Estonian Terminology Services Implementation Guide
1.0.0 - draft Estonia flag

Estonian Terminology Services Implementation Guide, published by TEHIK. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions


Official URL: Version: 1.0.0
Draft as of 2023-06-29 Computable Name: terminologyservices

This implementation guide describes the central FHIR terminology services maintained by Health and Welfare Information Systems Centre. Main content is provided in English, more detailed specifications may occasionally be available only in Estonian.

Käesolev juhis kirjeldab keskseid FHIR terminoloogiateenuseid, mida haldab Tervise ja Heaolu Infosüsteemide Keskus. Juhis on kirjutatud eesti ja inglise keeles, kusjuures eestikeelne tekst on kohati põhjalikum ja detailsem, olles suunatud kohalikule arendajale.

About | Juhendist

In EnglishEesti keeles

Central terminology services use FHIR standard, but the services themselves are not restricted to FHIR implementers. Terminology server replaces the old CSV-based publication portal, and will be used by the whole eHealth community in Estonia.

Implementation Guide contains:

  • Basic overview of FHIR terminology, including references to base specifications and training materials
  • Introduction to Ontoserver
  • Basic verview of terminology authoring process
  • Description of migration process from old csv-based codesets to FHIR resources
  • Logical models and FHIR profiles for publishing terminology assets
  • Usage guidance, including basic querying

Kesksed terminoloogiaserverid on üles ehitatud FHIR standardile, kuid need on kasutamiseks laiemalt kui FHIR teenused. Terminoloogiaserver vahetab välja Publitseerimiskeskuse ning pakub loendite andmeid kõigile Eesti e-tervise arendajatele.

Juhend sisaldab:

  • Lühiülevaade FHIR terminoloogiast, sh viited dokumentatsioonile ja koolitusmaterjalidele
  • Ontoserveri tutvustus
  • Lühiülevaade terminoloogia loomise ja haldamise kohta
  • Andmete migreerimine Publitseerimiskeskusest terminoloogiaserverisse
  • Loogilised andmemudelid ja FHIR profiilid terminoloogiaga seotud ressursside avaldamiseks
  • Kasutusjuhised, sh peamised päringud

Terminology Server | Terminoloogiaserver

Terminology server is a software with standard FHIR API for distributing terminology resources, validating concepts and display names, and querying terminology. Terminology server allows terminology users to consume the codes and value sets in a standard format without having to know the details of the underlying coding scheme and structure.

Estonian national FHIR terminology services are provided by Ontoserver instance hosted in TEHIK's infrastructure. The national terminology server contains all value sets currently published in Publitseerimiskeskus, but also SNOMED CT Estonian+International edition.
Terminology server has a machine-readable output. Human-readable publication of terminology resources will be implemented in autumn 2023.

Ontoserver solution is developed by the Australian e-Health Research Centre, CSIRO. It provides standard FHIR API for maintaining and publishing terminology resources, and supports SNOMED CT, including Expression Constraint Language searches. Ontoserver licence was obtained through a public procurement process.

References | Viited

Specifications| Juhendid

Trainings | Koolitused

  • SNOMED CT Terminology Services: using SNOMED CT terminology with FHIR and native Snowstorm API. 20h self-paced e-learning, free for SNOMED CT member countries (incl Estonia)

Community support | Kogukonna tugi

Contributors | Autorid ja abistajad