HL7 Version 2 to FHIR
1.0.0-ballot - ballot International flag

HL7 Version 2 to FHIR, published by HL7 International / Orders and Observations. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0-ballot built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/v2-to-fhir/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ConceptMap: Message ORM_O01 to Bundle Map (Experimental)

Official URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/v2mappings/message-orm-o01-to-bundle Version: 1.0.0-ballot
Active as of 2024-04-24 Computable Name: MessageORM_O01ToBundle

Copyright/Legal: Copyright (c) 2020, HL7 International, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

This ConceptMap represents a mapping from the HL7 V2 Message ORM_O01 to the FHIR Message Bundle.

This ConceptMap represents the mapping from the HL7 V2 ORM_O01 Message to the FHIR Message Bundle. See also the FHIR Shorthand or the CSV Source.

</thead> </table>
HL7 v2Condition (IF True, args)HL7 FHIRComments
Sort OrderIdentifierSyntaxNameCardinality - MinCardinality - MaxComputable ANTLRComputable FHIRPathNarrativePrimary TargetSegment MapReferences
1ORM_O01.MSHMSHMessage Header11BundleMSH[Bundle]
1ORM_O01.MSHMSHMessage Header11MessageHeaderMSH[MessageHeader]Processing of the MSH segment results in the creation of a new MessageHeader resource
1ORM_O01.MSHMSHMessage Header11If there is a source in MSH-4, or known based on the configuration.ProvenanceMSH[Provenance-Source]Provenance[1].target.reference=Bundle.id; Provenance[1].target.reference=MessageHeader[1].idIf the FHIR transformation does not yield a FHIR message, but only a set of resource (APIs, repository, etc.) than one should consider attaching this Provenance resource instance to the relevant FHIR resources generated.
1ORM_O01.MSHMSHMessage Header11ProvenanceMSH[Provenance-Transformation]Provenance[2].target.reference=Bundle.idIf the FHIR transformation does not yield a FHIR Bunlde, but only a set of resource (APIs, repository, etc.) than one should consider attaching this Provenance resource instance to the relevant FHIR resources generated.
2ORM_O01.NTE[{ NTE }]Notes and Comments (for Header)0-1Incorporate SFT content for each of the SFT instances into the MessageHeader created from the MSH segment.
3.1ORM_O01.PATIENT.PIDPIDPatient Identification11PatientPID[Patient]Processing of the PID segment results in the creation of a new Patient resource
3.1ORM_O01.PATIENT.PIDPIDPatient Identification11IF PID-33 AND PID-34 VALUEDOne may drop PID-33 from the condition if PID-34 Last Update Facility is still sufficient without a date.ProvenancePID[Provenance-Patient]Provenance.target.reference=Patient[1].id
3.2ORM_O01.PATIENT.PD1[ PD1 ]Additional Demographics01PatientPD1[Patient]Incorporate PD1 content into the Patient created from the PID segment.
3.3ORM_O01.PATIENT.NTE[{ NTE }]Notes and Comments (for Patient ID)0-1
3.4.1ORM_O01.PATIENT.VISIT.PV1PV1Patient Visit11EncounterPV1[Encounter]Encounter.subject.reference=Patient[1].idProcessing of the PV1 segment results in the creation of a new Encounter resource
3.4.1ORM_O01.PATIENT.VISIT.PV1PV1Patient Visit11PatientPV1[Patient]
3.4.2ORM_O01.PATIENT.VISIT.PV2[ PV2 ]Patient Visit- Additional Info01EncounterPV2[Encounter]Incorporate PV2 content into the Encounter created from the PV1 segment.
