National Directory of Healthcare Providers & Services (NDH) Implementation Guide
1.0.0-ballot - ballot United States of America flag

National Directory of Healthcare Providers & Services (NDH) Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Patient Administration. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0-ballot built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example VerificationResult: Verify-JoeSmithHospitalRole

Generated Narrative: VerificationResult Verify-JoeSmithHospitalRole

Last updated: 2023-06-03 13:26:22+0000

Profile: NDH Base Verification

target: PractitionerRole Joe Smith's role at Hartford General Hospital

targetLocation: PractitionerRole.practitioner, PractitionerRole.organization

need: The frequency the target(s) need to be verified is Periodic

status: Attested

statusDate: 2023-06-03 13:26:22+0000

validationType: Attested by multiple sources

validationProcess: Mutual relationship between practitioner and organization

frequency: Once per 1 year

lastPerformed: 2023-06-03 13:26:22+0000

nextScheduled: 2024-06-03

failureAction: None


*Hartford General HospitalManual2023-03-28