Guide d'implémentation Fr Core
2.1.0 - trial-use France flag

Guide d'implémentation Fr Core, published by Interop'Santé. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Accueil
... 2 Liste des profils
... 3 Bonnes pratiques
... 4 Autres Ressources
.... 4.1 Téléchargements et usages
.... 4.2 A propos
... 5 Artifacts Summary
.... 5.1 FR Core Appointment Profile
.... 5.2 FR Core Encounter Profile
.... 5.3 FR Core Healthcare Service Profile
.... 5.4 FR Core Location Profile
.... 5.5 FR Core Medication Administration Inhaled Oxygen Profile
.... 5.6 FR Core Observation Blood Pressure Profile
.... 5.7 FR Core Observation Bmi Profile
.... 5.8 FR Core Observation Body Height Profile
.... 5.9 FR Core Observation Body Temperature Profile
.... 5.10 FR Core Observation Body Weight Profile
.... 5.11 FR Core Observation Head Circum Profile
.... 5.12 FR Core Observation Heart Rate Profile
.... 5.13 FR Core Observation Oxygen Saturation Profile
.... 5.14 FR Core Observation Respiratory Rate Profile
.... 5.15 FR Core Organization Pole Profile
.... 5.16 FR Core Organization Profile
.... 5.17 FR Core Organization UAC Profile
.... 5.18 FR Core Organization UF Profile
.... 5.19 FR Core Patient INS Profile
.... 5.20 FR Core Patient Profile
.... 5.21 FR Core Practitioner Profile
.... 5.22 FR Core Practitioner Role
.... 5.23 FR Core Related Person Profile
.... 5.24 FR Core Schedule Profile
.... 5.25 FR Core Slot Profile
.... 5.26 FR Core Address Profile
.... 5.27 FR Core Contact Point Profile
.... 5.28 FR Core Human Name Profile
.... 5.29 FR Core Address Insee Code Extension
.... 5.30 FR Core Appointment Operator Extension
.... 5.31 FR Core Assembly Order Extension
.... 5.32 FR Core Comment Extension
.... 5.33 FR Core Contact Point Email Type Extension
.... 5.34 FR Core Encounter Estimated Discharge Date Extension
.... 5.35 FR Core Location Part Of Position Room Extension
.... 5.36 FR Core Lunar Date Extension
.... 5.37 FR Core Nationality Extension
.... 5.38 FR Core Observation Body Position Ext Extension
.... 5.39 FR Core Observation Height Body Position Extension
.... 5.40 FR Core Observation Level Of Exertion Extension
.... 5.41 FR Core Organization Activity Field Extension
.... 5.42 FR Core Organization Activity Type Extension
.... 5.43 FR Core Organization Analysis Section Extension
.... 5.44 FR Core Organization Applicant Act Extension
.... 5.45 FR Core Organization Budget Letter Extension
.... 5.46 FR Core Organization Description Extension
.... 5.47 FR Core Organization Executant Extension
.... 5.48 FR Core Organization External Extension
.... 5.49 FR Core Organization Field Extension
.... 5.50 FR Core Organization Prestation Discipline Extension
.... 5.51 FR Core Organization Short Name Extension
.... 5.52 FR Core Organization Total Number Of Theorical Accomodation Space Extension
.... 5.53 FR Core Patient Birth List Given name Extension
.... 5.54 FR Core Patient Birthdate Update Indicator Extension
.... 5.55 FR Core Patient Contact Identifier Extension
.... 5.56 FR Core Patient Death Place Extension
.... 5.57 FR Core Patient Ident Reliability Extension
.... 5.58 FR Core Practitioner Profession Extension
.... 5.59 FR Core Practitioner Specialty Extension
.... 5.60 FR Core Schedule availability time Extension
.... 5.61 FR Core Service Type Duration Extension
