HL7 Terminology (THO)
6.0.2 - Continuous Process Integration (ci build) International flag

HL7 Terminology (THO), published by HL7 International - Vocabulary Work Group. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 6.0.2 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/UTG/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: GTSAbbreviation

Official URL: http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-GTSAbbreviation Version: 3.0.0
Active as of 2019-03-20 Responsible: Health Level Seven International Computable Name: GTSAbbreviation
Other Identifiers: OID:2.16.840.1.113883.5.1022

Copyright/Legal: This material derives from the HL7 Terminology THO. THO is copyright ©1989+ Health Level Seven International and is made available under the CC0 designation. For more licensing information see: https://terminology.hl7.org/license.html

Open Issue: It appears that the printnames are suboptimal and should be improved for many of the existing codes.

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem v3-GTSAbbreviation

Language: en


This code system defines the following properties for its concepts

Specializes Specializes Coding The child code is a more narrow version of the concept represented by the parent code. I.e. Every child concept is also a valid parent concept. Used to allow determination of subsumption. Must be transitive, irreflexive, antisymmetric.
Generalizes Generalizes Coding Inverse of Specializes. Only included as a derived relationship.
internalId internalId http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#v3-internal-id code The internal identifier for the concept in the HL7 Access database repository.
appliesTo appliesTo http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/utg-concept-properties#v3-applies-to string Haven't a clue!
Status status http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#status code Designation of a concept's state. Normally is not populated unless the state is retired.
Not Selectable notSelectable http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#notSelectable boolean Indicates that the code is abstract - only intended to be used as a selector for other concepts


This case-sensitive code system http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-GTSAbbreviation defines the following codes in a Is-A hierarchy:

LvlCodeDisplayDefinitioninternalIdappliesToStatusNot Selectable
1 AM AM Every morning at institution specified times. 10721 H0600-1200 IST active
1 BED at bedtime At bedtime (institution specified time). 23940 active
1 BID BID Two times a day at institution specified time 10703 /(12 h) IST active
1 JB JB Regular business days (Monday to Friday excluding holidays) 10723 J1-5 \JH active
1 JE JE Regular weekends (Saturday and Sunday excluding holidays) 10724 J6-7 \JH active
1 JH GTSAbbreviationHolidays Holidays 10725 active
2   _GTSAbbreviationHolidaysChristianRoman GTSAbbreviationHolidaysChristianRoman Christian Holidays (Roman/Gregorian \[Western\] Tradition.) 21080 active true
3     JHCHREAS JHCHREAS Easter Sunday. The Easter date is a rather complex calculation based on Astronomical tables describing full moon dates. Details can be found at \[http://www.assa.org.au/edm.html, and http://aa.usno.navy.mil/AA/faq/docs/easter.html\]. Note that the Christian Orthodox Holidays are based on the Julian calendar. 10730 active
3     JHCHRGFR JHCHRGFR Good Friday, is the Friday right before Easter Sunday. 10731 active
3     JHCHRNEW JHCHRNEW New Year's Day (January 1) 10729 M0101 active
3     JHCHRPEN JHCHRPEN Pentecost Sunday, is seven weeks after Easter (the 50th day of Easter). 10732 active
3     JHCHRXME JHCHRXME Christmas Eve (December 24) 10727 M1224 active
3     JHCHRXMS JHCHRXMS Christmas Day (December 25) 10728 M1225 active
2   JHNNL The Netherlands National Holidays **Description:**The Netherlands National Holidays. 22658 active
3     JHNNLLD Liberation day (May 5 every five years) **Description:**Liberation day (May 5 every five years) 22660 active
3     JHNNLQD Queen's day (April 30) **Description:**Queen's day (April 30) 22659 active
3     JHNNLSK Sinterklaas (December 5) **Description:**Sinterklaas (December 5) 22661 active
2   JHNUS GTSAbbreviationHolidaysUSNational United States National Holidays (public holidays for federal employees established by U.S. Federal law 5 U.S.C. 6103). 10733 active
3     JHNUSCLM JHNUSCLM Columbus Day, the second Monday in October. 10743 M1008-14 J1 active
3     JHNUSIND JHNUSIND Independence Day (4th of July) 10739 M0704 active
3     JHNUSIND1 JHNUSIND1 Alternative Monday after 4th of July Weekend \[5 U.S.C. 6103(b)\]. 10741 M0705 J1 active
3     JHNUSIND5 JHNUSIND5 Alternative Friday before 4th of July Weekend \[5 U.S.C. 6103(b)\]. 10740 M0703 J5 active
3     JHNUSLBR JHNUSLBR Labor Day, the first Monday in September. 10742 M0901-07 J1 active
3     JHNUSMEM JHNUSMEM Memorial Day, the last Monday in May. 10736 M0525-31 J1 active
3     JHNUSMEM5 JHNUSMEM5 Friday before Memorial Day Weekend 10737 M0522-28 J5 active
3     JHNUSMEM6 JHNUSMEM6 Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend 10738 M0523-29 J6 active
3     JHNUSMLK JHNUSMLK Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the third Monday in January. 10734 M0115-21 J1 active
3     JHNUSPRE JHNUSPRE Washington's Birthday (Presidential Day) the third Monday in February. 10735 M0215-21 J1 active
3     JHNUSTKS JHNUSTKS Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November. 10745 M1122-28 J4 active
3     JHNUSTKS5 JHNUSTKS5 Friday after Thanksgiving. 10746 M1123-29 J5 active
3     JHNUSVET JHNUSVET Veteran's Day, November 11. 10744 M1111 active
1 MO monthly Monthly at institution specified time. 23942 active
1 PM PM Every afternoon at institution specified times. 10722 H1200-1800 IST active
1 Q1H every hour Every hour at institution specified times. 23936 active
1 Q2H every 2 hours Every 2 hours at institution specified times. 23937 active
1 Q3H every 3 hours Every 3 hours at institution specified times. 23938 active
1 Q4H Q4H Every 4 hours at institution specified time 23746 4 h IST active
1 Q6H Q6H Every 6 hours at institution specified time 23747 6 h IST active
1 Q8H every 8 hours Every 8 hours at institution specified times. 23939 active
1 QD QD Every day at institution specified times. 23744 1 d IST active
1 QID QID Four times a day at institution specified time 10705 /(6 h) IST active
1 QOD QOD Every other day at institution specified times. 23745 2 d IST active
1 TID TID Three times a day at institution specified time 10704 /(8 h) IST active
1 WK weekly Weekly at institution specified time. 23941 active


2023-11-14reviseTSMGMarc DuteauAdd standard copyright and contact to internal content; up-476
2022-10-18reviseTSMGMarc DuteauFixing missing metadata; up-349
2022-02-17 00:00:32+1100reviseVocabulary WGGrahame GrievePopulate Missing caseSensitive property; UP-286
2020-05-06reviseVocabulary WGTed KleinMigrated to the UTG maintenance environment and publishing tooling.