This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Security icon Work Group  Maturity Level: 0 Trial Use Use Context: Any

Mappings for the provenance-relevant-history Profile (see Mappings to Other Standards for further information & status).

Provenance Event
   occurred[x] Event.occurrence
   location Event.location
   authorization Event.reason
   why Event.reason
   activity Event.code
   basedOn Event.basedOn
   patient Event.subject
   encounter Event.encounter
   agent Event.performer
      type Event.performer.function
      who Event.performer.actor
   agent Author Event.performer
      type Event.performer.function
      who Event.performer.actor
Provenance Entity, Role, or Act,ControlAct[isNormalAct() and subsumes(CACT, classCode) and moodCode=EVN]
   text Act.text?
   contained N/A
   extension N/A
   modifierExtension N/A
   target ./outboundRelationship[isNormalActRelationship() and typeCode=SUBJ]/target OR ./participation[isNormalParticipation() and typeCode=SBJ]/role OR ./participation[isNormalParticipation() and typeCode=SBJ]/role[isNormalRole()]/player
   occurred[x] ./effectiveTime[type=IVL_TS]
   recorded unique(./participation[isNormalParticipation() and typeCode=AUT]/time[type=TS])
   policy ./inboundRelationship[isNormalActRelationship() and typeCode="SUBJ"]/source[isNormalAct and subsumes(POLICY, classCode) and moodCode=EVN]/text[typeCode='ED'/tel
   location unique(./participation[isNormalParticipation() and typeCode=LOC]/role[isNormalRole() and subsumes(SDLOC, classCode)]/player[isNormalEntity and classCode="LOC" and determinerCode="INST"]
   authorization unique(./reasonCode)
   why unique(./reasonCode)
   activity Act.code
   basedOn Act.code
   patient participation[typeCode=RTGT]
   encounter Act.code
   agent ./participation[isNormalParticipation()] OR ./outboundRelationship[isNormalActRelationship() and typeCode='DRIV']
      id n/a
      extension n/a
      modifierExtension N/A
      type .role
      role .typecode
      who .id
      onBehalfOf Person, Practitioner, Organization, Device :* .role [classCode = RoleClassMutualRelationship; role.code and * .scopes[Role](classCode=IDENT) and *.plays [Role.Code]
   agent Author ./participation[isNormalParticipation()] OR ./outboundRelationship[isNormalActRelationship() and typeCode='DRIV']
      id n/a
      extension n/a
      modifierExtension N/A
      type .role
      role .typecode
      who .id
      onBehalfOf Person, Practitioner, Organization, Device :* .role [classCode = RoleClassMutualRelationship; role.code and * .scopes[Role](classCode=IDENT) and *.plays [Role.Code]
   entity ./subjectOf
      id n/a
      extension n/a
      modifierExtension N/A
      role ./typeCode
      what ./text/reference
      agent ./author/role
   signature ./signatureText

The provenance resource is based on known practices in the HL7 implementation space, particularly those found in the v2 EVN segment, the v3 ControlAct Wrapper, the CDA header, and IHE ATNA. The conceptual model underlying the design is the W3C provenance Specification icon. Though the content and format of the resource is designed to meet specific requirements for FHIR, all the parts of the resource are formally mapped to the PROV-O specification, and FHIR resources can be transformed to their W3C PROV equivalent.

Provenance Activity
   target Entity Created/Updated
   occurred[x] Activity.startTime & Activity.endTime
   location Activity.location
   why Activity.Activity
   activity Activity.Activity
   basedOn Activity.Activity
   patient Entity.Identity
   encounter Activity.Activity
   agent Agent
      type Agent.Attribution
   agent Author Agent
      type Agent.Attribution
   entity Entity
      role Entity.role
      what Entity.Identity
Provenance infrastructure.information
   target FiveWs.what[x]
   occurred[x] FiveWs.done[x]
   recorded FiveWs.recorded
   location FiveWs.where[x]
   authorization FiveWs.why[x]
   why FiveWs.why[x]
   activity FiveWs.why[x]
   basedOn FiveWs.why[x]
   patient FiveWs.subject[x]
   encounter FiveWs.context
   agent FiveWs.who
      who FiveWs.author, FiveWs.source, FiveWs.actor, FiveWs.cause, FiveWs.witness, FiveWs.who,FiveWs.who
   agent Author FiveWs.who
      who FiveWs.author, FiveWs.source, FiveWs.actor, FiveWs.cause, FiveWs.witness, FiveWs.who,FiveWs.who
   target AuditEvent.entity.reference
   recorded AuditEvent.recorded
   policy AuditEvent.agent.policy
   location AuditEvent.agent.location
   authorization AuditEvent.purposeOfEvent
   activity AuditEvent.code
   agent AuditEvent.agent
      type AuditEvent.agent.type
      role AuditEvent.agent.role
   agent Author AuditEvent.agent
      type AuditEvent.agent.type
      role AuditEvent.agent.role
   entity AuditEvent.entity
      role AuditEvent.entity.role
      what AuditEvent.entity.reference
      agent AuditEvent.entity.agent