early ultrasound). If there's no ultrasound available at that health-carte facility, the woman should be referred to another facility in which she can receive an ultrasound.
Jurisdiction: 001
Related Artifacts:


Should Conduct ultrasound at the health-care facility or the referral facilityboolean01out
Should Conduct ultrasound at the health-care facility or the referral facility optional if deemed necessary by the health workerboolean01out
Should Conduct ultrasound scanboolean01out
Should Refer to a facility with ultrasound equipmentboolean01out
Should Ultrasound scan is optionalboolean01out
Should Ultrasound scan is optional 2boolean01out
Data Requirements:
TypeProfileMSCode Filter
Patient http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient
Observation http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Observation ;;;; code filter:
path: code
value set: http://fhir.org/guides/who/anc-cds/ValueSet/anc-b6-de17
Observation http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Observation ;;;; code filter:
path: code
value set: http://fhir.org/guides/who/anc-cds/ValueSet/anc-b6-de15
Content: text/cql
library ANCDT07

using FHIR version '4.0.1'

include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.1'

include ANCConfig called Config
include ANCConcepts called Cx
include ANCDataElements called PatientData
include ANCContactDataElements called ContactData

context Patient

"Gestational age" < 24 weeks
define "Should Conduct ultrasound at the health-care facility or the referral facility":
  ContactData."Gestational age" < 24 'weeks'

"Gestational age" ≥ 24 weeks
define "Should Conduct ultrasound at the health-care facility or the referral facility optional if deemed necessary by the health worker":
  ContactData."Gestational age" >= 24 'weeks'

("Ultrasound scan conducted" = FALSE)
  AND ("Ultrasound available at the health-care facility" = TRUE)
  AND ("Gestational age" < 24 weeks)
define "Should Conduct ultrasound scan":
  ContactData."Ultrasound done" is false
    and Config."Ultrasound available at the health-care facility" = true
    and ContactData."Gestational age" < 24 'weeks'

("Ultrasound scan conducted" = FALSE)
  AND ("Ultrasound available at the health-care facility" = FALSE)
  AND ("Gestational age" < 24 weeks)
define "Should Refer to a facility with ultrasound equipment":
  ContactData."Ultrasound done" is false
    and not Config."Ultrasound available at the health-care facility" = false
    and ContactData."Gestational age" < 24 'weeks'

("Ultrasound scan conducted" = FALSE)
  AND ("Ultrasound available at the health-care facility" = TRUE)
  AND ("Gestational age" ≥ 24 weeks)
define "Should Ultrasound scan is optional":
  ContactData."Ultrasound done" is false
    and Config."Ultrasound available at the health-care facility" = true
    and ContactData."Gestational age" >= 24 'weeks'

("Ultrasound scan conducted" = FALSE)
  AND ("Ultrasound available at the health-care facility" = FALSE)
  AND ("Gestational age" ≥ 24 weeks)
define "Should Ultrasound scan is optional 2":
  ContactData."Ultrasound done" is false
    and not Config."Ultrasound available at the health-care facility" = false
    and ContactData."Gestational age" >= 24 'weeks'
Content: application/elm+xml
Encoded data (29728 characters)
Content: application/elm+json
Encoded data (50540 characters)