HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: Profiles for Transfusion and Vaccination Adverse Event Detection and Reporting
1.0.1 - STU 1 Technical Correction United States of America flag

HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: Profiles for Transfusion and Vaccination Adverse Event Detection and Reporting, published by Biomedical Research & Regulation WG. This is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.1). This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/fhir-icsr-ae-reporting/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: ICSRAdverseEvent - Detailed Descriptions

Draft as of 2023-08-30

Definitions for the icsr-adverseevent resource profile.

Guidance on how to interpret the contents of this table can be found here

0. AdverseEvent
2. AdverseEvent.extension
SlicingThis element introduces a set of slices on AdverseEvent.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: , and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
  • value @ url
4. AdverseEvent.extension:ageAtTimeOfOnset
Slice NameageAtTimeOfOnset
TypeExtension(AgeAtTimeOfOnset) (Extension Type: Age)
6. AdverseEvent.identifier
NoteThis is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion)
Must Supporttrue
8. AdverseEvent.actuality
Must Supporttrue
Fixed Valueactual
10. AdverseEvent.category
Must Supporttrue
12. AdverseEvent.event
Must Supporttrue
14. AdverseEvent.event.coding
16. AdverseEvent.event.coding.system
Fixed Valuehttp://meddra.org
18. AdverseEvent.subject
TypeReference(ICSR Patient)
Must Supporttrue
20. AdverseEvent.encounter
TypeReference(US Core Encounter Profile)
Must Supporttrue
22. AdverseEvent.date
Must Supporttrue
24. AdverseEvent.date.extension
SlicingThis element introduces a set of slices on AdverseEvent.date.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators: , and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
  • value @ url
26. AdverseEvent.date.extension:eventDuration
Slice NameeventDuration
TypeExtension(EventDuration) (Extension Type: Duration)
Must Supporttrue
28. AdverseEvent.date.extension:endDate
Slice NameendDate
TypeExtension(EventEndDate) (Extension Type: dateTime)
Must Supporttrue
30. AdverseEvent.location
TypeReference(US Core Location Profile)
Must Supporttrue
32. AdverseEvent.seriousness
BindingThe codes SHALL be taken from ICSR Top-Level Seriousness
Must Supporttrue
34. AdverseEvent.seriousness.extension:seriousness
Slice Nameseriousness
TypeExtension(EventSeriousness) (Extension Type: CodeableConcept)
Must Supporttrue
36. AdverseEvent.outcome
Must Supporttrue
38. AdverseEvent.recorder
TypeReference(Practitioner Author)
Must Supporttrue
40. AdverseEvent.suspectEntity
Must Supporttrue
42. AdverseEvent.suspectEntity.instance
TypeReference(ICSR Immunization, ICSR MedicationAdministration, ICSR Transfusion)
Must Supporttrue
Must Support TypesNo must-support rules about the choice of types/profiles
44. AdverseEvent.suspectEntity.causality
Must Supporttrue
46. AdverseEvent.suspectEntity.causality.productRelatedness
Must Supporttrue