This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Patient Administration icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 3 Trial UseSecurity Category: Business Compartments: No defined compartments

Detailed Descriptions for the elements in the Slot resource.

Element Id Slot

A slot of time on a schedule that may be available for booking appointments.

Short Display A slot of time on a schedule that may be available for booking appointments
Cardinality 0..*
Type DomainResource
Summary false
Element Id Slot.identifier

External Ids for this item.

Short Display External Ids for this item
Note This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion)
Cardinality 0..*
Type Identifier
Summary true
Element Id Slot.serviceCategory

A broad categorization of the service that is to be performed during this appointment.

Short Display A broad categorization of the service that is to be performed during this appointment
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding Service Category (Example)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true
Element Id Slot.serviceType

The type of appointments that can be booked into this slot (ideally this would be an identifiable service - which is at a location, rather than the location itself). If provided then this overrides the value provided on the Schedule resource.

Short Display The type of appointments that can be booked into this slot (ideally this would be an identifiable service - which is at a location, rather than the location itself). If provided then this overrides the value provided on the Schedule resource
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding Service Type (Example)
Type CodeableReference(HealthcareService)
Summary true
Element Id Slot.specialty

The specialty of a practitioner that would be required to perform the service requested in this appointment.

Short Display The specialty of a practitioner that would be required to perform the service requested in this appointment
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding Practice Setting Code Value Set (Preferred)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true
Element Id Slot.appointmentType

The style of appointment or patient that may be booked in the slot (not service type).

Short Display The style of appointment or patient that may be booked in the slot (not service type)
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding hl7VS-appointmentReasonCodes icon (Preferred)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true

A slot may be allow multiple appointment types, but when booked, would only be used for one of the given appointment types.

Element Id Slot.schedule

The schedule resource that this slot defines an interval of status information.

Short Display The schedule resource that this slot defines an interval of status information
Cardinality 1..1
Type Reference(Schedule)
Summary true
Element Id Slot.status

busy | free | busy-unavailable | busy-tentative | entered-in-error.

Short Display busy | free | busy-unavailable | busy-tentative | entered-in-error
Cardinality 1..1
Terminology Binding Slot Status (Required)
Type code
Summary true
Element Id Slot.start

Date/Time that the slot is to begin.

Short Display Date/Time that the slot is to begin
Cardinality 1..1
Type instant
Summary true
Element Id Slot.end

Date/Time that the slot is to conclude.

Short Display Date/Time that the slot is to conclude
Cardinality 1..1
Type instant
Summary true
Element Id Slot.overbooked

This slot has already been overbooked, appointments are unlikely to be accepted for this time.

Short Display This slot has already been overbooked, appointments are unlikely to be accepted for this time
Cardinality 0..1
Type boolean
Meaning if Missing If overbooked is missing, systems may assume that there are still appointments available
Summary false
Element Id Slot.comment

Comments on the slot to describe any extended information. Such as custom constraints on the slot.

Short Display Comments on the slot to describe any extended information. Such as custom constraints on the slot
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary false