Estonian Terminology Services Implementation Guide
1.0.0 - draft
Estonian Terminology Services Implementation Guide, published by TEHIK. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
For each terminology resource a certain set of metadata is defined. Requirements for metadata have been set by the coordination group of eHealth terminologies, that includes experts from TEHIK, Ministry of Social Affairs, Health Fund, and Health Development Institute. Please see the metadata logical model for full description.
Iga loend ja koodisüsteem on varustatud metaandmestikuga. Metaandmete soovitusliku koosseisu on kokku pannud Klassifikaatorite ja koodiloendite koordinatsioonikogu. Metaandmestik moodustab klassifikaatori/koodiloendi passi. Siinses juhendis on metaandmestik avaldatud loogilise andmemudelina ning metaandmed salvestatakse FHIR ressursi sees andmeelementides.
id | For locally defined terminology assets, use the title in lowercase, spaces replaced with hyphens (-), characters replaced as follows: ä-a, ö-o, õ-o, ü-y, š-sh, ž-zh, special characters omitted. Character limit is 30 characters (40 for legacy content). If the title is significantly longer, shorten it logically to fit the character limit and still carry the information of the original title. The title is followed by two dashes and the version number. |
url | For locally defined terminology assets, use [baseURL]/[resource type]/[id] |
name | For locally defined terminology assets, use the title in PascalCase (all words start with capital letter), remove spaces, characters replaced as follows: ä-a, ö-o, õ-o, ü-y, š-sh, ž-zh, special characters omitted. Numbers and "_" are allowed. Acronyms can stay all-upper-case. Character limit is 30 characters. If the title is significantly longer, shorten it logically to fit the character limit and still carry the information of the original title. |
identifier (OID) | OID identifier is represented as an URN. Identifier.system is urn:ietf:rfc:3986. Identifier.value in format urn:oid:1.2.3. Typically assigned to ValueSets or international CodeSystems. |
status | Normally a draft until publication, when it is set active - however, the effectivePeriod.start may be in the future. The status is set to "retired", when the effectivePeriod.end date has arrived. |
experimental | By default, use 'false'. 'True' may be used for testing and proof of concepts, but these resources should normally not be available in production terminology server. |
version | Version, typically according to semantic versioning (see versioning). If dates are used, YYYY-MM-DD format is preferred. For external resources, original versioning is preserved. |
versioningAlgorithm | Usually 'semver'. For external resources, original versioning is preserved. |
publisher | Usually 'TEHIK' |
contact | Usually '' |
author | Owner's name (organisation or group, preferrably not an individual). |
meta.profile | Minimally HL7 Shareable CodeSystem profile It is expected that all locally defined resources use the profile defined in this implementation guide. |
url | Follows pattern [baseURL]/[resource type]/[id] -[id] |
identifier (OID) | When CodeSystem and ValueSet are the same list, OID is assigned to the ValueSet and CodeSystem both. Version OID uses the type 'version'. |
title | Common name of the code system. Human friendly and descriptive. Acronyms are allowed when the code system is more likely to be known by the acronym than the full name. Do not include resource type in the name (e.g 'CodeSystem', 'CS'), and keep the title short (additional information should belong to description). For CodeSystem supplements, use the key word Supplement/Lisand in the end of the title. Title is typically in Estonian, and the English translation is in the translation element. |
otherTitle | Additional name of the CodeSystem in case it is known by names other than the Title. |
description | Short description of the resource. This should be only a few lines of text. (Lühiiseloomustus selgitusfailis; Klassifikaatori kirjeldus PubKeskuses.) |
purpose | Longer description about the purpose and usage of the CodeSystem. This can include a link to a dedicated web page with more information. |
codingPrinciples | Currently not implemented. |
changeManagementDescription | Currently not implemented. |
caseSensitive | Mark if the codes are caseSensitive. This element is true for UCUM, but false for almost all other cases. |
content | In terminology server, content is usually 'complete' or in case of CodeSystem supplement 'supplement'. Other values are more likely to be used in implementation guide context. |
property | Properties should be resused as much as possible. All used properties must be in the value set. Value set uses the properties defined by HL7 (also see the supplement for data types) and locally defined concepts. |
meta.profile | Minimally HL7 Shareable ValueSet profile It is expected that all locally defined resources use the profile defined in this implementation guide. |
url | Follows pattern [baseURL]/[resource type]/[id] -[id] |
identifier (OID) | When CodeSystem and ValueSet are the same list, OID is assigned to the ValueSet and CodeSystem both. Version OID uses the type 'version'. |
title | Common name of the value set. Human friendly and descriptive. Acronyms are allowed. Do not include resource type in the name (e.g 'ValueSet', 'vS'), and keep the title short (additional information should belong to description). |
description | Short description of the resource. (Lühiiseloomustus selgitusfailis.) |
purpose | Longer description about the purpose and usage of the ValueSet. Selgitusfail - kasutuskoht |
codingPrinciples | Currently not implemented. |
changeManagementDescription | Currently not implemented. | | Codes of properties that should appear in default expansion (notSelectable, groupedBy/parent, …) |
compose.include.system | For SNOMED CT, use Estonian edition "", because some concepts can be authored in the Estonian edition, and concepts may also move from Estonian to International and back. Estonian edition includes Estonian and International releases. Normally, version of the code system should not be specified, especially when very stable content from the code system is used. |
url | Follows pattern [baseURL]/[resource type]/[id] -[id] |
title | ConceptMap between ValueSet versions follows pattern "[ValueSet's Estonian title] v[source version]-v[target version] vastendus". ConceptMap between different CodeSystems follows pattern "[Source CodeSystem title] - [Target CodeSystem title] vastendus [scope]. For English titles, 'vastendus' is replaced with 'Map' and source and target titles are also in English. Keep the title short and to the point. |
description | Short description of the mapping. Brief mention of the scope or use case this mapping serves. |
purpose | Longer description about the purpose and usage of the ConceptMap. Include warnings, disclaimers, and implementation considerations if needed. |
status | The status of a deprecated/inactive resource is Retired. |
version | The version will remain the same. The resource content does not change, except for status and description. |
description | Description should clearly indicate that the resource is retired. Add 'Kehtetu' in front of the description. |
effectivePeriod | End date should be filled in with the date 1 day earlier than the next version's effectivePeriod.start date. |
replacedBy | Add reference to the new resource if the new replacement has been created. |