3.5.1ORM_O01.PATIENT.INSURANCE.IN1IN1Insurance11CoverageProcessing of the IN1 segment results in the creation of a new Coverage resource
3.5.2ORM_O01.PATIENT.INSURANCE.IN2[ IN2 ]Insurance Additional Info01CoverageIncorporate IN2 content into the Coverage created from the IN1 segment.
3.5.3ORM_O01.PATIENT.INSURANCE.IN3[ IN3 ]Insurance Add'l Info – Cert.01CoverageIncorporate IN3 content into the Coverage created from the IN1 segment.
3.6ORM_O01.PATIENT.GT1[ GT1 ]Guarantor01
3.7ORM_O01.PATIENT.AL1[{ AL1 }]Allergy Information0-1AllergyIntoleranceAL1[AllergyIntolerance]AllergyIntolerance.patient.reference=Patient[1].idProcessing of the AL1 segment results in the creation of a new AllergyIntolerance resource
4ORM_O01.ORDER{ORDER begin1-1
4.1ORM_O01.ORDER.ORCORCCommon Order11ServiceRequestORC[ServiceRequest]ServiceRequest[1].subject.reference=Patient[1].idProcessing of each ORC segment results in the creation of a new ServiceRequest resource
4.1ORM_O01.ORDER.ORCORCCommon Order11TaskProcessing of each ORC segment results in the creation of a new Task resource which is linked back to the ServiceRequest created for the same ORC segment. =*= The creation of a Task resource and its inclusion in the FHIR bundle should only happen when the receiving system is responsible for fulfillment of the ServiceRequest. Other systems may receive notification of the order, but should not receive a Task Resource if they are not the intended filler system. =*= The actual value of the ORC-1 Order Control Code will yield different population of the Task resource.
4.1ORM_O01.ORDER.ORCORCCommon Order11ProvenanceORC[Provenance]Provenance[2].target=ServiceRequest[1]
4.2.1.beginORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL.CHOICE<11 Detail Segment OBR, etc.01IF PID VALUEDServiceRequestOBR[ServiceRequest]Incorporate OBR content into the ServiceRequest created from the ORC segment in the same segment group. Detail Segment OBR, etc.01IF PID NOT VALUEDSupplyRequestOBR[ServiceRequest]| Detail01| Detail-101| Order01MedicationRequestRXO[MedicationRequest]| Orders, Supplements, and Preferences01IF PID NOT VALUEDSupplyRequest| Tray Instructions01>
4.2.2ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL.NTE[{ NTE }]Notes and Comments (for Detail)0-1ServiceRequest.noteNTE[ServiceRequest]
4.2.3ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL.CTD[ CTD ]Contact Data 101
4.2.4ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL.DG1[{ DG1 }]Diagnosis0-1ServiceRequest.reasonReference(Condition)DG1[Condition]Condition.subject.reference=Patient[1].idProcessing of the DG1 segment results in the creation of a new Condition resource which is referenced in the ServiceRequest created by the ORC segment
4.2.5ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL.OBSERVATION[{OBSERVATION begin0-1 OBX-5 LST.count GREATER THAN 1ObservationOBX[Observation]ServiceRequest[1].supportingInfo.reference=Observation[1].id; Observation[1].subject.id=Patient[1].id OBX-5 LST.count LESS THAN OR EQUALS 1ObservationOBX[Observation-Component]ServiceRequest[1].supportingInfo.reference=Observation[1].id; Observation[1].subject.id=Patient[1].id[{ NTE }]Notes and Comments (for Results)0-1}]OBSERVATION end
4.3ORM_O01.ORDER.FT1[{ FT1 }]Financial Transaction0-1
4.4ORM_O01.ORDER.CTI[{ CTI }]Clinical Trial Identification0-1
4.5ORM_O01.ORDER.BLG[ BLG ]Billing Segment01

