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8.32 Pattern Product - Content

FHIR Infrastructure icon Maturity Level: 1 Informative

A pattern to be followed by resources that represent a product used in healthcare, for clinical or operational purposes.

This is NOT a resource. It is not part of the FHIR schema and cannot appear directly in FHIR instances. It is a logical model that defines a pattern adhered to by other resources. This pattern serves two purposes:

  • It offers guidance to work groups designing resources and helps ensure consistency of content created by different work groups
  • It provides a standard "view" that might be useful for implementers in processing and manipulating all resources that adhere to the same pattern. (Tooling that supports this may become available in a future release.)

A "Healthcare Product" represents any type of product, manufactured or not, regulated or not, that is used in healthcare, for clinical or operational purposes. The Product pattern provides an abstraction with the common characteristics of Healthcare Products.

Note to Implementers: The Product pattern is being developed. The committee is looking for feedback on this pattern as well as its applicability to the different product resources - Medication, Device, BiologicallyDerivedProduct, Substance, etc.

The Product pattern is instantiated in resources like Medication, Device, etc., and it is used in requesting a product (xxxRequest resources), or reporting a delivery or a usage (xxxUsage resources), or in a procedure.

This model represents a pattern. It provides a standard list of data elements with cardinalities, data types, definitions, rationale and usage notes that will ideally be adhered to by resources that fall into the "product" workflow category. However, adherence to this pattern is not mandatory. Not all healthcare domains are the same. Concepts that may be generally applicable (and thus are included in this standard pattern) might still not be relevant everywhere or may be sufficiently uncommon that they are more appropriate to include as extensions than as core properties of the resource. Work groups are encouraged to adjust descriptions, usage notes and rationale to be specific to their resource. As well, design notes in the comments column marked with [square brackets] identifies areas where domain variation is expected and encouraged. Other variation, including differences in names, cardinalities, data types and the decision to omit an element outright are also possible, but should be discussed with the FHIR Infrastructure work group's Workflow project to ensure the rationale for non-alignment is understood, to confirm that the deviation is necessary and to identify whether any adjustments to the pattern are appropriate.

This pattern provides a linkage to the W5 list of standard data elements. Resources that adhere to this pattern should ensure their w5 mappings are consistent, as is their data element ordering.

No references for this Pattern.


NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Product I Logical Product Pattern
... status ?!Σ 1..1 code active | inactive | entered-in-error
Binding: ProductStatus (Required)
... category Σ 0..* CodeableConcept A category or class of the product

... code Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept A code designating a specific type of product
... instance 0..1 BackboneElement One or several physical instances or occurrences of the product
.... quantity 0..1 SimpleQuantity The amount of items
.... identifier 0..* Identifier The identifier for the physical instance, typically a serial number

.... lotNumber 0..1 string The identification of the batch or lot of the product
.... expiry 0..1 dateTime The expiry date or date and time for the product
.... subject Σ 0..1 Reference(Patient | Group) Individual the product is associated with, or which has used the product
... note 0..* Annotation Comments made about the product

doco Documentation for this format icon


Alternate definitions: Master Definition XML + JSON.

Path ValueSet Type Documentation
Product.status ProductStatus Required

Codes identifying the lifecycle stage of a product.

Not all resources that follow the 'Product' pattern will necessarily include all of the above elements.


status category code manufacturer instance .quantity .identifier .lotNumber .expiry .subject note

Each non-grey cell contains a number, the number of elements and extensions (if > 0) mapped in the resource that are mapped to the pattern element in the column. If there are 0 elements and extensions, the number is not shown. In addition, the cell has a color and some character flags.


  • Grey: the resource has no element or extension for the pattern element
  • White: the resource has an element that implements the pattern element with the same name
  • Yellow: the resource has a documented extension that implements the pattern element with the same name
  • Blue: the resource has an element that implements the pattern element with a different name
  • Red: the resource has an element that implements that pattern element, but the type or cardinality does not match


  • E: pattern element implemented by an extension
  • N: pattern element implemented by an element with a different name
  • T: pattern element implemented by an element with a different type
  • C: pattern element implemented by an element with a different cardinality