1.0.1-current - ci-build International flag

Scheduling, published by IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Committee. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.1-current built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Behavior: Capability Statements

The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.

IHE Scheduling Client

CapabilityStatement for Client Actor in the IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Supplement IHE FHIR Scheduling. See

IHE Scheduling Server

CapabilityStatement for Server Actor in the IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Supplement IHE FHIR Scheduling. See

Behavior: Operation Definitions

These are custom operations that can be supported by and/or invoked by systems conforming to this implementation guide.


Request to book a selected Appointment. This operation follows the appointment availability and optional hold interactions. This operation completes the booking of an appointment. The server determines if the nominated appointment is still available (i.e., all the required actors and physical assets needed for the appointment are still available) and either accepts or rejects the book request and updates the resource status accordingly.

In addition to the booking an appointment, this operation can also request to modify or cancel an existing appointment.

Book a New Appointment

When booking a new appoint, the operation SHALL have either an appointment-reference or an appointment-resource parameter. If the appointment-resource parameter is used, the value of Appointment.status SHALL have the value of pending.

A successful new appointment $book operation returns an IHE ITI Appointment resource with the the value of Appointment.status set to booked.

Modify an Existing Appointment

When requesting a modification of an existing appointment, the operation SHALL have an appointment-resource parameter and the value of Appointment.status SHALL have the value of booked.

A successful request to modify an existing modification returns an IHE ITI Appointment resource with the the value of Appointment.status set to booked and the changes that were requested correspondingly reflected in the resource.

Cancel an Existing Appointment

When requesting a cancellation of an existing appointment, the operation SHALL have an appointment-resource parameter and the value of Appointment.status SHALL have the value of cancelled.

A successful request to cancel an existing modification returns an IHE ITI Appointment resource with the the value of Appointment.status set to cancelled


Searches for availability for a future appointment(s) within a time period of defined by date range input parameters. If neither a start or end date is given then the maximum period as defined by local business rules and starting from when the operation was transacted will be used. Other input parameters further refine the search and include practitioner references, specialties, visit type, locations, patient and referral information. From these criteria, a system determines which schedulable resources ( e.g., people, rooms, equipment) are needed for the visit, and provides proposed appointments for the time slots where all required resources are available.


Request for a hold on a selected Appointment in order for the user to complete entering data for booking an appointment. This operation precedes the booking and follows the appointment availability interaction. The server determines if the nominated appointment is still available (i.e., all the required actors and physical assets needed for the appointment are still available) and either accepts or rejects the hold request and updates the resource status accordingly.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Audit Event for the Book Appointment Transaction at Recipient

Defines constraints on the AuditEvent Resource to record when a Book Appointment [ITI-117] Transaction happens at the Recipient.

  • Build off of the IHE Basic Audit Patient Create event
  • add the ITI-117 as a subtype
  • client is the Scheduling Client
  • Server is the Scheduling Server
  • may have user, app, organization agent(s)
  • shall have a patient entity
  • shall have an appointment identity entity
Audit Event for the Book Appointment Transaction at Source

Defines constraints on the AuditEvent Resource to record when a Book Appointment [ITI-117] Transaction happens at the Source.

  • Build off of the IHE Basic Audit Patient Create event
  • add the ITI-117 as a subtype
  • client is the Scheduling Client
  • Server is the Scheduling Server
  • may have user, app, organization agent(s)
  • shall have a patient entity
  • shall have an appointment identity entity
Audit Event for the Find Potential Appointments Transaction at Recipient

Defines constraints on the AuditEvent Resource to record when a Find Potential Appointments [ITI-115] Transaction happens at the Recipient, and the transaction contains a Patient resource.

  • Build off of the IHE Basic Audit Patient Create event
  • add the ITI-115 as a subtype
  • client is the Scheduling Client
  • Server is the Scheduling Server
  • may have user, app, organization agent(s)
  • shall have a patient entity
Audit Event for the Find Potential Appointments Transaction at Source

Defines constraints on the AuditEvent Resource to record when a Find Potential Appointments [ITI-115] Transaction happens at the Source.

  • Build off of the IHE Basic Audit Patient Create event
  • add the ITI-115 as a subtype
  • client is the Scheduling Client
  • Server is the Scheduling Server
  • may have user, app, organization agent(s)
  • shall have a patient entity
  • shall have an appointment identity entity
Audit Event for the Hold Appointment Transaction at Recipient

Defines constraints on the AuditEvent Resource to record when a hold Appointment [ITI-116] Transaction happens at the Recipient.

  • Build off of the IHE Basic Audit Patient Create event
  • add the ITI-116 as a subtype
  • client is the Scheduling Client
  • Server is the Scheduling Server
  • may have user, app, organization agent(s)
  • shall have a patient entity
  • shall have an appointment identity entity
Audit Event for the Hold Appointment Transaction at Source

Defines constraints on the AuditEvent Resource to record when a Hold Appointment [ITI-116] Transaction happens at the Source.

  • Build off of the IHE Basic Audit Patient Create event
  • add the ITI-116 as a subtype
  • client is the Scheduling Client
  • Server is the Scheduling Server
  • may have user, app, organization agent(s)
  • shall have a patient entity
  • shall have an appointment identity entity
IHE ITI Appointment Profile

The IHE ITI Scheduling Appointment Profile is used with the '$find', '$hold', and '$book' operations and when fetching appointments.

IHE ITI Scheduling Bundle Profile

The IHE ITI Appointment Bundle Profile is returned as a result of the '$find' operation and Appointment search.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Reason For Current Status

Captures the reason for the current state of the Appointment.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

IHE ITI Sched Status Reason Codes

This value set is the full expansion of the ITI Scheduking Status Reason code system.

IHE ITI Scheduling Snomed CT Services

The Snomed CT services and procedures concepts that represent visit types for scheduling appointments. These concepts are mapped to the IHE ITI Scheduling Visit Types.

IHE ITI Scheduling Specialties

The specialties offered by providers and that would be required to perform the service requested in this appointment.

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

ITI Appointment Status Reason Codes

The reason for the current state of the Appointment.

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

Audit Example of ITI-1017 at source

Audit Example for a Simplified Publish Transaction from source perspective

Audit Example of ITI-115 at recipient

Audit Example for a Book Appointment Transaction as recorded at the recipient

Audit Example of ITI-115 at source

Audit Example for a Simplified Publish Transaction from source perspective

Audit Example of ITI-116 at recipient

Audit Example for a Book Appointment Transaction as recorded at the recipient

Audit Example of ITI-116 at source

Audit Example for a Simplified Publish Transaction from source perspective

Audit Example of ITI-117 at recipient

Audit Example for a Book Appointment Transaction as recorded at the recipient

Dummy Device example

Dummy Device example for completeness sake. No actual use of this resource other than an example target

Example appointment with Dr. Y

Example appointment

Meiko Lufhir Jr., PhD

Example patient

Potential Appointment List

Response to a $find operation example

Practitioner Dr. Y

Example practitioner