Australian Patient Summary Implementation Guide
0.0.1 - CI Build Australia flag

Australian Patient Summary Implementation Guide, published by HL7 Australia. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.0.1 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Allergy Intolerance (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Bundle - IPS (AU)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the Bundle resource by the International Patient Summary (IPS) FHIR Implementation Guide.

Composition (AU IPS)

Clinical document used to represent the International Patient Summary (IPS) data set. An International Patient Summary (IPS) document is an electronic health record extract containing essential healthcare information about a subject of care. The IPS dataset is minimal and non-exhaustive; specialty-agnostic and condition-independent; but still clinically relevant. As specified in EN 17269 and ISO 27269, it is designed for supporting the use case scenario for ‘unplanned, cross border care’, but it is not limited to it. It is intended to be international, i.e., to provide generic solutions for global application beyond a particular region or country. This profile is based on the ClinicalDocument profile.

Condition (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Device (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Device - performer, observer

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Device Use Statement (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

DiagnosticReport (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Imaging Study (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Immunization (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Media observation (Results: laboratory, media)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Medication (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Medication Request (IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Medication Statement (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Observation - Pregnancy: EDD

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Observation - Pregnancy: outcome

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Observation - Pregnancy: status

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Observation - SH: alcohol use

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Observation - SH: tobacco use

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Observation Results (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Observation Results: laboratory (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Observation Results: pathology (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Observation Results: radiology (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Organization (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Patient (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Practitioner (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

PractitionerRole (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Procedure (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)

Specimen (AU IPS)

This profile is based on the UV profile, with Australian rules added as well (by reference to the Australian profile)