Generated Narrative: ConceptMap message-orm-o01-to-bundle

Mapping from ORM_O01 to Bundle

ACTIVE (not intended for production usage). Published on 2024-04-24 by HL7 International / Orders and Observations (HL7 Orders and Observations Workgroup: http://www.hl7.org/Special/com..., Keith W. Boone: kboone@ainq.com, Rob Hausam: rrhausam@gmail.com). Copyright (c) 2020, HL7 International, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

This ConceptMap represents a mapping from the HL7 V2 Message ORM_O01 to the FHIR Message Bundle.

Group 1 Mapping from unspecified code system to unspecified code system

Source Concept DetailsRelationshipTarget Concept DetailsCommentProperties
Codes from segmentmapreferencesCodes from narrativeantlr
ORM_O01.MSHMessage HeaderMSH[Bundle]is equivalent toBundleBundle
ORM_O01.MSHMessage HeaderMSH[MessageHeader]is equivalent toMessageHeader[1]MessageHeader[1]Processing of the MSH segment results in the creation of a new MessageHeader resource
ORM_O01.MSHMessage HeaderMSH[Provenance-Source]Provenance[1].target.reference=Bundle.id; Provenance[1].target.reference=MessageHeader[1].idis equivalent toProvenance[1]Provenance[1]If there is a source in MSH-4, or known based on the configuration.If the FHIR transformation does not yield a FHIR message, but only a set of resource (APIs, repository, etc.) than one should consider attaching this Provenance resource instance to the relevant FHIR resources generated.
ORM_O01.MSHMessage HeaderMSH[Provenance-Transformation]Provenance[2].target.reference=Bundle.idis equivalent toProvenance[2]Provenance[2]If the FHIR transformation does not yield a FHIR Bunlde, but only a set of resource (APIs, repository, etc.) than one should consider attaching this Provenance resource instance to the relevant FHIR resources generated.
ORM_O01.PATIENT.PIDPatient IdentificationPID[Patient]is equivalent toPatient[1]Patient[1]Processing of the PID segment results in the creation of a new Patient resource
ORM_O01.PATIENT.PIDPatient IdentificationPID[Provenance-Patient]Provenance.target.reference=Patient[1].idis equivalent toProvenance[4]Provenance[4]One may drop PID-33 from the condition if PID-34 Last Update Facility is still sufficient without a date.IF PID-33 AND PID-34 VALUED
ORM_O01.PATIENT.PD1Additional DemographicsPD1[Patient]is equivalent toPatient[1]Patient[1]Incorporate PD1 content into the Patient created from the PID segment.
ORM_O01.PATIENT.VISIT.PV1Patient VisitPV1[Encounter]Encounter.subject.reference=Patient[1].idis equivalent toEncounter[1]Encounter[1]Processing of the PV1 segment results in the creation of a new Encounter resource
ORM_O01.PATIENT.VISIT.PV1Patient VisitPV1[Patient]is equivalent toPatient[1]Patient[1]
ORM_O01.PATIENT.VISIT.PV2Patient Visit- Additional InfoPV2[Encounter]is equivalent toEncounter[1]Encounter[1]Incorporate PV2 content into the Encounter created from the PV1 segment.
ORM_O01.PATIENT.INSURANCE.IN1Insuranceis equivalent toCoverage[1]Coverage[1]Processing of the IN1 segment results in the creation of a new Coverage resource
ORM_O01.PATIENT.INSURANCE.IN2Insurance Additional Infois equivalent toCoverage[1]Coverage[1]Incorporate IN2 content into the Coverage created from the IN1 segment.
ORM_O01.PATIENT.INSURANCE.IN3Insurance Add'l Info – Cert.is equivalent toCoverage[1]Coverage[1]Incorporate IN3 content into the Coverage created from the IN1 segment.
ORM_O01.PATIENT.AL1Allergy InformationAL1[AllergyIntolerance]AllergyIntolerance.patient.reference=Patient[1].idis equivalent toAllergyIntoleranceAllergyIntoleranceProcessing of the AL1 segment results in the creation of a new AllergyIntolerance resource
ORM_O01.ORDER.ORCCommon OrderORC[ServiceRequest]ServiceRequest[1].subject.reference=Patient[1].idis equivalent toServiceRequest[1]ServiceRequest[1]Processing of each ORC segment results in the creation of a new ServiceRequest resource
ORM_O01.ORDER.ORCCommon Orderis equivalent toTask[1]Task[1]Processing of each ORC segment results in the creation of a new Task resource which is linked back to the ServiceRequest created for the same ORC segment. =*= The creation of a Task resource and its inclusion in the FHIR bundle should only happen when the receiving system is responsible for fulfillment of the ServiceRequest. Other systems may receive notification of the order, but should not receive a Task Resource if they are not the intended filler system. =*= The actual value of the ORC-1 Order Control Code will yield different population of the Task resource.
ORM_O01.ORDER.ORCCommon OrderORC[Provenance]Provenance[2].target=ServiceRequest[1]is equivalent toProvenance[2]Provenance[2]
ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL.CHOICE.OBROrder Detail Segment OBR, etc.OBR[ServiceRequest]is equivalent toServiceRequest[1]ServiceRequest[1]IF PID VALUEDIncorporate OBR content into the ServiceRequest created from the ORC segment in the same segment group.
ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL.CHOICE.OBROrder Detail Segment OBR, etc.OBR[ServiceRequest]is equivalent toSupplyRequest[1]SupplyRequest[1]IF PID NOT VALUED
ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL.CHOICE.RXOPharmacy/Treatment OrderRXO[MedicationRequest]is equivalent toMedicationRequestMedicationRequest
ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL.CHOICE.ODSDietary Orders, Supplements, and Preferencesis equivalent toSupplyRequest[2]SupplyRequest[2]IF PID NOT VALUED
ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL.NTENotes and Comments (for Detail)NTE[ServiceRequest]is equivalent toServiceRequest[1].noteServiceRequest[1].note
ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL.DG1DiagnosisDG1[Condition]Condition.subject.reference=Patient[1].idis equivalent toServiceRequest[1].reasonReference(Condition)ServiceRequest[1].reasonReference(Condition)Processing of the DG1 segment results in the creation of a new Condition resource which is referenced in the ServiceRequest created by the ORC segment
ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL.OBSERVATION.OBXObservation/ResultOBX[Observation]ServiceRequest[1].supportingInfo.reference=Observation[1].id; Observation[1].subject.id=Patient[1].idis equivalent toObservation[1]Observation[1]IF OBX-5 LST.count GREATER THAN 1
ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL.OBSERVATION.OBXObservation/ResultOBX[Observation-Component]ServiceRequest[1].supportingInfo.reference=Observation[1].id; Observation[1].subject.id=Patient[1].idis equivalent toObservation[1]Observation[1]IF OBX-5 LST.count LESS THAN OR EQUALS 1
