Austrian Patient Summary (R4)
0.1.0 - ci-build

Austrian Patient Summary (R4), published by ELGA GmbH. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example Bundle: APS-1-no-problems-medication-allergies

Document Details

Generated Narrative: Bundle International Patient Summary

Document Subject

Generated Narrative: Patient APS-1-no-problems-medication-allergies-patient

Maria Johanna Musterfrau Female, DoB: 1961-12-24 ( Social Security Number: 1111241261)

Marital Status:Married
Contact Detail

Document Content

Medication Summary

narrative needs to be generated

Allergies and Intolerances

narrative needs to be generated

Problem List

narrative needs to be generated

Additional Resources Included in Document

Entry 1 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:212fdc76-ccc3-40bf-8cdd-82f2ef88bd7b

Resource Composition:

Generated Narrative: Composition APS-1-no-problems-medication-allergies-composition

status: Preliminary

type: Patient summary Document

date: 2024-02-08 14:01:30+0000

author: Bundle: identifier =; type = document; timestamp = 2024-02-08 14:01:30+0000

title: International Patient Summary

Entry 2 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:0fed5ebe-ca8f-4ad1-aba4-ddad45bd6cc8

Resource Patient:

Generated Narrative: Patient APS-1-no-problems-medication-allergies-patient

Maria Johanna Musterfrau Female, DoB: 1961-12-24 ( Social Security Number: 1111241261)

Marital Status:Married
Contact Detail

Entry 3 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:75db30ee-7028-486c-929a-c5126837f472

Resource Device:

This Device generates an IPS FHIR Document from in production used ELGA CDA

Entry 4 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:72e85b9d-004d-4104-b166-86d129948bae

Resource Condition:

Generated Narrative: Condition APS-1-no-problems-medication-allergies-problem-1

clinicalStatus: Inactive

code: No known problems

subject: Bundle: identifier =; type = document; timestamp = 2024-02-08 14:01:30+0000

Entry 5 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:acac4c94-a752-4cf5-9a6b-0d84237d5076

Resource MedicationStatement:

Generated Narrative: MedicationStatement APS-1-no-problems-medication-allergies-medication-summary-1

status: recorded

subject: Bundle: identifier =; type = document; timestamp = 2024-02-08 14:01:30+0000

effective: 2024-02-08 10:31:58+0200

Entry 6 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:768eb9cb-00f3-4ab1-bfc2-ff835cb3b89b

Resource AllergyIntolerance:

Generated Narrative: AllergyIntolerance APS-1-no-problems-medication-allergies-allergy-1

clinicalStatus: Inactive

code: No known allergies

patient: Bundle: identifier =; type = document; timestamp = 2024-02-08 14:01:30+0000