13.1.13 beneficiary Parameter beneficiary :reference
Resource | Coverage |
Expression |
Coverage.beneficiary |
Processing Mode |
Normal |
Target Resources |
Patient |
Multiples |
- multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
- multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
| |
13.1.14 class-type Parameter class-type :token
Coverage class (e.g. plan, group)
Resource | Coverage |
Expression |
Coverage.class.type |
Processing Mode |
Normal |
Multiples |
- multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
- multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
| |
13.1.15 class-value Parameter class-value :token
Value of the class (e.g. Plan number, group number)
Resource | Coverage |
Expression |
Coverage.class.value |
Processing Mode |
Normal |
Multiples |
- multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
- multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
| |
13.1.16 dependent Parameter dependent :string
Resource | Coverage |
Expression |
Coverage.dependent |
Processing Mode |
Normal |
Multiples |
- multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
- multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
| |
This search parameter is part of the common search parameter clinical-identifier |
13.1.17 identifier Parameter identifier :token
Coverage: The primary identifier of the insured and the coverage
Resource | Coverage |
Expression |
Coverage.identifier |
Processing Mode |
Normal |
Multiples |
- multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
- multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
| |
13.1.18 insurer Parameter insurer :reference
The identity of the insurer
Resource | Coverage |
Expression |
Coverage.insurer |
Processing Mode |
Normal |
Target Resources |
Organization |
Multiples |
- multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
- multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
| |
This search parameter is part of the common search parameter clinical-patient |
13.1.19 patient Parameter patient :reference
Coverage: Retrieve coverages for a patient
Resource | Coverage |
Expression |
Coverage.beneficiary |
Processing Mode |
Normal |
Target Resources |
Patient |
Multiples |
- multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
- multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
| |
13.1.20 paymentby-party Parameter paymentby-party :reference
Parties who will pay for services
Resource | Coverage |
Expression | |
Processing Mode |
Normal |
Target Resources |
Organization, RelatedPerson, Patient |
Multiples |
- multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
- multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
| |
13.1.21 policy-holder Parameter policy-holder :reference
Reference to the policyholder
Resource | Coverage |
Expression |
Coverage.policyHolder |
Processing Mode |
Normal |
Target Resources |
Organization, RelatedPerson, Patient |
Multiples |
- multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
- multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
| |
13.1.22 status Parameter status :token
The status of the Coverage
Resource | Coverage |
Expression |
Coverage.status |
Processing Mode |
Normal |
Multiples |
- multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
- multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
| |
13.1.23 subscriber Parameter subscriber :reference
Reference to the subscriber
Resource | Coverage |
Expression |
Coverage.subscriber |
Processing Mode |
Normal |
Target Resources |
RelatedPerson, Patient |
Multiples |
- multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
- multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
| |
13.1.24 subscriberid Parameter subscriberid :token
Identifier of the subscriber
Resource | Coverage |
Expression |
Coverage.subscriberId |
Processing Mode |
Normal |
Multiples |
- multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
- multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
| |
This search parameter is part of the common search parameter clinical-type |
13.1.25 type Parameter type :token
Coverage: The kind of coverage (health plan, auto, Workers Compensation)
Resource | Coverage |
Expression |
Coverage.type |
Processing Mode |
Normal |
Multiples |
- multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
- multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true