National Directory of Healthcare Providers & Services (NDH) Implementation Guide
1.0.0-ballot - ballot United States of America flag

National Directory of Healthcare Providers & Services (NDH) Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Patient Administration. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0-ballot built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: HealthcareService Type Value Set

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0-ballot
Active as of 2025-02-07 Computable Name: HealthcareServiceTypeVS

HealthCareService type Value Set


Logical Definition (CLD)

Generated Narrative: ValueSet HealthcareServiceTypeVS

  • Include these codes as defined in
    1Adoption/Permanent Care Info/SupportAdoption & permanent care information/support
    3Aged Care Information/ReferralAged Care information/referral
    8Home Care/Housekeeping AssistanceHome care/housekeeping assistance
    9Home Maintenance and RepairHome maintenance and repair
    10Personal Alarms/AlertsPersonal alarms/alerts
    11Personal Care for Older PersonsPersonal care for older persons
    31Relaxation TherapyRelaxation therapy
    33Western Herbal MedicineWestern herbal medicine
    34Family Day careFamily day care
    36Kindergarten Inclusion SupportKindergarten inclusion support for children with a disability
    42Parenting/Family Support/EducationParenting & family management support/education
    51Blood DonationBlood donation
    55Health Advocacy/Liaison ServiceHealth advocacy/Liaison service
    67Sexual HealthSexual health
    68Speech Pathology/TherapySpeech pathology/therapy
    69Bereavement CounsellingBereavement counselling
    70Crisis CounsellingCrisis counselling
    71Family Counselling/TherapyFamily counselling and/or family therapy
    72Family Violence CounsellingFamily violence counselling
    75Genetic CounsellingGenetic counselling
    76Health CounsellingHealth counselling
    78Problem Gambling CounsellingProblem gambling counselling
    79Relationship CounsellingRelationship counselling
    80Sexual Assault CounsellingSexual assault counselling
    81Trauma CounsellingTrauma counselling
    82Victims of Crime CounsellingVictims of crime counselling
    96Disability AdvocacyDisability advocacy
    97Disability Aids & EquipmentDisability aids & equipment
    99Disability Day Programs/ActivitiesDisability day programs & activities
    102Disability Supported AccommodationDisability supported accommodation
    103Early Childhood InterventionEarly childhood intervention
    105Drug and/or Alcohol CounsellingDrug and/or alcohol counselling
    106Drug/Alcohol Information/ReferralDrug and/or alcohol information/referral
    107Needle & Syringe ExchangeNeedle & Syringe exchange
    108Non-resid. Alcohol/Drug TreatmentNon-residential alcohol and/or drug dependence treatment
    111Residential Alcohol/Drug TreatmentResidential alcohol and/or drug dependence treatment
    118Employment Placement and/or SupportEmployment placement and/or support
    119Vocational RehabilitationVocational Rehabilitation
    126Crisis/Emergency AccommodationCrisis/emergency accommodation
    127Homelessness SupportHomelessness support
    128Housing Information/ReferralHousing information/referral
    130Interpreting/Multilingual ServiceInterpreting/Multilingual/Language service
    134Mental Health AdvocacyMental health advocacy
    146Physical Activity ProgramsPhysical activity programs
    147Physical Fitness TestingPhysical fitness testing
    224Support GroupsSupport groups
    230Patient TransportPatient transport
    238Adult Day ProgramsAdult Day Programs
    275Cancer SupportCancer Support
    284Child CareChild Care
    296Companion VisitingCompanion Visiting
    301Contraception InformContraception Information
    308Crisis Assessment AnCrisis Assessment And Treatment Services (Cats)
    309Crisis AssistanceCrisis Assistance
    310Crisis RefugeCrisis Refuge
    328Eating DisorderEating Disorder
    331Employment And TrainEmployment And Training
    345Food VouchersFood Vouchers
    352Grief CounsellingGrief Counselling
    366Household ItemsHousehold Items
    411Pregnancy TestsPregnancy Tests
    427Rent AssistanceRent Assistance
    429Residential RespiteResidential Respite
    440Sexual IssuesSexual Issues
    446Speech TherapistSpeech Therapist
    459Tenancy AdviceTenancy Advice
    468Vocational GuidanceVocational Guidance
    470Welfare AssistanceWelfare Assistance
    488Diabetes EducatorDiabetes Educator
    494Youth ServicesYouth Services
    495Youth HealthYouth Health
    501Cancer ServicesCancer Services
    513Cancer Support GroupsCancer Support Groups
    530Disability Care TransportDisability Care Transport
    531Aged Care TransportAged Care Transport
    532Diabetes Education sDiabetes Education service
    534Young Adult DiabetesYoung Adult Diabetes services (YADS)
    535Pulmonary RehabilitaPulmonary Rehabilitation Service
    537Medication ReviewsMedication Reviews
    539Telephone Help LineTelephone Help Line
    546Veterans ServicesVeterans Services
    548Food Relief/Food/MealsFood Relief/food/meals
    552Drug and/or Alcohol Support GroupsDrug and/or alcohol support groups
    554Chronic Disease ManagementChronic Disease Management
    559Women's HealthWomen's Health
    560Men's HealthMen's Health
    565Youth Drop In/Assistance/SupportYouth drop in/assistance/support
    569Migrant Health ClinicMigrant Health Clinic
    570Refugee Health ClinicRefugee Health Clinic
    571Aboriginal Health ClinicAboriginal Health Clinic
    614Development-Life SkillsDevelopment-Life Skills
    628Vehicle modificationsVehicle modifications



