International Patient Summary Implementation Guide
1.1.0 - CI Build International flag

International Patient Summary Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Patient Care. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Absent and Unknown Data - IPS

Official URL: Version: 1.1.0
Standards status: Trial-use Maturity Level: 2 Computable Name: AbsentAndUnknownDataUvIps

Copyright/Legal: Produced by HL7 under the terms of HL7® Governance and Operations Manual relating to Intellectual Property (Section 16), specifically its copyright, trademark and patent provisions. This document is licensed under Creative Commons “No Rights Reserved” (CC0).

International Patient Summary (IPS) codes for “known absent” and “not known” data.

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This case-sensitive code system defines the following codes in a Is-A hierarchy:

LvlCodeDisplayDefinitionItalian (Italy) (it)
1 no-allergy-info No information about allergies There is no information available regarding the subject's allergy conditions. Nessuna informazione sulle allergie
1 no-known-allergies No known allergies The subject has no known allergy conditions. Nessuna allergia nota
2   no-known-medication-allergies No known medication allergies The subject has no known medication allergy conditions. Nessuna allergia ai farmaci nota
2   no-known-environmental-allergies No known environmental allergies The subject has no known environmental allergy conditions. Nessuna allergia nota ad allergeni ambientali
2   no-known-food-allergies No known food allergies The subject has no known food allergy conditions. Nessuna allergia alimentare nota
1 no-device-info No information about devices There is no information available regarding implanted or external devices for the subject. Nessuna informazione sui dispositivi medici
1 no-known-devices No known devices in use There are no devices known to be implanted in or used by the subject that have to be reported in this record. This can mean either that there are none known, or that those known are not relevant for the purpose of this record. Non sono noti dispositivi medici in uso
1 no-immunization-info No information about immunizations The subject's history of previous immunizations is not known. Nessuna informazione sulle vaccinazioni
1 no-known-immunizations No known immunizations There is no history of previous immunizations for the subject that have to be reported in this record. This can mean either that there are none known, or that those known are not relevant for the purpose of this record. Nessuna vaccinazione nota
1 no-medication-info No information about medications There is no information available about the subject's medication use or administration. Nessuna informazione disponibile su terapie farmacologiche
1 no-known-medications No known medications There are no medications for the subject that have to be reported in this record. This can mean either that there are none known, or that those known are not relevant for the purpose of this record. Nessuna terapia farmacologica nota
1 no-problem-info No information about problems There is no information available about the subject's health problems or disabilities. Nessuna informazione disponibile su problemi o disabilità
1 no-known-problems No known problems The subject is not known to have any health problems or disabilities that have to be reported in this record. This can mean either that there are none known, or that those known are not relevant for the purpose of this record. Nessun problema o disabilità rilevante nota
1 no-procedure-info No information about past history of procedures There is no information available about the subject's past history of procedures. Nessuna informazione disponibile su procedure pregresse
1 no-known-procedures No known procedures The subject has no history of procedures that have to be reported in this record. This can mean either that there are none known, or that those known are not relevant for the purpose of this record. Nessuna procedure pregressa rilevante nota