Consolidated CDA (C-CDA)
3.0.0 - STU3 United States of America flag

Consolidated CDA (C-CDA), published by Health Level Seven. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 3.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example Binary: Problem Observation with Post-Coordinated SNOMED Example

This content is an example of the Problem Observation Logical Model and is not a FHIR Resource

<observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN" xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" xmlns:xsi="">
  <!-- ** Problem Observation ** -->
  <templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883." extension="2024-05-01" />
  <id root="AB1791B0-5C71-11DB-B0DE-0800200C9A66" />
  <code code="64572001" displayName="Disease" 
                                    codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED CT">
    <translation code="75323-6" 
  <!-- The statusCode reflects the status of the observation itself -->
  <statusCode code="completed" />
    <!-- The low value reflects the date of onset -->
    <!-- Based on patient symptoms, presumed onset is July 3, 2013 -->
    <low value="20130703" />
    <!-- The high value reflects when the problem was known to be resolved -->
    <!-- Based on signs and symptoms, appears to be resolved on Aug 14, 2013 -->
    <high value="20080814" />
  <!-- Example of a problem you want on problem list, that is not present in SNOMED CT as a precoordinated concept - but would like on the problem list -->
	<value xsi:type="CD" code="281666001"
	   displayName="Family history of disorder">
	       <name code="246090004" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" displayName="Associated finding"/>
	       <value code="254167000" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" displayName="Bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma"/>
  <author typeCode="AUT">
    <templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883." />
    <time value="200808141030-0800" />
      <id extension="555555555" root="2.16.840.1.113883.4.6" />
      <code code="207QA0505X" 
        displayName="Adult Medicine Physician" 
        codeSystemName="Healthcare Provider Taxonomy (HIPAA)" />
      <addr use="H">
        <streetAddressLine>23 Anywhere Street</streetAddressLine>
        <city>El Paso</city>
      <telecom value="tel:(999)555-1212" use="WP" />
        <name>Joe Anywhere</name>