PACIO Advance Directive Interoperability Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Patient Empowerment. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
Document Subject
Unable to resolve subject ''
Document Content
PMO Medical Orders
Order Exists: available here
PMOLST Order Observation
Order Exists: available here
I am emotionally and mentally competent to make this uADD. I understand the purpose and effect of this uADD, I agree with everything that is written in this uADD, and I have made this uADD knowingly, willingly and after careful deliberation.
Signature: | Betsy Smith-Johnson |
Date: | 3/29/2024 |
Statement of Witnesses
I declare that the person who signed this uADD, or who asked another to sign this uADD on his/her behalf, is the individual identified in the document, and he/she did so in my presence or otherwise provided satisfactory proof to me of his/her identity. I believe him/her to be of sound mind and at least 18 years of age. I personally witnessed him/her sign this document or ask the person indicated to do so, or I received proof of his/her identity that I believe is adequate, and I believe that he/she did so voluntarily. By signing this document as a witness, I certify that I am:
Witness Number: | |
Signature: | |
Date: |
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Resource Composition:
Generated Narrative: Composition PMO-Example-Smith-Johnson-PMOComposition1
Language: en-US
Profile: ADI PMO Composition
Version Number: 1
Jurisdiction: Michigan (United States)
Effective Date: 2024-03-29 14:25:34-0500 --> (ongoing)
/0-87f37989294a408897aacd1fc5d8fd16status: Final
type: Portable medical order form
category: Advance directives
date: 2024-03-29 14:25:34-0500
author: PractitionerRole
title: Portable Medical Order
custodian: Organization
Entry 2 - fullUrl =
Resource Patient:
Generated Narrative: Patient Example-Smith-Johnson-Patient1
Last updated: 2021-03-29 14:25:34-0500; Language: en-US
Profile: US Core Patient Profile
Smith-Johnson, Betsy Female, DoB: 1950-11-15 ( States Medicare Number#10A3D58WH1600)
Active: true Marital Status: unknown Other Id: Medical Record Number/1032702 (use: usual, ) Contact Detail
- 111 Maple Court San Antonio TX 78212 US (home)
Language: English (preferred) son:
- Charles Johnson
- 111 Maple Ct, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
- ph: (210) 222-3333
- Debra Johnson
- 333 W. Camden St., Baltimore, MD 21201
- ph: (410) 444-5555
US Core Race Extension:
- ombCategory: CDC Race and Ethnicity 2106-3: White
- text: White
Entry 3 - fullUrl =
Resource PractitionerRole:
Generated Narrative: PractitionerRole Example-Kyle-Anydoc-PractitionerRole1
practitioner: Practitioner Kyle Anydoc
Entry 4 - fullUrl =
Resource Practitioner:
Generated Narrative: Practitioner Example-Kyle-Anydoc-Practitioner
identifier: United States National Provider Identifier/9988776655
name: Kyle Anydoc
gender: Male
address: 567 Healthcare Drive Anytown MA 12345 US (home)
Code Doctor of Medicine
Entry 5 - fullUrl =
Resource ServiceRequest:
Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest Example-Smith-Johnson-CPR-ServiceRequest1
status: Active
intent: Directive
category: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation orders
doNotPerform: true
code: No display for ServiceRequest.code (concept: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (procedure))
requester: Practitioner Kyle Anydoc