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Pharmacy icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 4 Trial UseSecurity Category: Business Compartments: No defined compartments

Detailed Descriptions for the elements in the Medication resource.

Element Id Medication

This resource is primarily used for the identification and definition of a medication, including ingredients, for the purposes of prescribing, dispensing, and administering a medication as well as for making statements about medication use.

Short Display Definition of a Medication
Cardinality 0..*
Type DomainResource
Summary false
Element Id Medication.identifier

Business identifier for this medication.

Short Display Business identifier for this medication
Note This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion)
Cardinality 0..*
Type Identifier
Summary true

The serial number could be included as an identifier.

Element Id Medication.code

A code (or set of codes) that specify this medication, or a textual description. Usage note: This could be a standard medication code such as a code from RxNorm, SNOMED CT, IDMP etc. It could also be a national or local formulary code, optionally with translations to other code systems. The name of the medication can be conveyed in the code.text even if it is different from any of the coding displayName values.

Short Display Codes that identify this medication
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding SNOMED CT Medication Codes (Example)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true

Depending on the context of use, the code that was actually selected by the user (prescriber, dispenser, etc.) will have the coding.userSelected set to true. As described in the coding datatype: "A coding may be marked as a "userSelected" if a user selected the particular coded value in a user interface (e.g. the user selects an item in a pick-list). If a user selected coding exists, it is the preferred choice for performing translations etc. Other codes can only be literal translations to alternative code systems, or codes at a lower level of granularity (e.g. a generic code for a vendor-specific primary one).

Element Id Medication.status

A code to indicate if the medication is in active use.

Short Display active | inactive | entered-in-error
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Medication Status Codes (Required)
Type code
Is Modifier true (Reason: This element changes the interpretation of all descriptive attributes.)
Summary true

This status is intended to identify if the medication in a local system is in active use within a drug database or inventory. For example, a pharmacy system may create a new drug file record for a compounded product "ABC Hospital Special Cream" with an active status. At some point in the future, it may be determined that the drug record was created with an error and the status is changed to "entered in error". This status is not intended to specify if a medication is part of a particular formulary. It is possible that the drug record may be referenced by multiple formularies or catalogues and each of those entries would have a separate status.

Element Id Medication.marketingAuthorizationHolder

The company or other legal entity that has authorization, from the appropriate drug regulatory authority, to market a medicine in one or more jurisdictions. Typically abbreviated MAH.Note: The MAH may manufacture the product and may also contract the manufacturing of the product to one or more companies (organizations).

Short Display Organization that has authorization to market medication
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Organization)
Summary true
Element Id Medication.doseForm

Describes the form of the item. Powder; tablets; capsule.

Short Display powder | tablets | capsule +
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding SNOMED CT Form Codes (Example)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary false

When Medication is referenced from MedicationRequest, this is the ordered form. When Medication is referenced within MedicationDispense, this is the dispensed form. When Medication is referenced within MedicationAdministration, this is administered form.

Element Id Medication.totalVolume

When the specified product code does not infer a package size, this is the specific amount of drug in the product. For example, when specifying a product that has the same strength (For example, Insulin glargine 100 unit per mL solution for injection), this attribute provides additional clarification of the package amount (For example, 3 mL, 10mL, etc.).

Short Display When the specified product code does not infer a package size, this is the specific amount of drug in the product
Cardinality 0..1
Type Quantity
Summary true
Element Id Medication.ingredient

Identifies a particular constituent of interest in the product.

Short Display Active or inactive ingredient
Cardinality 0..*
Summary false

The ingredients need not be a complete list. If an ingredient is not specified, this does not indicate whether an ingredient is present or absent. If an ingredient is specified it does not mean that all ingredients are specified. It is possible to specify both inactive and active ingredients.

Element Id Medication.ingredient.item

The ingredient (substance or medication) that the ingredient.strength relates to. This is represented as a concept from a code system or described in another resource (Substance or Medication).

Short Display The ingredient (substance or medication) that the ingredient.strength relates to
Cardinality 1..1
Terminology Binding SNOMED CT Medication Codes (Example)
Type CodeableReference(Substance | Medication)

The ingredient may reference a substance (for example, amoxicillin) or another medication (for example in the case of a compounded product, Glaxal Base).

Summary false
Element Id Medication.ingredient.isActive

Indication of whether this ingredient affects the therapeutic action of the drug.

Short Display Active ingredient indicator
Cardinality 0..1
Type boolean

True indicates that the ingredient affects the therapeutic action of the drug (i.e. active). False indicates that the ingredient does not affect the therapeutic action of the drug (i.e. inactive).

Summary false
Element Id Medication.ingredient.strength[x]

Specifies how many (or how much) of the items there are in this Medication. For example, 250 mg per tablet. This is expressed as a ratio where the numerator is 250mg and the denominator is 1 tablet but can also be expressed a quantity when the denominator is assumed to be 1 tablet.

Short Display Quantity of ingredient present
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Medication Ingredient Strength Codes (Preferred)
Type Ratio|CodeableConcept|Quantity
[x] Note See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x]
Summary false
Element Id Medication.batch

Information that only applies to packages (not products).

Short Display Details about packaged medications
Cardinality 0..1
Summary false
Element Id Medication.batch.lotNumber

The assigned lot number of a batch of the specified product.

Short Display Identifier assigned to batch
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary false
Element Id Medication.batch.expirationDate

When this specific batch of product will expire.

Short Display When batch will expire
Cardinality 0..1
Type dateTime
Summary false
Element Id Medication.definition

A reference to a knowledge resource that provides more information about this medication. This element can be used to help with Cross Border use cases and separately it may also be useful if someone needs to drill into more medication specific information.

Short Display Knowledge about this medication
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(MedicationKnowledge)
Summary false