This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions
FHIR Infrastructure ![]() | Maturity Level: 0 (Draft) | Standards Status: Trial Use |
The FHIR Specification includes a mapping language. The mapping language has a concrete syntax, defined and described in this page, and an abstract syntax, which is found in the StructureMap resource. See also the Tutorial.
The mapping language describes how one set of Directed Acyclic Graphs (an instance) is transformed to another set of directed acyclic graphs. It is not necessary for the instances to have formal declarations and/or be strongly typed - just that they have named children that themselves have properties. On the other hand, when the instances are strongly typed - specifically, when they have formal definitions that are represented as Structure Definitions, the mapping language can use additional type related features.
Note that while the mapping language applies to directed acyclic graphs that allow for poly-hierarchies, most of the contexts of use are strict mono-hierarchies (a.k.a trees), including the types defined as part of the FHIR specification.
The mapping language addresses two very different kinds of transformations:
A map has 7 parts:
The Mapping Language and the StructureMap
resource are built
on top of FHIRPath, and a FHIRPath implementation is required in order to
execute a StructureMap.
Maps are executed by a mapping engine. This takes one or more inputs of instances (directed acyclic graphs) and a map, and produces a set of outputs as specified by the map. The exact details of the form that the instances take are a matter for the map engine / application API. This language assumes that the engine can query an element in the instance for its children, its primitive value, and (optionally) its type. The language also assumes that the engine has application support for the following operations:
These functions constitute a Mapping Support API that makes maps portable between different systems
Generally, it is assumed the invocation of the engine follows some pattern like this:
Some host applications may be able to determine how to combine maps and inputs on the fly based on their metadata, and require minimal configuration, while others may require manual arrangements in order to manage the map execution process.
Mapping files are always plain text in Unicode. Whitespace is any Unicode whitespace, and the particular whitespace used is not significant, except that Unicode end of line characters terminate a comment. Comments are started by the characters "//" and can be found anywhere.
The abstract model includes documentation for each item. The canonical text representation is for each item to be on its own line, with documentation at the end of the line as a comment.
All names defined by the map language - group, rule and variable names - must be valid
ids (1-64 characters, upper and lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and dots).
To avoid parsing ambiguities however, they SHALL start with a character, cannot be one of the keywords used
in the language (see section Reserved Keywords below) and cannot contain a dot or dash.
These id values SHALL NOT be surrounded with backticks.
The names of context elements (source.context
and target.context
) are not constrained
to simple names in the same way since they come from the source and target data models, and these may be
surrounded with backticks.
src document4 `not-found` `section4.5` `group`
The media type for the FHIR Mapping language is text/fhir-mapping
Note that in order to conform to RFC 6657 ,
parameter SHALL be appended.
The first part of a mapping file defines the metadata about the map
using the metadata from the StructureMap resource. Metadata is defined using the
syntax /// name{.property}* = {value}
and may cover multiple lines of markdownExamples:
/// url = '' /// name = 'CodeSystemR3R4' /// title = 'R3 to R4 Conversions for CodeSystem' /// experimental = true /// status = 'active' /// jurisdiction = /// jurisdiction.coding = /// jurisdiction.coding.system = 'urn:iso:std:iso:3166' /// jurisdiction.coding.code = 'AQ' /// description = """ You should use my *awesome* map. It does really cool things. """
Values for url
and name
SHALL be provided.
If no value is provided for status
, then the status "draft" is assumed.
The next optional section of the map references the set of structure definitions that are used or produced by this map. For example:
uses "" alias CodeSystemR3 as source // documentation uses "" as target // documentation
This section lists one or more structure definitions that the map makes use of, and indicates for each structure definition, how it is used. It may also provide an alias - a name used for the type inside the mapping language - this may be necessary when transforming from source to target where both source and target use overlapping type names (not unusual). If no alias is given, the name for the type will default to the name given in the StructureDefinition (
Any kind of structure definition may be referenced, including datatypes, resources, constraints on those, and logical models.
There are 4 modes in which a structure definition may be used:
The simplest case, which is common, is where a single structure is converted to another single structure. in this case, the map specifies one target, and one source. Such maps are easy to use automatically - the host application has content in one format, creates an empty instance of the target, and asks the mapping engine to convert.
However, many mappings are not so simple. For instance, converting from a single CDA document to FHIR typically creates a set of resources. In this case, there is a single target - a Bundle, but it is also useful to specify a set of other structure definitions for resources that may be created as part of the bundle. Alternatively, converting from one source model to another might involve looking up other information in other instances of data.
It's also possible for a map not to specify any structure definition dependencies. A map that doesn't indicate any structure definitions can still be used, but the type features of the map language can't be used, and such maps typically require special development to integrate the execution of the map into an application.
