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15.16.0 ProductShelfLife

Pharmacy icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 3Standards Status: Trial Use

The ProductShelfLife structure defines the timing and conditions associated with storing of a product or item. It can be used for shelf life of a packaged product itself, shelf life after transformation where necessary, or after the first opening of a bottle, etc.

Note: the ProductShelfLife structure allows modifier extensions.


NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. ProductShelfLife ΣD Element The shelf-life and storage information for a medicinal product item or container can be described using this class

Elements defined in Ancestors: id, extension, modifierExtension
... type Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept This describes the shelf life, taking into account various scenarios such as shelf life of the packaged Medicinal Product itself, shelf life after transformation where necessary and shelf life after the first opening of a bottle, etc. The shelf life type shall be specified using an appropriate controlled vocabulary The controlled term and the controlled term identifier shall be specified
... period[x] Σ 0..1 The shelf life time period can be specified using a numerical value for the period of time and its unit of time measurement The unit of measurement shall be specified in accordance with ISO 11240 and the resulting terminology The symbol and the symbol identifier shall be used
.... periodDuration Duration
.... periodString string
... specialPrecautionsForStorage Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Special precautions for storage, if any, can be specified using an appropriate controlled vocabulary The controlled term and the controlled term identifier shall be specified

doco Documentation for this format icon

Definition: XML | JSON


ProductShelfLife is used in the following places: DeviceDefinition and PackagedProductDefinition