Generated Narrative: ValueSet

Expansion done internally based on codesystem Service type v1.1.1 (CodeSystem)

This value set contains 102 concepts

  1 Care Info/Support

Adoption & permanent care information/support

  3 Care Information/Referral

Aged Care information/referral

  8 Care/Housekeeping Assistance

Home care/housekeeping assistance

  9 Maintenance and Repair

Home maintenance and repair

  10 Alarms/Alerts

Personal alarms/alerts

  11 Care for Older Persons

Personal care for older persons





  31 Therapy

Relaxation therapy

  33 Herbal Medicine

Western herbal medicine

  34 Day care

Family day care

  36 Inclusion Support

Kindergarten inclusion support for children with a disability

  42 Support/Education

Parenting & family management support/education

  51 Donation

Blood donation

  55 Advocacy/Liaison Service

Health advocacy/Liaison service

  67 Health

Sexual health

  68 Pathology/Therapy

Speech pathology/therapy

  69 Counselling

Bereavement counselling

  70 Counselling

Crisis counselling

  71 Counselling/Therapy

Family counselling and/or family therapy

  72 Violence Counselling

Family violence counselling

  75 Counselling

Genetic counselling

  76 Counselling

Health counselling

  78 Gambling Counselling

Problem gambling counselling

  79 Counselling

Relationship counselling

  80 Assault Counselling

Sexual assault counselling

  81 Counselling

Trauma counselling

  82 of Crime Counselling

Victims of crime counselling

  96 Advocacy

Disability advocacy

  97 Aids & Equipment

Disability aids & equipment

  99 Day Programs/Activities

Disability day programs & activities

  102 Supported Accommodation

Disability supported accommodation

  103 Childhood Intervention

Early childhood intervention

  105 and/or Alcohol Counselling

Drug and/or alcohol counselling

  106 Information/Referral

Drug and/or alcohol information/referral

  107 & Syringe Exchange

Needle & Syringe exchange

  108 Alcohol/Drug Treatment

Non-residential alcohol and/or drug dependence treatment

  111 Alcohol/Drug Treatment

Residential alcohol and/or drug dependence treatment

  118 Placement and/or Support

Employment placement and/or support

  119 Rehabilitation

Vocational Rehabilitation

  126 Accommodation

Crisis/emergency accommodation

  127 Support

Homelessness support

  128 Information/Referral

Housing information/referral

  130 Service

Interpreting/Multilingual/Language service

  134 Health Advocacy

Mental health advocacy

  146 Activity Programs

Physical activity programs

  147 Fitness Testing

Physical fitness testing

  224 Groups

Support groups

  230 Transport

Patient transport



  238 Day Programs

Adult Day Programs



  275 Support

Cancer Support

  284 Care

Child Care

  296 Visiting

Companion Visiting

  301 Inform

Contraception Information

  308 Assessment An

Crisis Assessment And Treatment Services (Cats)

  309 Assistance

Crisis Assistance

  310 Refuge

Crisis Refuge







  328 Disorder

Eating Disorder

  331 And Train

Employment And Training



  345 Vouchers

Food Vouchers

  352 Counselling

Grief Counselling

  366 Items

Household Items





  411 Tests

Pregnancy Tests

  427 Assistance

Rent Assistance

  429 Respite

Residential Respite

  440 Issues

Sexual Issues

  446 Therapist

Speech Therapist

  459 Advice

Tenancy Advice

  468 Guidance

Vocational Guidance

  470 Assistance

Welfare Assistance

  488 Educator

Diabetes Educator

  494 Services

Youth Services

  495 Health

Youth Health

  501 Services

Cancer Services

  513 Support Groups

Cancer Support Groups

  530 Care Transport

Disability Care Transport

  531 Care Transport

Aged Care Transport

  532 Education s

Diabetes Education service

  534 Adult Diabetes

Young Adult Diabetes services (YADS)

  535 Rehabilita

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Service

  537 Reviews

Medication Reviews

  539 Help Line

Telephone Help Line

  546 Services

Veterans Services

  548 Relief/Food/Meals

Food Relief/food/meals

  552 and/or Alcohol Support Groups

Drug and/or alcohol support groups

  554 Disease Management

Chronic Disease Management

  559's Health

Women's Health

  560's Health

Men's Health

  565 Drop In/Assistance/Support

Youth drop in/assistance/support

  569 Health Clinic

Migrant Health Clinic

  570 Health Clinic

Refugee Health Clinic

  571 Health Clinic

Aboriginal Health Clinic

  614 Skills

Development-Life Skills

  628 modifications

Vehicle modifications

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code