This next optional section references additional maps that are used by this map. For example:
imports "*3to4" // documentation
Maps can be broken up into several files, each containing a coherent set of groups. For example, when writing mappings for CDA to FHIR, one might have one file to map the main document, and another file containing the mappings for the datatypes (e.g. CD to CodeableConcept). How imported maps are actually used is discussed below.
The url in the import statement may contain a "*" as a wildcard character (as shown above) to include any matching maps that are available to the mapping engine.
The map may define any number of constant values that may be re-used through out the rules that follow. Each constant has the following grammar:
let [name] = [fhirpath expression];
This defines a reusable variable that has the same value across all the maps. The value of the variable is a FHIRPath
expression terminated by the separator ';'
(for syntactical simplicity, and so non-FHIRPath aware parsers
can parse the syntax). Some rules that apply to the constant declarations:
let name = 'example';
Each map contains one or more groups, each optionally containing one or more mapping rules. Each group declares a set of input and output variables that are shared by the rules. The in- and output variables define exactly which instances are passed to the mapping, and provides names by which they may be passed when invoking the map:
group [group-name] (inputs) (extends [other-group]) (<<stereotype>>) { // documentation .. rules .. }For example:
group CodeSystem(source src : CodeSystemR3, target tgt : CodeSystem) extends DomainResource <<type+>> { // documentation .. rules .. }
Each group has a name, which is how the mapping is invoked. The first group is special, in that this is the group invoked if no name is provided (e.g. starting the mapping by a host application).
The inputs of a group are also referred to (below) as its input parameters, or just as parameters; or as input variables, and are a comma-separated list where each items has the format:
[mode] [name]( : [type])
Each input to the group has a name. All input variables have a mode, which may be one of source or target (see above). Inputs may have a type, but are not required to. There must be at least two input variables (source and target) - else there's nothing to map, except for the special case of the first group that may only have a single input. Groups may have additional input or output inputs, where that's necessary.
Groups may extend other groups, which means that the rules in the other group also apply (typically, this is used with specializing classes in an OO context). When a group extends another group, it SHALL have the same input parameters (by mode, name, and type if specified) though their order may differ, and it MAY have additional parameters.
The stereotypes <<types>> or <<type+>> can be added to the end of the group declaration to indicate that this group provides a set of mappings that are intended to be used as the default way to map from source to target. For more information, see the section on "Default mapping groups" below.
Default mapping groups SHALL have two parameters, a source, and a target, in that order, and both SHALL have specified types for the inputs.
The main portion of a map consists of a set of transform rules that describe how source content is transformed into target content. The full format for a rule looks like this:
src_context.field as new_variable where (condition) -> tgt_context.field = create([type]) as new_variable then [details] "name";For example:
src.value : code as vs0 -> tgt.value = create("code") as vt0 then code(vs0, vt0) "valueCode";
Each rule has three main parts:
Each rule may be assigned a name, though this is usually inferred by the parser and not specified directly. The name is used in trace logs (a record generated by the conversion engine recording the transform process). Names must be unique within the context of the map. Typically, the name is trivial and can be safely and usefully generated by the engine processing the map, so this is often left out.
The three main parts are described in more detail in the following sections.
Rules may be applied in any order. In other words, the order is implementation-defined. Mappings should take care to ensure that either:
and last
keywords to help manage orderThe source content is formed by one or more source statements, which can be assigned a variable name and then be used when specifying target content, or re-used in subsequent transforms and dependent rules. Multiple source statement are separated by a comma:
[source], [source] -> ...
Each [source] contains the following items:
context.element {: type} {min..max} {default ([value])} { list-option } as variable where ([FHIRPath]) check ([FHIRPath])
For example:
src.value : integer 0..* default (10) first as vs0 where (value >= 10) check (value <= 100) log (value)
The context is an identifier which is either declared as a source for the map or as a source parameter or any named variable within the group in which this rule is nested.
The element is an (optional) name of a child element of the context. If the name is not provided, the source is the context. If it is provided, the rule will apply once for each element on the context that matches this name.
If there are multiple source statements, the rule applies for the permutation of the source elements from each source statement. E.g. if there are 2 source statements, each with 2 matching elements, the rule applies 4 times, one for each combination. Typically, if there is more than one source statement, only one of the elements would repeat. If any of the source data elements have no value, then the rule never applies; only existing permutations are executed: for multiple source statements, all of them need to match.
The where
, check
and log
statements are executed in order; where
first of all filters
the full source list, then check
checks that what passed the filter meets the author's expectations, and finally
writes what has passed the checks to the application log. Note that the aliases are mapped prior to
running these FHIRPath statements, so that the individual items being transformed can be tested or logged correctly.
