Da Vinci - Member Attribution (ATR) List
2.1.0-preview - STU 2.0.0 United States of America flag

Da Vinci - Member Attribution (ATR) List, published by HL7 International / Financial Management. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.1.0-preview built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/davinci-atr/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

IG Change History

Release 2.1.0

Changes from STU2 to STU2.1.0

  1. Modified the IG to support both US Core 3.1.1 and US Core 7.0.0 simultaneously.39897
  2. Updated attribution-list-status code system to include a status of "open" to support CMS-0057F Payer Data Exchange and Provider Access API Implementation.48639
  3. Corrected Typo in subscription requirements for consumer 48642
  4. Updated the Navigation and Headers and Footers Layout to match other DaVinci IGs.
  5. Removed custom Group Search parameter as it is present in the base resource.[48935] (https://jira.hl7.org/browse/FHIR-48935)

Release 2.0.0

The following is a list of all the changes from STU1 to STU2.

New Additions for STU2

  1. Addition of new scenario#2 (STU2 Workflow) user story for providers to create attribution lists in payers systems
  2. Added additional usage scenarios for Member Attribution List and Bulk Data Export in DPC, BCDA and Pdex initiativesTicket #37764
  3. Addition of a generalized DaVinci Data Export operation for enabling bulk data export across multiple use casesTicket #37764
  4. Addition of member-add operation
  5. Addition of member-remove operation
  6. Added usage APIs for member-add and member-remove operations
  7. Addition of capability to create Groups, Patients, Practitioners by Consumer in the Producer system
  8. Ability to provide provenance via X-Provenance-Header during POST and PUT operations for creation of data
  9. Added CodeSystem and ValueSets for Characteristics.code for Davinci Patient List Ticket #28806
  10. Added Subscription Requirements to enable subscriptions and notifications for Member Attribution List.
  11. Added generic DaVinci Patient List capability that can be used for a generic patient list.
  12. Modified Member Attribution List to inherit from genreric DaVinci Patient List
  13. Created Change Log and Publication Request for STU2.

Changes to existing IG

  1. Use DaVinci Data Export instead of Bulk Data $export operation.
  2. Add clarifications on APIs for DaVinci Data Export operation. Ticket #36717
  3. Add clarifications on handling large groups.
  4. Updated the dependencies to fix US Core to 3.1.1 and Bulk Data IG to 1.0.1 [Ticket #38804]
  5. Updated Coverage profile to add Member Identifier Ticket #37836
  6. Updated Examples to use proper code system for NPI [Ticket #34297]
  7. Updated SMART on FHIR Guidance for authorization.
  8. Updated Producer and Consumer capability statements to add X-Provenance Header support.
  9. Updated FHIR Build template to use DaVinci template.

Tickets implemented in STU2

  • FHIR-39898 - Correct Workflow Diagram for Scenario 2 (Step 5 unclear)
  • FHIR-40127 - Ability to query a Payer about attribution of a particular patient(s)
  • FHIR-40128 - Add Subscription functionality
  • FHIR-42799 - Clarify STU2 workflow
  • FHIR-42860 - $davinci-data-export operation not defined for Attribution List import
  • FHIR-41855 - Typo in slice name einIdentifier
  • FHIR-39664 - API for change request in scenario #1
  • FHIR-40209 - Narrative Content needs Technical Editing
  • FHIR-39955 - Data Model shows RelatedTo but it is not present in the profile
  • FHIR-39740 - Wrong Action for Member Remove profile
  • FHIR-39927 - Update DaVinci-data-export to be a profile of Bulk Export
  • FHIR-39667 - Clarify how to remove a member
  • FHIR-39666 - Clarify source of truth for scenario#1 and #2
  • FHIR-40129 - Spell out PTO Acronym
  • FHIR-40670 - Clarify PTO
  • FHIR-41377 - Add purpose of use in Group.member as extension
  • FHIR-40206 - Large number of technical corrections
  • FHIR-39669 - Wrong description in add operation
  • FHIR-39670 - Wrong description in remove operation
  • FHIR-42147 - Remove requirement to reject requests without minimal resource types
  • FHIR-40213 - Representation of NPI and TIN
  • FHIR-39921 - davinic-data-export requirements
  • FHIR-39663 - List push vs pull
  • FHIR-41858 - TIN Identifier and NPI Identifier should have a type on slice
  • FHIR-42861 - Should EMRs be able to create Group resource in payer
  • FHIR-39739 - Clarify responsibility for adding and removing members
  • FHIR-39665 - Specify what remove operation actually does
  • FHIR-39668 - Optional params in remove operation
  • FHIR-39934 - Change text box in Figure 3
  • FHIR-39896 - US Core depeendency is 3.0.0 but should be 3.1.1
  • FHIR-39741 - Text updates

Release 2.0.0-ballot

New Additions for STU2

  1. Addition of new scenario#2 (STU2 Workflow) user story for providers to create attribution lists in payers systems
  2. Added additional usage scenarios for Member Attribution List and Bulk Data Export in DPC, BCDA and Pdex initiativesTicket #37764(usecases.html#use-of-member-attribution-list-for-cms-data-at-point-of-care-dpc-use-case)
  3. Addition of a generalized DaVinci Data Export operation for enabling bulk data export across multiple use casesTicket #37764
  4. Addition of member-add operation
  5. Addition of member-remove operation
  6. Added usage APIs for member-add and member-remove operations
  7. Addition of capability to create Groups, Patients, Practitioners by Consumer in the Producer system
  8. Ability to provide provenance via X-Provenance-Header during POST and PUT operations for creation of data
  9. Added CodeSystem and ValueSets for Characteristics.code for Davinci Patient List Ticket #28806
  10. Added Subscription Requirements to enable subscriptions and notifications for Member Attribution List.
  11. Added generic DaVinci Patient List capability that can be used for a generic patient list.
  12. Modified Member Attribution List to inherit from genreric DaVinci Patient List
  13. Created Change Log and Publication Request for STU2.

Changes to existing IG

  1. Use DaVinci Data Export instead of Bulk Data $export operation.
  2. Add clarifications on APIs for DaVinci Data Export operation. Ticket #36717
  3. Add clarifications on handling large groups.
  4. Updated the dependencies to fix US Core to 3.1.1 and Bulk Data IG to 1.0.1 [Ticket #38804]
  5. Updated Coverage profile to add Member Identifier Ticket #37836
  6. Updated Examples to use proper code system for NPI [Ticket #34297]
  7. Updated SMART on FHIR Guidance for authorization.
  8. Updated Producer and Consumer capability statements to add X-Provenance Header support.
  9. Updated FHIR Build template to use DaVinci template.

Release 1.0.0

Ballot reconciled STU1 version of the Member Attribution IG.

  1. Add Intro to all profiles.FHIR-25711

Release 0.1.0

Initial version of the IG for ballot.