0 Table of Contents |
  1 Home |
  2 Reading this IG |
  3 Conformance Expectations |
  4 Project and Participants |
  5 Background |
  6 Specification |
  7 Privacy, Safety, and Security |
  8 Search Parameters |
  9 Queries |
  10 Artifacts Summary |
   10.1 US Drug Formulary Server Capability Statement |
   10.2 Basic-code |
   10.3 Basic-drug-tier |
   10.4 Basic-formulary |
   10.5 Basic-lastupdated |
   10.6 Basic-period |
   10.7 Basic-pharmacy-benefit-type |
   10.8 Basic-status |
   10.9 Basic-subject |
   10.10 InsurancePlan-coverage-area |
   10.11 InsurancePlan-coverage-type |
   10.12 InsurancePlan-formulary-coverage |
   10.13 InsurancePlan-identifier |
   10.14 InsurancePlan-lastupdated |
   10.15 InsurancePlan-name |
   10.16 InsurancePlan-period |
   10.17 InsurancePlan-status |
   10.18 InsurancePlan-type |
   10.19 MedicationKnowledge-code |
   10.20 MedicationKnowledge-doseform |
   10.21 MedicationKnowledge-drug-name |
   10.22 MedicationKnowledge-lastupdated |
   10.23 MedicationKnowledge-status |
   10.24 Formulary |
   10.25 Formulary Bulk Data Graph Definition |
   10.26 Formulary Drug |
   10.27 Formulary Item |
   10.28 Insurance Plan Coverage |
   10.29 Insurance Plan Location |
   10.30 Payer Insurance Plan |
   10.31 Payer Insurance Plan Bulk Data Graph Definition |
   10.32 Additional Coverage Information |
   10.33 Availability Period |
   10.34 Availability Status |
   10.35 Drug Tier ID |
   10.36 Formulary Reference |
   10.37 Pharmacy Benefit Type |
   10.38 Prior Authorization |
   10.39 Prior Authorization New Starts Only |
   10.40 Quantity Limit |
   10.41 Quantity Limit Detail |
   10.42 Step Therapy Limit |
   10.43 Step Therapy Limit New Starts Only |
   10.44 Benefit type of cost |
   10.45 Drug tier of medication in health plan |
   10.46 Insurance item type |
   10.47 Non-Pack Semantic Drug Codes |
   10.48 Pharmacy benefit types |
   10.49 Qualifier for coinsurance rate |
   10.50 Qualifier of copay amount |
   10.51 Semantic Drug Codes |
   10.52 Semantic Drug Form Group Codes |
   10.53 Type of plan contact |
   10.54 Codes for benefit type of cost |
   10.55 Codes for insurance item type |
   10.56 Codes for medication drug tiers in health plans |
   10.57 Codes for pharmacy benefit types |
   10.58 Codes for type of plan contact |
   10.59 Codes qualifying the type of cost share amount |
   10.60 acme-payer |
   10.61 example |
   10.62 FormularyD1002 |
   10.63 FormularyD3001 |
   10.64 FormularyD3002 |
   10.65 FormularyD3004t |
   10.66 FormularyDrug-1000091 |
   10.67 FormularyDrug-1049640 |
   10.68 FormularyDrug-1541228 |
   10.69 FormularyDrug-209459 |
   10.70 FormularyDrug-284520 |
   10.71 FormularyGraphDefinition |
   10.72 FormularyItem-D1002-1000091 |
   10.73 FormularyItem-D1002-1049640 |
   10.74 FormularyItem-D1002-209459 |
   10.75 FormularyItem-D1002-284520 |
   10.76 FormularyItem-D3001-1000091 |
   10.77 FormularyItem-D3002-1000091 |
   10.78 FormularyItem-D3004t-1049640 |
   10.79 InsurancePlanCoverageExample |
   10.80 PayerInsurancePlanA1002 |
   10.81 PayerInsurancePlanA3001 |
   10.82 PayerInsurancePlanA3002 |
   10.83 PayerInsurancePlanA3004t |
   10.84 PayerInsurancePlanGraphDefinition |
   10.85 StateOfCTLocation |
   10.86 UnitedStatesLocation |
  12 Change Notes |
  13 US Drug Formulary ImplementationGuide Resource |