0 Table of Contents |
1 Home |
2 Changes |
3 Copyrights |
4 Datatypes |
5 Design Conventions |
7 Examples |
8 General Principles |
9 Generation and Data Inclusion |
10 Known Issues and Future Development |
11 Privacy and Security Considerations |
12 Profiles |
13 Structure of the International Patient Summary |
14 Terminology |
15 Artifacts Summary |
15.1 IPS Server Capability Statement |
15.2 IPS Summary |
15.3 AllergyIntolerance (IPS) |
15.4 Bundle (IPS) |
15.5 Composition (IPS) |
15.6 Condition (IPS) |
15.7 Device (IPS) |
15.8 Device - Performer or Observer (IPS) |
15.9 DeviceUseStatement (IPS) |
15.10 DiagnosticReport (IPS) |
15.11 Flag - Alert (IPS) |
15.12 ImagingStudy (IPS) |
15.13 Immunization (IPS) |
15.14 Medication (IPS) |
15.15 MedicationRequest (IPS) |
15.16 MedicationStatement (IPS) |
15.17 Observation Pregnancy - Expected Delivery Date (IPS) |
15.18 Observation Pregnancy - Outcome (IPS) |
15.19 Observation Pregnancy - Status (IPS) |
15.20 Observation Results - Laboratory/Pathology (IPS) |
15.21 Observation Results - Radiology (IPS) |
15.22 Observation Social History - Alcohol Use (IPS) |
15.23 Observation Social History - Tobacco Use (IPS) |
15.24 Organization (IPS) |
15.25 Patient (IPS) |
15.26 Practitioner (IPS) |
15.27 PractitionerRole (IPS) |
15.28 Procedure (IPS) |
15.29 Specimen (IPS) |
15.30 Codeable Concept (IPS) |
15.31 Coding with translations |
15.32 Quantity (IPS) |
15.33 Range (IPS) |
15.34 Ratio (IPS) |
15.35 SimpleQuantity (IPS) |
15.36 Allergy Intolerance - IPS |
15.37 Allergy Reaction - IPS |
15.38 Body Site - IPS |
15.39 Current Smoking Status - IPS |
15.40 Diagnostics Report Status Codes - IPS |
15.41 Healthcare Professional Roles - IPS |
15.42 Imaging Study Status Codes - IPS |
15.43 Medical Devices - IPS |
15.44 Medications - example (IPS) |
15.45 Medications - IPS |
15.46 Medicine Active Substances - IPS |
15.47 Medicine Doseform - IPS |
15.48 Medicine Route of Administration - IPS |
15.49 Personal Relationship - IPS [Deprecated] |
15.50 Pregnancy Expected Delivery Date Method - IPS |
15.51 Pregnancy Outcome - IPS |
15.52 Pregnancy Status - IPS |
15.53 Problem Type (LOINC) |
15.54 Problem Type - IPS |
15.55 Problems - IPS |
15.56 Procedures - IPS |
15.57 Results Coded Values Laboratory/Pathology - IPS |
15.58 Results Laboratory/Pathology Observation - IPS |
15.59 Results Radiology Measurement Observation - IPS |
15.60 Results Radiology Observation - IPS |
15.61 Results Radiology Textual Observation - IPS |
15.62 Results Specimen Collection Method - IPS |
15.63 Results Specimen Type - IPS |
15.64 Results Status Codes - IPS |
15.65 Vaccine Target Diseases - IPS |
15.66 Vaccines - IPS |
15.67 Vaccines WHO ATC - IPS |
15.68 WHO ATC - IPS |
15.69 AllergyIntolerance - Multiple Codings |
15.70 AllergyIntolerance - No Known Allergies |
15.71 AllergyIntolerance - Resolved Allergy |
15.72 Bundle - IPS with Data |
15.73 Bundle - IPS with Required Sections and Immunization |
15.74 Bundle - Minimal Complete IPS |
15.75 Bundle - No Information in Required Sections |
15.76 Composition - Minimal Sections |
15.77 Condition - Acute Myeloid Leukemia |
15.78 Device - Device Observer |
15.79 Device - No Known Devices in Use |
15.80 DeviceUseStatement - No Known Devices in Use |
15.81 DiagnosticReport - Hemoglobin |
15.82 Flag - Alert of Patient Immunocompromised |
15.83 ImagingStudy - Referred DICOM Study |
15.84 Immunization - Vaccin anti diphtérie-coqueluche-tétanos-poliomyélite (Luxembourg) |
15.85 Medication - Simvastatin 40 MG Disintegrating Oral Tablet |
15.86 MedicationRequest - Simvastatin Request |
15.87 MedicationStatement - Ongoing Simvastatin Treatment |
15.88 Observation - Social History Alcohol Use |
15.89 Observation: estrogen receptor in tissue example |
15.90 Observation: hemoglobin example |
15.91 Observation: imaging Chest X-ray - PA and lateral, with additional sub-observation including numeric range |
15.92 Observation: imaging CT Abdomen W contrast IV |
15.93 Observation: imaging CT Abdomen W contrast IV, sub-observations |
15.94 Observation: pregnancy edd example |
15.95 Observation: pregnancy outcome example |
15.96 Observation: pregnancy status example |
15.97 Observation: serum creatinine example |
15.98 Observation: SH tobacco use example |
15.99 Observation: urine wbc range example |
15.100 Organization - Minimal Name Only |
15.101 Organization: example |
15.102 Organization: lab example |
15.103 Patient: female patient |
15.104 Patient: male patient |
15.105 Patient: minimal example |
15.106 Practitioner example |
15.107 PractitionerRole - Minimal |
15.108 Procedure: Surgical procedure |
15.109 Specimen: example |