Birth Defects Reporting - STU1
0.1.2 - draft United States of America flag

Birth Defects Reporting - STU1, published by HL7 International / Public Health. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.2 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example Bundle: BDRMessageBundleExample

Generated Narrative: Bundle BDRMessageBundleExample

Bundle BDRMessageBundleExample of type message

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Resource MessageHeader:

Generated Narrative: MessageHeader BDRMessageHeaderExample

event: LOINC 75609-8: Birth defects Outpatient Registry report


*Michigan BDRS

sender: Organization Westside Clinic



focus: Condition 12q14 microdeletion syndrome (disorder)

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Resource Condition:

Generated Narrative: Condition ReportableDiagnosisExample

clinicalStatus: Active

verificationStatus: Confirmed

category: Encounter Diagnosis

code: 12q14 microdeletion syndrome (disorder)

subject: Gene Austin Wellington (official) Male, DoB: 2020-04-28 ( Medical record number)

onset: 2020-07-15


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Resource Organization:

Generated Narrative: Organization ClinicSubmitterExample

identifier: Provider number/1993999998

active: true

name: Westside Clinic


*ph: 734-555-000167 Main Steet Ann Arbor MI 48105

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Resource Patient:

Generated Narrative: Patient PatientChildExample

Gene Austin Wellington (official) Male, DoB: 2020-04-28 ( Medical record number)

Deceased:falseMultiple Birth:1
Other Id:Social Beneficiary Identifier/123456789
Contact Detail45 East 66th St Ann Arbor MI 48105
US Core Ethnicity Extension:
US Core Birth Sex ExtensionM
US Core Race Extension:

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Resource RelatedPerson:

Generated Narrative: RelatedPerson MotherRelatedPersonExample

active: true

patient: Gene Austin Wellington (official) Male, DoB: 2020-04-28 ( Medical record number)

relationship: Mother

name: Sara Wellington

telecom: ph: 734-555-6291(Mobile)

gender: Female

birthDate: 1991-10-19

address: 425 East 66th St Ann Arbor MI 48105



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Resource RelatedPerson:

Generated Narrative: RelatedPerson FatherRelatedPersonExample

active: true

patient: Gene Austin Wellington (official) Male, DoB: 2020-04-28 ( Medical record number)

relationship: natural father

name: Adam Wellington

telecom: ph: 734-555-9087(Mobile)

gender: Male

birthDate: 1992-03-17

address: 425 East 66th St Ann Arbor MI 48105



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Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation MotherEducationExample

status: Final

code: Highest level of education Mother

subject: Melanie Aurora Boucher (official) Female, DoB: 2020-08-08 ( Medical record number)

focus: RelatedPerson Miranda Stephanie Boucher

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: RelatedPerson Miranda Stephanie Boucher

value: Some College education

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Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation FatherEducationExample

status: Final

code: Highest level of education Father

subject: Melanie Aurora Boucher (official) Female, DoB: 2020-08-08 ( Medical record number)

focus: RelatedPerson Gordon Boucher

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: RelatedPerson Gordon Boucher

value: Some College education

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Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation InfantLivingExample

status: Final

code: Infant living at time of report [US Standard Certificate of Live Birth]

subject: Gene Austin Wellington (official) Male, DoB: 2020-04-28 ( Medical record number)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Practitioner Smith Joe

value: true

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Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation MotherAlcoholUseExample

status: Final

code: Alcohol Intake

subject: Gene Austin Wellington (official) Male, DoB: 2020-04-28 ( Medical record number)

focus: RelatedPerson Sara Wellington

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: RelatedPerson Sara Wellington

value: No alcohol use during pregnancy

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Resource Procedure:

Generated Narrative: Procedure ConfirmatoryTestExampleWES

status: Completed

code: Exome (eg, unexplained constitutional or heritable disorder or syndrome); sequence analysis

subject: Gene Austin Wellington (official) Male, DoB: 2020-04-28 ( Medical record number)