Protocols for Clinical Registry Extraction and Data Submission (CREDS) IG
1.0.0 - STU1 United States of America flag

Protocols for Clinical Registry Extraction and Data Submission (CREDS) IG, published by HL7 International / Clinical Interoperability Council. This is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Search for and Retrieve Registry Submission Definitions


Search/Retrieve Registry Definition (SRRD) This section describes the SRRD of this guide. This transaction is used by the Registry Submission Definition Creator, Registry Submission Definition Repository and Registry Submitter actors.

Actors Roles

Registry Submission Definition CreatorRegistry Submission Definition RepositoryRegistry SubmitterSearch / Retrieve Registry Definition
Figure 2.1-1: Search / Retrieve Registry Definition Use Case Diagram
Table 2.1-1: Actor Roles
Registry Submission Definition Creator Searches for or reads existing registry submission definition resources
Registry Submission Definition Repository Responds to requests to search or read for registry submission definition resources
Registry Submitter Searches for or reads existing registry submission definition resources

Referenced Standards

Table 3.71.3-1: Referenced Standards
FHIR-R4HL7 FHIR Release 4
RFC-7230Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.1


Registry SubmitterRegistry Submission Definition RepositoryRegistry Submission Definition Creator1. Search Request2. Search Request
Figure 2.1-2: Search / Retrieve Registry Definition Interactions

Search Request

Message Semantics

The client sends a query using an HTTP GET or POST transaction to the server requesting information on available resources.

The following are general requirements of the interaction.

  1. Formats
    All servers **shall** support the _format parameter for any read or search and the standard values defined by FHIR for JSON and XML output. This value **shall** override the Accept: header when present in an exchange. Servers **shall** also support the Accept: header, and **shall** support any value in Accept: that can be given to _format for consistency. Servers are also free to support other output formats (e.g. turtle as defined in the base FHIR specifications, or other formats such as CSV which might be easier for clients to present or use). Servers should support other commonly used expressions representing JSON or XML outputs without complaint, including those specified in prior releases (e.g., the DSTU2 application/xml+fhir or application/json+fhir types that have since changed in R4).
    ParameterCardinality Registry Submission Definition Repository Expectation Registry Submitter Expectation
    _format=application/fhir+xml|application/fhir+json 0..1 shall shall
    _format=xml|json|text/xml|application/json|application/xml|application/xml+fhir|application/json+fhir 0..1 should should not
    Accept:=application/fhir+xml|application/fhir+json 0..1 shall shall
    Accept:=xml|json|text/xml|application/json|application/xml|application/xml+fhir|application/json+fhir 0..1 should should not
  2. The server **shall** support the _count parameter for queries. Servers **should** use a default value for _count if no value is provided to avoid server overloading. This guide recommends a default value of 100 based on existing implementation experience.
    ParameterCardinality Registry Submission Definition Repository Expectation Registry Submitter Expectation
    _count 0..1 shall shall
  3. Include Support
    To reduce transaction overhead, a client system may wish to retrieve all the resources referenced by the selected resource when obtaining it. This can be accomplished by using a search with an _id parameter, combined with _include=*. This guide does not further specify specify resource includes beyond required support for *. Systems that support _include generally handle _include=*, in fact, in some ways it is easier to implement than more selective _include operations. Recursive includes can be a source of server loading issues, as an incorrectly implemented include with recursive includes could wind up retrieving far more data than the client expected. Thus, these are not recommended.
    ParameterCardinality Registry Submission Definition Repository Expectation Registry Submitter Expectation
    _include=* 0..1 shall shall
    _include:iterate should not should not

A client shall be able to read individual resources that are returned or referenced within resources returned by a query.

The Registry Submission Definition Repository shall support the FHIR read operation on the StructureDefinition resource.

A client system shall be able to retrieve the definition data by publisher, condition, description or other text. The Registry Submission Definition Repository shall support the FHIR search operation on the StructureDefinition resource with the following parameters.

  1. Search by _id
    A client **shall** be able to read individual resources that are returned or referenced within resources returned by a query. Client systems may save resource references for future use, retrieving them later as needed. To reduce overhead, a client system may also wish to retrieve the resources referenced by the selected resource. This can be accomplished by using a search with an _id parameter, combined with _include=*
    ParameterCardinality Registry Submission Definition Repository Expectation Registry Submitter Expectation
    _id 1..* shall shall
  2. Search by url, name, identifier, publisher, condition or status
    A client **shall** be able to query for resources by url, name, identifier, publisher, condition or status.
    ParameterCardinality Registry Submission Definition Repository Expectation Registry Submitter Expectation
    url 0..* shall shall
    name 0..* shall shall
    identifier 0..* shall shall
    publisher 0..* shall shall
    context 0..* shall shall
    status 0..* shall shall
  3. Search by Date
    A client **shall** be able to search by relevant dates, e.g., the date of _lastUpdate of a previously retrieved resource to see if it has changed (e.g., in cases where data needs to be refreshed). All date searches **shall** allow a range to be specified, but need not allow more than one range. Approximate ranges are not required to be supported because server support for these is not commonly available, nor implemented in readily reproducable fashions (the definition of an approximate date can have different meanings for different servers). Simple eq, le, lt, ge, and gt **should** be sufficient to specify date ranges.
    ParameterCardinality Registry Submission Definition Repository Expectation Registry Submitter Expectation
    _lastUpdated 0..2 shall shall
    date 0..2 shall shall
  4. Search by Text or Code
    A client system **should** be able to search for definition resources associated with by text within the definition. This requirement can be met through support of the _text or _content search parameters.
    ParameterCardinality Registry Submission Definition Repository Expectation Registry Submitter Expectation
    _text 0..* should should
    _content 0..* should should


See the following CapabilityStatement resources for conformance requirements:

  • CapabilityStatement-RSDR-SRRD Defines the requirements for the Registry Submission Definition Repository implementing the Search / Retrieve Registry Definition transaction.
  • CapabilityStatement-RS-SRRD Defines the requirements for the Registry Submitter implementing the Search / Retrieve Registry Definition transaction.