Given this mapping statement:
for src.row as row, row.firstName as firstName
applied to this source:
"row" : [{ "firstName" : "John" },{ "firstName" : "Peter" }]
Will result in the the rule firing 4 times: row #1 & "John", row #2 & "Peter", row #2 & "John", and row #1 & "Peter". This somewhat contrived example shows how the iteration works; it's unlikely that this combination of source statements would be useful. The same mapping statement with this data:
"row" : [{ "family" : "John" },{ "family" : "Peter" }]
Because there's no firstName values, the rule will never fire.
Once the source content is evaluated, the engine performing the evaluation has a list of elements assigned to variables. For each time the rule is applied, each of the variables contains a single value. These variables are now mapped into the target structures in the target transformation.
To avoid potential parsing ambiguities, all embedded FHIRPath expressions within the mapping language (where conditions, check conditions, log statements, default values) MUST be surrounded by a set of parentheses: "([FHIRPath])".
Each source can include a log statement:
log ([expression])
Where expression is a FHIRPath statement. e.g.
log ('not handled yet')
Puts a plain string in the log file. Alternatively, the log statement can contain FHIRPath:
log (src.field)
Log statements are often used to note that some particular source element is not yet mapped.
Note that the log statement is equivalent to the trace() function in FHIRPath
and the output usually ends up in the same place.
Each rule specifies zero or more target transformation statements, which specify how source content is used to create target content. These target statements can also be assigned to variables that can be used in subsequent transform rules. If no targets are specified (no ->), no transformation is done and there are no created targets, just newly defined source variables, which can then be used in subsequent dependent rules. Multiple target statements are separated by a comma, like this:
... -> [target], [target] then...
Each [target] contains the following items:
context.element = transform_code(parameters...) as variable {list_modes}
For example:
context.element = copy(parameter, ...) as vt1 first
The context is an identifier which is either declared as a target for the map, a target parameter or any named variable within the group (including the variables from the source content) in which this rule is nested.
The element is the name of a child element that is valid in the context. The created value will be placed into the named element
The element may be further qualified by a subElement (recursively to any further depth). src.c.p as p ...
is semantically
equivalent to src.c as t then { t.p as p ... }
though t is never made explicit in the case of subElements and cannot be referred to
Transform statements may just contain an invocation of a transform function. In this case, a variable must be defined, and the created value is available in the variable for use in subsequent transformations.
Each time the rule is applied, the engine determines the value from the transforms, considers the list mode, if required and creates that specified content in the target instance. Within a target transform, the target statements are processed in order, so that a transform statement may refer to a variable defined by a prior transform statement.
The following list specifies that transforms that can be specified. Each transform takes one or more parameters:
Name | Parameters | Documentation | FHIRPath equivalent |
create | type | use the standard API to create a new instance of data. Where structure definitions have been provided, the type parameter must be a string which is a known type of a root element. Where they haven't, the application must know the name somehow | n/a |
copy | source | simply copy the source to the target as is (only allowed when the types in source and target match- typically for primitive types). In the concrete syntax, this is simply represented as the source variable, e.g. src.a = tgt.b | n/a |
truncate | source, length | source must be some stringy type that has some meaningful length property | substring ![]() |
escape | source, format1, format2 | Change the internal escaping of a string element. Note: this is not often needed, as mostly the escaping is done on the base format | n/a |
cast | source, type? | cast source from one type to another. target type can be left as implicit if there is one and only one target type known. . The default namespace for the type is 'FHIR' (see FHIRPath type specifiers ![]() |
n/a |
append | source... | source is element or string - just append them all together | & (String concatenation) ![]() |
translate | source, map_uri, output | use the translate operation. The source is some type of code or coded datatype, and the source and map_uri are passed to the translate operation. The output determines what value from the translate operation is used for the result of the operation (code, system, display, Coding, or CodeableConcept) | %terminologies.translate() |
reference | source | return a string that references the provided tree properly | n/a |
dateOp | ?? | Perform a date operation. Parameters to be documented | n/a |
uuid | n/a | Generate a random UUID (in lowercase). No Parameters | n/a |
pointer | resource | Return the appropriate string to put in a Reference that refers to the resource provided as a parameter | related to resolve() |
translate | (varies)) | translate(source, uri_of_map) - use the translate operation | n/a |
evaluate | resource | Execute the supplied FHIRPath expression and use the value returned by that. The 2nd parameter - FHIRPath expression - is evaluated in the context of the first parameter, and the result used as the value. If the outcome of the evaluation of the FHIRPath expression is an empty collection, no element is created in the target. If the outcome has a single value, the target is created with that value. If the outcome has more than one value, and the element is repeating, a separate target instance will be created for each value. If there is more than one value and the element is non-repeating this is treated as an error. In the concrete syntax, there is a short hand for this operation, by supplying () around the parameter. In this case, there is no explicit context for the FHIRPath expression, and any context is implicit through references to existing variables such as $this. |
n/a |
cc | (text) or (system. Code[, display]) | Create a CodeableConcept from the parameters provided | %factory.CodeableConcept()"> |
c | system. Code[, display] | Create a Coding from the parameters provided | %factory.Coding()"> |
qty | (text) or (value, unit, [system, code]) | Create a quantity. Parameters = (text) or (value, unit, [system, code]) where text =s the natural representation e.g. [comparator]value[space]unit | %factory.Quantity()"> |
id | system, value[, type] | Create an identifier. where type is a code from the identifier type value set | %factory.Identifier()"> |
cp | (value) or (system, value) | Create a contact detail. If no system is provided, the system should be inferred from the content of the value | %factory.ContactPoint()"> |
TODO: explain how optional parameters work with transforms (append only?), document list mode
The underlying type systems for source and target MAY define required implicit conversions, especially around how primitive values are handled and represented as strings (often required implicitly when executing the mapping rules).
As an example, see the FHIRPath specification implicit type conversions ,
which applies to source and/or target if they are resources (or content described by FHIR logical models).
In some cases, the transform statements will cause the automatic creation of objects in the target content. If the target model describes a choice of types for the automatically constructed object, then the engine raises an error. In such cases, an explicit create should be used:
tgt.aa = create("x") as t_aa...
Once the source elements are evaluated, and any specified targets created, the engine has a set of variables that represent source and target contexts in which further mapping may occur. The set of variables includes those provided to the group that contains the rule, and those created by the application of the rule. For some created elements that are primitive types, that's the end of the road - there's nothing more to do with them. But if either or both the source and target types are complex, there are usually additional mapping rules that need to apply to the newly created variables.
Dependent rules specify what additional rules are evaluated when the rule is complete:
.. then { .. other rules... }
When a rule contains other rules, the variables from the containing rules are all available to the contained rules. Alternatively, a rule can nominate other groups of rules from the same or an imported mapping. Each group is listed by name, and then a set of parameters are provided.
.. then group(param, param)
The parameters provided must match the parameters required by the dependent group, in order. In addition, the mode of the variable must match - inputs that are targets must be target variables. Note, though, that target variables can be treated as source for a group.
Multiple groups may be specified, each separated by a comma. The last group invocation of the rule may be followed by a set of dependent rules. Dependent rules are evaluated after all nominated groups have been invoked.
Groups are resolved by name by looking through all the groups in all the available maps referenced by the uses (see above) statements. The name must be unique within the scope of these maps.
If no dependent rules are specified, and if the is only one source and target, and they both specify a variable, the rule can be written in an abbreviated form:
src.element -> tgt.element;
This is implicitly the same as
src.element as vvs -> tgt.element = create('type') as vvt then defaultMappingGroup(vvs, vvt)
Where the name of the type given as a parameter to 'create' and the group invoked by the 'then' are determined by the context of src.element and tgt.element and the selected default mapping group, as documented in the next section. Note that default mapping groups are only invoked when no dependent rules or explicit group invocations are specified.
This simple form is sometimes known as the identity transform, though strictly, the types of the source and the target may be different (e.g. different FHIR versions), but have the same properties and value domains. The simple transform (copy all properties as is recursively following the types) is sufficiently common that there's an even shorter form defined:
src -> tgt: type, subtype, action, recorded;
This syntax is allowed as the first entry in the rules section, and is a purely syntactic short-cut for the longer form:
src.type -> tgt.type; src.subtype -> tgt.subtype; src.action -> tgt.action; src.recorded -> tgt.recorded;
The primary attraction of this shorter form is that it allows the reader to focus on the parts of the transform that involve change, which is attractive in version to version changes where there is changes on only a few elements.
It is not necessary to explicitly invoke groups for each mapping. Instead groups can be declared to be the "default" mapping for a given source and target type. Groups acting as defaults have either <<types>> or <<type+>> in their declaration.
Groups marked with types
are used by default when the engine encounters a mapping with a source and target type where the types match the source and target type of the group. Of course, there can be only one such group for each combination of source and target type for the engine to unambiguously determine which default group to invoke.
In addition to the above use, groups may be marked with type+
. They will act like a default mapping group, just like type+
group will be used as the default as long as the source type of the instance to map matches the source type of the group. Even so, the target will then always be taken to be the target type of the group.
The formal grammar for the mapping language, specified using ANTLR, can be found here.
Note that this grammar uses FHIRPath as an embedded syntax. Full details on FHIRPath and its grammar can be found here .
This is the list of reserved keywords, which cannot be used as identifiers and names for variables, unless escaped.
map uses as alias imports group extends default where check log then true false types type first not_first last not_last only_one share single source target queried produced conceptMap prefix