Medication Prescription and Delivery (MPD), published by Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
Data Models
MedicationPrescription identifier 1..* groupIdentifier 0..1 recordingDate 0..1 issueDate 1..1 recorder 0..1 prescriber 1..1 category 0..* validFrom 0..1 validUntil 0..1 patient 1..1 status 1..1 statusReason 0..* statusReasonText 0..1 medication 1..1 indication 0..* indicationText 0..1 dosageInstructions 0..1 preparationInstructions 0..1 substitution 0..1 substitutionBoolean 1..1 substitutionType 1..1 substitutionTypeReason 0..1 substitutionTypeReasonText 0..1 comment 0..* MedicinalProductLM identifyingCode[x] 0..* classification 0..* productName 0..1 marketingAuthorisationHolder 0..1 organizationName 0..1 organizationIdentifier 0..* doseForm 0..1 packSize 0..* item 0..* doseForm 0..1 ingredient 1..* role 0..1 substance 1..1 strengthInfo 0..* strength 1..1 strengthType 0..1 strengthSubstance 0..1 unitOfPresentation 0..1 containedQuantity 0..1 amount 0..1 device 0..* deviceQuantity 1..1 device 1..1 characteristic 0..* type 1..1 value[x] 0..1 additionalProductInformation 0..1 DosagingInformation dosageDetails 0..* sequence 0..1 text 0..1 additionalInstruction 0..* patientInstruction 0..1 doseAndRate 0..* type 0..1 dose 0..1 rate 0..1 timing 0..1 event 0..* code 0..1 repeat 0..1 bounds 0..1 duration 0..1 range 0..1 period 0..1 count 0..1 count 1..1 countMax 0..1 duration 0..1 duration 1..1 durationMax 0..1 frequency 0..1 numberOfTimes 1..1 maxNumberOfTimes 0..1 period 1..1 periodMax 0..1 dayOfWeek 0..* timeOfDay 0..* eventTime 0..* when 0..* offset 0..1 asNeeded 0..1 asNeededFor 0..* bodySite 0..1 routeOfAdministration 0..1 methodOfAdministration 0..1 maxDose 0..* maxDosePerPeriod 0..* maxDosePerAdministration 0..1 maxDosePerLifetime 0..1 Patient identifier 1..* name 1..* gender 0..1 dateOfBirth 0..1 insuranceInformation 0..1 Practitioner identifier 1..* name 1..* specialtyProfession 0..* organisation 0..1 identifier 0..1 facilityName 0..1 facilityAddress 0..1 contactInformation 0..1 phone 0..1 email 0..* 1..1 0..1 1..1 recorder 0..1 prescriber 1..1