HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: Data Access Policies
1.0.0-current - ci-build International flag

HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: Data Access Policies, published by HL7 International / Security. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0-current built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/data-access-policies/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: Bundle with an imposed Permission

Official URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/dap/StructureDefinition/dap.bundleWithPermission Version: 1.0.0-current
Standards status: Informative Maturity Level: 0 Computable Name: BundleWithPermission

Bundle includes an imposed Permission


Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Bundle C 0..* Bundle Contains a collection of resources
bdl-1: total only when a search or history
bdl-2: entry.search only when a search
bdl-7: FullUrl must be unique in a bundle, or else entries with the same fullUrl must have different meta.versionId (except in history bundles)
bdl-9: A document must have an identifier with a system and a value
bdl-10: A document must have a date
bdl-11: A document must have a Composition as the first resource
bdl-12: A message must have a MessageHeader as the first resource
bdl-13: A subscription-notification must have a SubscriptionStatus as the first resource
bdl-14: entry.request.method PATCH not allowed for history
bdl-15: Bundle resources where type is not transaction, transaction-response, batch, or batch-response or when the request is a POST SHALL have Bundle.entry.fullUrl populated
bdl-16: Issue.severity for all issues within the OperationOutcome must be either 'information' or 'warning'.
bdl-17: Use and meaning of issues for documents has not been validated because the content will not be rendered in the document.
bdl-18: Self link is required for searchsets.
bdl-3a: For collections of type document, message, searchset or collection, all entries must contain resources, and not have request or response elements
bdl-3b: For collections of type history, all entries must contain request or response elements, and resources if the method is POST, PUT or PATCH
bdl-3c: For collections of type transaction or batch, all entries must contain request elements, and resources if the method is POST, PUT or PATCH
bdl-3d: For collections of type transaction-response or batch-response, all entries must contain response elements
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
... type ΣC 1..1 code document | message | transaction | transaction-response | batch | batch-response | history | searchset | collection | subscription-notification
Binding: BundleType (required): Indicates the purpose of a bundle - how it is intended to be used.

ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children
... issues ΣC 0..1 OperationOutcome Issues with the Bundle

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

from the FHIR Standard


bdl-1errorBundletotal only when a search or history
: total.empty() or (type = 'searchset') or (type = 'history')
bdl-2errorBundleentry.search only when a search
: (type = 'searchset') or entry.search.empty()
bdl-7errorBundleFullUrl must be unique in a bundle, or else entries with the same fullUrl must have different meta.versionId (except in history bundles)
: (type = 'history') or entry.where(fullUrl.exists()).select(fullUrl&iif(resource.meta.versionId.exists(), resource.meta.versionId, '')).isDistinct()
bdl-9errorBundleA document must have an identifier with a system and a value
: type = 'document' implies (identifier.system.exists() and identifier.value.exists())
bdl-10errorBundleA document must have a date
: type = 'document' implies (timestamp.hasValue())
bdl-11errorBundleA document must have a Composition as the first resource
: type = 'document' implies entry.first().resource.is(Composition)
bdl-12errorBundleA message must have a MessageHeader as the first resource
: type = 'message' implies entry.first().resource.is(MessageHeader)
bdl-13errorBundleA subscription-notification must have a SubscriptionStatus as the first resource
: type = 'subscription-notification' implies entry.first().resource.is(SubscriptionStatus)
bdl-14errorBundleentry.request.method PATCH not allowed for history
: type = 'history' implies entry.request.method != 'PATCH'
bdl-15errorBundleBundle resources where type is not transaction, transaction-response, batch, or batch-response or when the request is a POST SHALL have Bundle.entry.fullUrl populated
: type='transaction' or type='transaction-response' or type='batch' or type='batch-response' or entry.all(fullUrl.exists() or request.method='POST')
bdl-16errorBundleIssue.severity for all issues within the OperationOutcome must be either 'information' or 'warning'.
: issues.exists() implies (issues.issue.severity = 'information' or issues.issue.severity = 'warning')
bdl-17errorBundleUse and meaning of issues for documents has not been validated because the content will not be rendered in the document.
: type = 'document' implies issues.empty()
bdl-18errorBundleSelf link is required for searchsets.
: type = 'searchset' implies link.where(relation = 'self' and url.exists()).exists()
bdl-3aerrorBundleFor collections of type document, message, searchset or collection, all entries must contain resources, and not have request or response elements
: type in ('document' | 'message' | 'searchset' | 'collection') implies entry.all(resource.exists() and request.empty() and response.empty())
bdl-3berrorBundleFor collections of type history, all entries must contain request or response elements, and resources if the method is POST, PUT or PATCH
: type = 'history' implies entry.all(request.exists() and response.exists() and ((request.method in ('POST' | 'PATCH' | 'PUT')) = resource.exists()))
bdl-3cerrorBundleFor collections of type transaction or batch, all entries must contain request elements, and resources if the method is POST, PUT or PATCH
: type in ('transaction' | 'batch') implies entry.all(request.method.exists() and ((request.method in ('POST' | 'PATCH' | 'PUT')) = resource.exists()))
bdl-3derrorBundleFor collections of type transaction-response or batch-response, all entries must contain response elements
: type in ('transaction-response' | 'batch-response') implies entry.all(response.exists())
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron