Guidance for FHIR IG Creation
0.1.0 - CI Build International flag

Guidance for FHIR IG Creation, published by HL7 International - FHIR Management Group. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Adding diagrams (PlantUml)

PlantUML diagrams can be added by:

  1. Creating the diagram source file
  2. Including the generated svg in the narrative pages

The following example shows how:

Createfilename.plantumlininput/images-sourcefolderInclude in markdownor embedded htmlOptionally ensure the textdoesn't wrap around the imageInclude the imagein the pageOptionallyadd a captionpagesyntax:markdownxhtml

Creating the diagram source

The source diagram is a file in the input/images-source folder. The extension must be .plantuml e.g. filename.plantuml. The IG Publisher will generate a file called filename.svg which can be used in the IG pages.

PlantUML has several diagram types and special features. Documentation and examples are abundant out there, so here are a few starting points:

Simple diagrams are easy to make but more advanced features can be added. Adding these features will normally require some local iterations. The best is to either

Here's another perspective on how PlantUML is used:

PlantUML usageAuthorPlantUMLstandaloneor in IDELocalRepoRemoteRepoRead about PlantUMLCheck PlantUML syntaxplantuml.comCreate diagram and pageCreate & previewAdd diagramAdd pagecommitLocal buildbuild &previewpushRemote buildbuild

Including diagrams in narrative


To include a diagram in a markdown page, after creating the diagram source, we can use a simple jekyll include tag:

{% include filename.svg %}

Where filename is the name of the file that contains the diagram source. Given the way markdown is processed, the text may end up wrapped around the diagram. To resolve this, we can add a <br clear="all"/> html tag after inserting the diagram.

<div>{% include filename.svg %}</div>
<br clear="all"/>

XHTML and markdown

A diagram can be added in an xhtml page by means of a jekyll include tag, possibly wrapped in a figure and with an opptional figure caption:

  {% include filename.svg %}
  <figcaption>Simple diagram</figcaption>

At the end, it may be simpler and safer to always include the svg as a html fragment inside the page - whether it's markdown or html.

  {% include filename.svg %}
  <figcaption>Example with styles and other features</figcaption>


PlantUML diagrams can use skins or themes, which define defaults for colors, fotns, diagram lines. To use this, there are several options:

  • Adding directives to apply predefined skins e.g. skin rose or skin BlueModern
    • The list of the abailable built-in skins is available from PlantUML itself, by using the help themes directive:
  • Adding SkinParams to configure specific aspects.
    • These SkinParams can be in reusable include files

Since June 2023, the FHIR IG base template uses the new PlantUML default theme. If you want to use the "old" PlantUML style, simply add skin rose to the beginning of the diagram.

Previous skin New skin


The most common issue will be issues with PlantUML syntax.

  • Sometimes the image will not be generated and an error image is going to be put in the place of the image, with some indication on the issue.
  • In some cases the build will stop with an error.

Debugging PlantUML can be done by iterating the diagram, suported by the tools indicated above.

IG Publisher PlantUML processing

For reference: when building the IG, the Publisher picks the plantuml diagram source, the page(s) that reference that diagram and creates the html pages:

How PlantUML is usedinside an ImplementationGuide plantuml<filename>.plantuml<filename>.svg<page>.html<page>.xml<page>.md1. Template picks .plantumlfiles from images-source3. PlantUMLtransformssource to svg4. Publisher and Jekyllput the page together2. SVG must bereferenced in xhtmlor markdown pages