CDS Hooks Library
1.0.1 - STU1 International flag

CDS Hooks Library, published by Clinical Decision Support WG. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.1 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Order Sign

Page standards status: Informative


This page defines a workflow hook for the purpose of providing clinical decision support using CDS Hooks. This is a release at the level of Trial Use.
Metadata Value
specificationVersion 1.0
hookVersion 1.0
hookMaturity 5 - Mature


The order-sign hook fires when a clinician is ready to sign one or more orders for a patient, (including orders for medications, procedures, labs and other orders). This hook is among the last workflow events before an order is promoted out of a draft status. The context contains all order details, such as dose, quantity, route, etc, although the order has not yet been signed and therefore still exists in a draft status. Use this hook when your service requires all order details.

This hook can also be used when an order or set of orders is being 're-signed' after revision (e.g. change to status, extending dates, or other changes allowed to signed orders within the system's workflow). In this case, the orders would typically have a status other than 'draft'. In some cases, the hook might fire with a mixture of new and revised orders.

This hook is intended to replace (deprecate) the medication-prescribe and order-review hooks.

Ordering Flow Diagram


Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description
userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user.
For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole.
For example, PractitionerRole/123 or Practitioner/abc.
patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR of the current patient in context
encounterId OPTIONAL Yes string The FHIR of the current encounter in context
draftOrders REQUIRED No object A Bundle of FHIR request resources with a draft status, representing orders that aren't yet signed from the current ordering session.

A Note Concerning FHIR Versions

CDS Hooks is designed to be agnostic of FHIR version. For example, all versions of FHIR can represent in-progress orders but over time, the specific resource name and some of the important elements have changed. Below are some of the mosty commonly used FHIR resources for representing an order in CDS Hooks. This list is intentionally not comprehensive.

  • DSTU2 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationOrder, ProcedureRequest
  • STU3 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationRequest, ProcedureRequest
  • R4 - FHIR Bundle of MedicationRequest, ServiceRequest


Example (R4)
                     "display":"Dr Adam Careful"
                                 "display":"Pureed diet"
                                 "display":"Pureed diet"
                           "text":"Pureed diet"
                                    "display":"Liquidized food"
                                 "display":"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid"
                           "text":"Nectar thick liquids"
                                 "display":"Adult high energy formula"
                                 "display":"Adult high energy pudding"
                           "text":"Adult high energy pudding"
                        "productName":"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container",
                        "instruction":"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper"
                     "div":"<div xmlns=\"\">Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)</div>"
                           "display":"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension"
                     "text":"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension"
                        "text":"5 mL bid x 10 days",
Example (STU3)
                     "display":"Dr Adam Careful"
                                 "display":"Pureed diet"
                                 "display":"Pureed diet"
                           "text":"Pureed diet"
                                    "display":"Liquidized food"
                                 "display":"Dietary liquid consistency - nectar thick liquid"
                           "text":"Nectar thick liquids"
                                 "display":"Adult high energy formula"
                                 "display":"Adult high energy pudding"
                           "text":"Adult high energy pudding"
                        "productName":"Ensure Pudding 4 oz container",
                        "instruction":"Ensure Pudding at breakfast, lunch, supper"
                     "div":"<div xmlns=\"\">Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension (rxnorm: 617993)</div>"
                           "display":"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension"
                     "text":"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension"
                        "text":"5 mL bid x 10 days",
Example (DSTU2)
            "display":"Dr Adam Careful"
                    "display":"Texture modified diet"
                    "display":"Texture modified diet"
                "text":"Texture modified diet"
                      "display":"Chopped food"
                  "text":"Regular, Chopped Meat"
                  "text":"Regular, Chopped Meat"
                "display":"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension"
            "text":"Amoxicillin 120 MG/ML / clavulanate potassium 8.58 MG/ML Oral Suspension"
              "text":"5 mL bid x 10 days",

Change Log

Version Description
1.0 Initial Release
1.0.1 Add DeviceRequest to list of order resources for R4.
1.1.0 Updated hook to all for use in order-revision situations