Virtually Healthcare HL7 FHIR R4 Implementation Guide
0.1.0-current - ci-build United Kingdom flag

Virtually Healthcare HL7 FHIR R4 Implementation Guide, published by Virtually Healthcare. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0-current built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Data Model

Patient Diagnostics Data Capture Documents Orders «aggregate root»Patientidentifier 1..* : PatientIdentifiernamegenderbirthDateaddresstelecomaddressHL7 FHIR PatientHl7 v2 PD1 commonly supported in UK interoperabiity as HL7 ADT(often undocumented HL7 ADT support in primary care) «entity»PatientIdentifierNHSNumber 0..1CHINumber 0..1MedicalRecordNumber (EMIS, TPP, Hospital Number, etc)HL7 FHIR identifierHL7 v2 CX (in PID)DICOM (0010,0020)IHE XDS patientId and sourcePatientId commonly supported in UK EPR and interoperabiityoften based on HL7 v2 PID «entity»Observationidentifier 1..*subject 1..1: PatientIdentifiercode : UK SNOMED CT or LOINCeffectiveDateTimevalue[x]: codes are UK SNOMED CT or LOINCencounter 0..1HL7 FHIR ObservationHL7 v2 OBX Commonly supported in UK EPR «entity»Observation Panelidentifier 1..*subject 1..1: PatientIdentifiercode : UK SNOMED CT or LOINCeffectiveDateTimehasMember: 1..*: Observationencounter 0..1HL7 FHIR ObservationHL7 v2 OBRextratced from Formdefined by FormDefinitionopenEHR persisted archetype Often not supported in UK EPR «aggregate root»Diagnostic Reportidentifier 1..*basedOn 0..1: AccessionNumbersubject: PatientIdentifiercode : UK SNOMED CT or LOINCeffectiveDateTimeresult: ObservationPanel and ObservationpresentedForm 0..* : AttachmentHL7 FHIR DiagnosticReportHL7 v2 ORU_R01DHCW Laboratory Report (HL7 v2 ORU_R01)RCR Imaging Report (HL7 v2 ORU_R01) Often not supported in UK EPRcommonly supported in UK interoperabiity as HL7 ORU(often undocumented HL7 ORU support in primary care) «data transfer object»Formidentifier 1..1subjectquestionnaire 0..1 : Questionnaireauthored 1..1 : DateTimeanswers 1..*code : (in FHIR from Questionnaire)Is often used to capture data, so«data transfer object» for full coded forms, else «entity»HL7 FHIR QuestionnaireResponseopenEHR persisted Archetype or Template commonly supported in UK EPR in a wide variety of formsrarely present in UK interoperabiity «aggregate root»Form Definitionidentifier 1..1urlcode : UK SNOMED CT or LOINCquestions 1..*HL7 FHIR QuestionnaireopenEHR CKM i.e. Archetype or Template many UK EPR have ad-hoc definitionsrarely present in UK interoperability LogicalModelPRSB FormDefintion «entity»AttachmenttitlelanguageCodedata: file contentscontentType: (also mimeType and file extension)FileHL7 FHIR AttacmentData TypeHL7 v2 OBXIHE XDS Document Entry Commonly suported in UK EPR «aggregate root»Document Entrycategory: UK SNOMED CTtype : UK SNOMED CTsubject : PatientIdentifierattachment 1..*referenceIdList : AccessionNumber (FHIR context.related)HL7 FHIR DocumentReferenceIHE XDS Document EntryDigital Health and Care Scotland - CLINICAL DOCUMENT INDEXING STANDARDSIHE (Europe) Document Metadata Outside of IHE and national, not commonly supported in UK «aggregate root»Laboratory/Imaging OrderaccessionNumber 1..1 : AccessionNumberfilerOrderNumber 1..1: IdentifierplacerOrderNumber 1..1 : Identifiersubject: PatientIdentifiercode: Procedure code UK SNOMED CT, LOINC or NICIPHL7 FHIR ServiceRequestHL7 v2 OML_O21 «value»AccessionNumber «aggregate root»Prescriptionidentifier 1..*subject: PatientIdentifiermedication: UK SNOMED CT (dm+d)HL7 FHIR MedicationeRequest «aggregate root»Referralidentifier 1..*subject: PatientIdentifiercode: Procedure code UK SNOMED CTHL7 FHIR ServiceRequestHL7 v2 ORM_O01? identifier result hasMember FormDefinition are the physical models defintionurlquestionnaire attachment accessionNumber referenceIdList basedOn subject subject subject subject subject subject subject subject data extractionanswers data extractioncode and answers attachment

Repository Data Model
