This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Patient Administration icon Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeSecurity Category: Business Compartments: No defined compartments

Mappings for the Location resource (see Mappings to Other Standards for further information & status).

Location administrative.entity
    identifier FiveWs.identifier
    status FiveWs.status
    operationalStatus FiveWs.status
    mode FiveWs.class
    type FiveWs.class
    form FiveWs.class
Location ParticipantContactable
    identifier Participant.identifier
    status Participant.active
    name Participant.name
    address ParticipantContactable.address
Location .Role[classCode=SDLC]
    identifier .id
    status .statusCode
    operationalStatus n/a
    name .name
    alias .name
    description .playingEntity[classCode=PLC determinerCode=INSTANCE].desc
    mode .playingEntity[classCode=PLC].determinerCode
    type .code
    contact .telecom and .addr and other .role(relevant datatype properties mapped from role into extendedcontactdetail)
    address .addr
    form .playingEntity [classCode=PLC].code
    position .playingEntity [classCode=PLC determinerCode=INSTANCE].positionText
        longitude (RIM Opted not to map the sub-elements of GPS location, is now an OBS)
        latitude (RIM Opted not to map the sub-elements of GPS location, is now an OBS)
        altitude (RIM Opted not to map the sub-elements of GPS location, is now an OBS)
    managingOrganization .scopingEntity[classCode=ORG determinerKind=INSTANCE]
    partOf .inboundLink[typeCode=PART].source[classCode=SDLOC]
    characteristic .actrelationship[typeCode=PERT].observation
    hoursOfOperation .effectiveTime
    virtualService N/A
    endpoint n/a