.... 5.62 FR Core Slot Date Extension
.... 5.63 FR Core Use Period Extension
.... 5.64 First day of the workweek | Premier jour de la semaine de travail
.... 5.65 FR Core ValueSet BodyPosition
.... 5.66 FR Core ValueSet BP measurement method
.... 5.67 FR Core ValueSet Civility
.... 5.68 FR Core ValueSet Civility exercice RASS
.... 5.69 FR Core ValueSet Civility RASS
.... 5.70 FR Core ValueSet COG commune pays
.... 5.71 FR Core ValueSet Contact relationship
.... 5.72 FR Core ValueSet Email type
.... 5.73 FR Core ValueSet Encounter class
.... 5.74 FR Core ValueSet Encounter discharge disposition
.... 5.75 FR Core ValueSet Encounter identifier type
.... 5.76 FR Core ValueSet Encounter type
.... 5.77 FR Core ValueSet Identity method collection
.... 5.78 FR Core ValueSet Identity reliability
.... 5.79 FR Core ValueSet INSEE code
.... 5.80 FR Core ValueSet Location identifier type
.... 5.81 FR Core ValueSet Location physical type
.... 5.82 FR Core ValueSet Location position room
.... 5.83 FR Core ValueSet Location type
.... 5.84 FR Core ValueSet Mode validation identity
.... 5.85 FR Core ValueSet Organization activity field
.... 5.86 FR Core ValueSet Organization identifier type
.... 5.87 FR Core ValueSet Organization type
.... 5.88 FR Core ValueSet Organization UF activity field
.... 5.89 FR Core ValueSet Patient contact role
.... 5.90 FR Core ValueSet Patient gender INS ValueSet
.... 5.91 FR Core ValueSet Patient gender INS ValueSet
.... 5.92 FR Core ValueSet Patient identifier type
.... 5.93 FR Core ValueSet Practitioner identifier type
.... 5.94 FR Core ValueSet Practitioner qualification
.... 5.95 FR Core ValueSet Practitioner specialty
.... 5.96 FR Core ValueSet PractitionerRole Exercice
.... 5.97 FR Core ValueSet relation type
.... 5.98 FR Core ValueSet Schedule type
.... 5.99 FR Core ValueSet Title
.... 5.100 FR Core ValueSet Unavailability Reason
.... 5.101 Recurrent caracteristic of the Schedule | Caractère récurrent du Schedule
.... 5.102 FR Core CodeSystem Circonstances Sortie
.... 5.103 FR Core CodeSystem Contact Relationship
.... 5.104 FR Core CodeSystem Fiabilité Identité
.... 5.105 FR Core CodeSystem Identifier Type
.... 5.106 FR Core CodeSystem Location Identifier Type
.... 5.107 FR Core CodeSystem Location Physical Type
.... 5.108 FR Core CodeSystem Location Position Room
.... 5.109 FR Core CodeSystem Location Type
.... 5.110 FR Core CodeSystem Marital Status
.... 5.111 FR Core CodeSystem Mode Validation Identite
.... 5.112 FR Core CodeSystem Mode Validation Identite
.... 5.113 FR Core CodeSystem Schedule Type
.... 5.114 FR Core CodeSystem Type Admission
.... 5.115 FR Core CodeSystem Types d'Organisations
.... 5.116 FR Core CodeSystem v2-0203
.... 5.117 FR Core CodeSystem v2-0445
.... 5.118 FR Core CodeSystem v2-3307
.... 5.119 FR Core CodeSystem v2-3311
.... 5.120 ExampleFRCorePatient001
.... 5.121 FRCoreAppointmentExample
.... 5.122 FRCoreEncounterExample
.... 5.123 FRCoreObservationBMIExample
.... 5.124 FRCoreObservationBodyHeightExample
.... 5.125 FRCoreObservationBodyTemperatureExample
.... 5.126 FRCoreObservationBodyWeightExample
.... 5.127 FRCoreObservationBPExample
.... 5.128 FRCoreObservationHeadCircumExample
.... 5.129 FRCoreObservationHeartRateExample
.... 5.130 FRCoreScheduleExample
.... 5.131 FRCoreSlotExample