Research Data Sharing IG
1.0.0 - CI Build International flag

Research Data Sharing IG, published by IEHR-Workgroup. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example QuestionnaireResponse: QuestionnaireResponse Example - CRF Intervall

.. 3234Questionnaire:CRFInterval
... sec1Patient general data
.... 1.1SurnameMeier
.... 1.2NameThomas
.... 1.3Allergies-
.... 1.4GenderAdministrativeGender male: Male
.... 1.5Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)1997-03-21
... sec2Disease related data
.... 2.1Year of hypertension diagnosis2003
.... 2.2blood pressure measurement SYS/DIA (mmHg/mmHg)149/94
.... 2.3Latest creatinine (mg/dL)1,2
.... 2.4Current MedicationsACE inhibitors
.... 2.5EKG report signalRR interval: 0.6-1.2 seconds. P wave: 80 milliseconds. PR interval: 120-200 milliseconds
.... 2.6Echocardiogram report and videoNo display for Attachment
.... 2.7Latest left ventricular ejection fraction (%)61.3
.... 2.8Latest interventricular septum thickness (mm)8.7
... sec3Questionnaire on side effects
.... 3.1Name of the DrugFondaparinux sodium
.... 3.2Type of symptom(s)
.... 3.3How long the adverse event last?1 day to 1 week
.... 3.4Did you withdraw the drug?false
.... 3.5Did the adverse reaction require specific treatment?false
... sec4Feasibility assessment
.... 4.1Preliminary Questions
..... 4.1.1Age23
..... 4.1.2SexMale
..... 4.1.3Educational LevelGraduate
..... 4.1.4Urban Zone (rural/ urban)urban
..... 4.1.5Profession (if retired, previously exercisedStudent
..... 4.1.6Do you routinely use apps of your smartphone/table in your daily life (excluded messages and phone calls)?true
..... 4.1.7Do you have wifi/xDSL/3g/4g connection in you hometrue
.... 4.2What satisfaction level do you have about the clinical staff explanation or instruction manual for use and maintenance of the system?Satisfied
.... 4.3How would you rate the ease of use of the platform?Easy
.... 4.4What satisfaction level do you have about the received clinical care provided by the use of the platform?Satisfied
.... 4.5If you had any technical problem, were you satisfied with the solution of it?Dissatisfied
.... 4.6How would you rate the mobile device operation?Very safe
.... 4.7Has the INTEROPEHRATE System helped you understand better your disease?Strongly Agree
.... 4.8Has the INTEROPEHRATE System allowed you to have more autonomy to access to hospitals or care Centres?Strongly Agree
.... 4.9Do you consider that INTEROPEHRATE system has a major role i communicating with foreign healthcare provider?Agree
.... 4.10The INTEROPEHRATE System has had a positive impact in the way that you live your disease?Agree
.... 4.11Do you consider that your family/caregivers have been benefited from your use of the INTEROPEHRATE system by a lower possibility of psychological or physical burden that can cause the disease?Strongly Agree
.... 4.12Please mark from 1 to 4 your satisfaction level about the INTEROPEHRATE system (1 ist considered as Very dissatisfied and 4 as Very satisfied)?3.8
.... 4.13Please mark from 1 to 4, if you would recommend other people to use the INTEROPEHRATE System3.7

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